The Jerusalem Post

Liberman, Olmert, Roseanne highlight ‘Post’ NY conference


Expect fireworks Sunday in New York when a former Israeli prime minister, six members of Israel’s current government, a red-hot TV personalit­y and a former Trump administra­tion official gather on one stage at The Jerusalem Post Conference at the Marriott Hotel.

Speaking at the seventh annual conference taking place at The Marriott Times Square Hotel will be Ministers Avigdor Liberman, Gilad Erdan, Gila Gamliel, Yoav Gallant, Tzachi Hanegbi and Israel Katz, along with former prime minister Ehud Olmert, in his first public appearance in the US since returning to public life, comedienne Roseanne Barr, whose reboot of her muchloved TV series is the hit of the year, and outspoken former Trump senior aide Anthony Scaramucci.

The annual Jerusalem Post Conference has become a much-anticipate­d tradition that brings together senior Israeli and American officials and personalit­ies before an audience of 1,500 American supporters of Israel.

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder is serving as the conference president and will open up the proceeding­s Sunday morning, New York time. Other featured speakers include US Sens. Ben Cardin and Lindsey Graham, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, former IDF chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi and former education minister Gideon Sa’ar.

“The State of Israel couldn’t have come into being without American Jewry, and their influence and support of Israel is still significan­t,” said Ronit Hasin-Hochman, the CEO of The Jerusalem Post Group. “The Jerusalem Post has been Israel’s leading media channel for the Jews of the Diaspora since the founding of the state and well before. It’s natural that our conference will take place in the heart

of New York, with the participat­ion of so many of Israel’s leaders, including people who have contribute­d to the security and strength of the country for years.” The day-long conference will be streamed live on beginning at 4 p.m. Israel time. •

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