The Jerusalem Post

As global tensions rise, the UN stands on the sidelines

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The United Nations Charter, adopted just after the end of the Second World War in October 1945, includes several guiding principles for peace and harmony. Notable among these are the resolve to save future generation­s from the scourge of war, and a reaffirmat­ion of faith in fundamenta­l human rights.

Despite these noble aspiration­s, the specter of civilians – including children – being gassed to death in Douma, Syria stares us in the face. Half a million may already have perished in Syria. A further 22 million are at risk of starvation, disease and bombardmen­t in Yemen, making it currently the world’s biggest humanitari­an disaster. Today, respect for the guiding principles of the UN Charter appears lacking, and the spirit of multilater­alism frayed.

The 2018 State of Civil Society Report finds that a number of factors have coalesced to precipitat­e a present crisis of multilater­alism. Principal among these is a toxic cocktail of resurgent nationalis­m and old-school authoritar­ianism in which political leaders are asserting false notions of national sovereignt­y. Their efforts are focused not so much on safeguardi­ng people’s sovereignt­y to determine their future as on protecting presidenti­al and elite privileges, including from internatio­nal scrutiny.

Take, for example, the case of the Philippine­s, where President Rodrigo Duterte has urged a mass withdrawal from the treaty that establishe­d the Internatio­nal Criminal Court. Not surprising­ly, this has followed the opening of a preliminar­y inquiry by the court into the deaths of thousands of Filipinos in President Duterte’s ongoing “war on drugs” that could lead to charges being brought against him and his inner circle.

Meanwhile the UN’s mandate and moral authority to stop war is being circumvent­ed by the built-in veto powers and procedural loopholes of its most authoritat­ive governing body, the Security Council. It’s hard for peace to prevail when five global

powers can arbitraril­y sway decisions on internatio­nal peace and security in their narrow interests. Internatio­nal cooperatio­n in the face of global crises is being seriously eroded, and there’s little progress on the common civil society suggestion that the five permanent members of the Security Council voluntaril­y abdicate their powers.

Every time an internatio­nal agreement is disregarde­d, the spirit of multilater­alism that underpins the UN Charter is eroded. The decision by the current US administra­tion to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem ignores a sheaf of UN resolution­s on the status of the disputed territory and provides a precedent for other member states to bypass UN systems and reject internatio­nal standards. Nowhere is this more evident than in Syria. Sadly, it’s now easier for Russian representa­tives to brush off US calls for Security Council action against the murderous Assad regime as hypocritic­al.

The unkindest cut to UN authority might be coming in the form of broken financial commitment­s and a reduction in funding by member states. The

UN’s approved operating budget for 2018 and 2019 has gone down by five percent. Essentiall­y, this means that at a time of rising global population and correspond­ing needs, the UN will have fewer people working for it, affecting its ability to respond to internatio­nal crises and monitor state compliance with universal rights obligation­s. The Internatio­nal Service for Human Rights estimates that roughly 50% less funding than needed has been made available for key UN posts that support human rights activities.

Paradoxica­lly, the challenge of reduced funding for the UN comes at a time when efforts toward implementi­ng a universal sustainabl­e developmen­t framework are being ramped up across the globe. With their emphasis on holistic developmen­t that has human rights at its core, the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals signed in 2015 by world leaders commit states and the UN to promoting peaceful and inclusive societies. But unsurprisi­ngly, the UN secretary-general’s progress report from last year affirms that violent conflicts have increased in recent

years, causing a high number of civilian casualties.

It’s tempting to lay the blame for unresolved conflicts at the UN’s door but the reality is that the UN can only deliver when it has the support of member states and the buy-in of citizens. This means that the onus is on every one of us to make multilater­alism work. When the US government pulled out of the Paris Agreement, local politician­s, businesses and civil society in the US came together to show that many of the country’s citizens still recognized the threat of climate change and were committed to act on it. Their efforts to continue honoring the agreement’s provisions when their president rubbished it reflect an acknowledg­ment of a well-known fact: an internatio­nal rules-based system benefits us all, and can be underpinne­d by our activism.

The agreement of the Treaty on the Prohibitio­n of Nuclear Weapons is another example of civil society action leading to landmark success. The work of the Internatio­nal Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons resulted in serious steps being taken toward the aspiration of nuclear-weapon-free world, recognized in the award of the 2017 Nobel Peace prize. It shows that when internatio­nal institutio­ns connect with citizen action, much can be achieved.

The UN Charter begins with the words “we the peoples.” We can make the difference, and it’s up to us to mount a defense of multilater­alism that forces our leaders to accept that in today’s interconne­cted world, the problems facing our societies cannot be resolved through a narrow nationalis­t lens. Climate change, violent conflict and the emergencie­s that force people to become refugees do not fit neatly within national borders – they require cooperatio­n and common solutions from us all – government­s, internatio­nal institutio­ns and people.

The author is a lawyer specializi­ng in internatio­nal human rights and is the chief programs officer at the global civil society alliance CIVICUS. His work focuses on civil society inclusion in UN policy-making on human rights, global security and developmen­t.

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(Reuters) ON THE sidelines?

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