The Jerusalem Post

Ms. Portman again


In response to Seth J. Frantzman’s long comments regarding Natalie Portman and the Genesis Prize (“Power, politics and the Natalie Portman Rorschach test,” Analysis, April 23), I am surprised that Ms. Portman was offered this prestigiou­s accolade. What has she achieved to warrant getting this? A few mediocre films?

I am also surprised that her naïve motives for rejecting this are taken so seriously.

In my opinion, the fact that she was born in Israel certainly does not excuse her inability to see the forest for the trees. She has spent most of her life as an American Jewess who most probably voted for Hillary Clinton – of course she would not like either the Likud or Benjamin Netanyahu! But to refuse an Israeli award by pretending she does not endorse Mr. Netanyahu is insulting and ungrateful.

I totally disagree with Mr. Frantzman. Ms. Portman does not deserve to be listened to. Although she discounts it, she has definitely fallen for the floriferou­s Hamas propaganda that is based on fallacies. Stop giving her a platform. EDNA ANZARUT-TURNER


Hen Mazzig (“Open letter to Natalie Portman from an Israeli progressiv­e,” Comment & Features, April 23) correctly defines the reasons why the way her non-acceptance of this prestigiou­s award has been interprete­d and latched onto by others as outright criticism of Israel, and not just certain political policies and individual­s.

I would, however, not appear to be chasing her to change her mind, as she has clearly made her decision. Now she and we must live with it. Perhaps it will be a learning curve, as “for every action, there is a reaction.” Such is life. STEPHEN VISHNICK

Tel Aviv Kol hakavod to Hen Mazzig for his open letter to Natalie Portman. Very impressive! He said it all. DENISE DUVAL Jerusalem

Kudos to Hen Mazzig for his important article. I would just like to add some more thoughts.

Natalie Portman should by now have realized that words have impact. They are like feathers: Once released, they cannot be returned.

Where are her words praising Israel’s medical care for wounded Syrian refugees or establishi­ng successful field hospitals for disaster-torn countries or caring for ill family members of our enemies? These acts of Israeli humanity do not often reach the news outlets of America and the world. ANN ROSMAN Jerusalem I want to commend Hen Mazzig for his words. I am an English teacher living and teaching in Gush Etzion, and although he and I might not see eye to eye on several topics, I am thankful to be living in a place that allows us to express our divergent opinions.

Natalie Portman missed that message and I applaud Mr. Mazzig for reminding her. I wish him health and continued success in expressing his views in our beautiful country. KAREN GUTH Efrat

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