The Jerusalem Post



families of the victims who suffered a tremendous loss.”

The Education Ministry said it had not been informed of the trip. “The trip was not reported to us, was not known by our situation room and was not approved by us,” it said.

The ministry added that it was following developmen­ts with concern, was in constant contact with the relevant parties and would soon provide the necessary responses to educationa­l institutio­ns on the matter.

The Defense Ministry responded to that statement by saying that according to rules and regulation­s, the Education Ministry is the profession­al body responsibl­e for approving the educationa­l activities in pre-military preparator­y programs.

“The Defense Ministry is not responsibl­e for the curriculum, including trips,” the ministry said, adding that it “continues to monitor the severe disaster in the Arava with great concern. It is very unfortunat­e that on such a day, not only does the responsibl­e body not take responsibi­lity, but it rather imposes it on another entity.”

It was the deadliest incident of several caused by unusually heavy rains over two days, which caused many normally dry river beds to swell into deadly torrents.

The floods also claimed the lives of two Beduin children who were washed away in separate torrents on Wednesday.

A Palestinia­n teenage girl drowned in Bethlehem, in the West Bank, medics said. A truck driver from Taiba is still missing after he was apparently swept away in another torrent within the Green Line, south of the Dead Sea, police said.

Tamara Zieve contribute­d to this report. •

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