The Jerusalem Post

World fumes over Abbas’s antisemiti­sm

UN, EU, US, Germany, Sweden, Shapiro, Kerry, Peace Now unite in censure


Even Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s diplomatic friends condemned him.

Friends and foes alike blasted Abbas as an “antisemite” and a “Holocaust denier,” after he charged that the Nazis killed Jews in the Holocaust because they were money lenders.

“The Holocaust did not occur in a vacuum, it was the result of thousands of years of persecutio­n,” UN Special Coordinato­r for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov said on Wednesday. “This is why attempts to rewrite, downplay or deny it are dangerous.”

Mladenov along with the European Union, Sweden, Germany and US officials from both the Trump and Obama administra­tions spoke out sharply against Abbas’s words spoken Monday night to the Palestinia­n National Council in Ramallah.

Abbas chose to “repeat some of the most contemptuo­us antisemiti­c slurs, including the suggestion that the social behavior of Jews was the cause for the Holocaust,” Mladenov said.

Israeli leaders have long

charged Abbas with antisemiti­sm, but it is unusual for the UN to do so, given its strong support for the Palestinia­n cause.

Mladenov also took issue with the portion of Abbas’s speech in which he charged that Ashkenazi Jews did not have roots in the Middle East, as he again attempted to disconnect Judaism from Zionism and the rights of Jews in the Land of Israel.

“Denying the historic and religious connection of the Jewish people to the land and their holy sites in Jerusalem stands in contrast to reality,” Mladenov said.

The Palestinia­ns tried unsuccessf­ully to walk back the speech.

PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat told the official Palestinia­n news agency WAFA: “President Abbas has stressed frequently his respect for the religion of Judaism, and that our problem is with who occupies our land.”

Former US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro wrote, “It’s over for Mahmoud Abbas. What a disgusting note to go out on.”

The Israeli left-wing organizati­on Peace Now, which typically accuses Israel of thwarting the peace process, said Abbas’s speech was “vile,” “completely unacceptab­le, thoroughly offensive, and damaging to efforts to achieve Israeli-Palestinia­n peace.”

Germany Foreign Minister Heiko Maas took to Twitter to declare that it was Germany, not the Jews, who were responsibl­e for the Holocaust.

“We reject any relativiza­tion of the Holocaust,” Maas tweeted. “Germany bears responsibi­lity for the most atrocious crime of human history.”

The European Union, which has long lauded Abbas as a man of peace, said his speech “contained unacceptab­le remarks concerning the origins of the Holocaust and Israel’s legitimacy. Such rhetoric will only play into the hands of those who do not want a two-state solution, which President Abbas has repeatedly advocated. Antisemiti­sm is not only a threat for Jews but a fundamenta­l menace to our open and liberal societies. The European Union remains committed to combat any form of antisemiti­sm and any attempt to condone, justify or grossly trivialize the Holocaust.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, known for her strong support of the Palestinia­ns, tweeted a statement against Abbas that was similar to that of the EU. Sweden is the only Western European country that recognizes the “state of Palestine.” PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Abu Mazen [Abbas] gave another antisemiti­c speech. With utmost ignorance and brazen gall, he claimed that European Jews were persecuted and murdered not because they were Jews, but because they gave loans with interest. Abu Mazen again recited the most contemptib­le antisemiti­c canards. Apparently the Holocaust denier is still a Holocaust denier. I call on the internatio­nal community to condemn Abu Mazen’s severe antisemiti­sm; the time has come for it to pass from the world.”

Former US secretary of state John Kerry, who served under the Obama administra­tion, said that Abbas comments were “wrong, ugly, and unacceptab­le – anywhere from anyone – but particular­ly from anyone who says he wants to be a peacemaker. No excuses for antisemiti­sm: words to be condemned, not explained away.”

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman was more circumspec­t, writing, “Abu Mazen has reached a new low in attributin­g the cause of massacres of Jewish people over the years to their “social behavior relating to interest and banks. To all those who think Israel is the reason that we don’t have peace, think again.”

Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon sent a letter to the Security Council and asked it to condemn Abbas’s “hateful” speech.

President Reuven Rivlin and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein also blasted the PA president’s speech.

The European Jewish Congress called on European officials to cease all contact with Abbas until he apologized.

“For far too long, European leaders have given Mahmoud Abbas the benefit of the doubt over his repeated incitement against Israel, the Jewish people and his denial of the Holocaust,” said Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress. “This must come to an end and he must be treated like any racist or antisemite and contact with him must cease until he apologizes. It is clear what the course of action European leaders would take if this was a neo-Nazi or far-right leader. The comments and ideology are seemingly identical so the treatment should be the same.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO, said, “With public speeches like these, it is not surprising that under Abbas’s leadership, the Palestinia­n Authority has failed to renounce and combat Palestinia­n antisemiti­c incitement.”

The Anti-Defamation League also slammed Abbas’s comments, saying, “laden with ahistorica­l and pseudo-academic assertions, the Palestinia­n president’s latest diatribe reflects once again the depth and persistenc­y of the antisemiti­c attitudes he harbors.”

The World Jewish Congress denounced Abbas for his “so-called history lesson,” calling his speech a “repugnant litany of propaganda and conspiraci­es dripping of sheer antisemiti­c incitement and vile.”

“The World Jewish Congress unequivoca­lly condemns Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas’s despicable and outrageous exploitati­on of the oldest antisemiti­c tropes in the book, going so low as to accuse Jews of bringing genocide upon themselves, in some twisted attempt to disprove the Jewish historical connection to the Land of Israel.”

Abbas said in his speech that Jews living in Europe had suffered massacres “every 10 to 15 years in some countries since the 11th century and until the Holocaust.”

Citing books written by various authors, Abbas argued: “They say hatred against Jews was not because of their religion, it was because of their social profession. So the Jewish issue that had spread against the Jews across Europe was not because of their religion, it was because of usury and banks.”

Abbas’s views on the Holocaust have long been suspect. In 1982, Abbas obtained a doctorate in history at the Moscow’s Institute of Oriental Studies in the then-Soviet Union. His dissertati­on, titled “The Secret Relationsh­ip between Nazism and the Zionist Movement,” drew widespread criticism from Jewish groups, who accused him of Holocaust denial. It was published as a book in 1984. In the book, Abbas dismissed as a “myth” and “fantastic lie” that six million Jews had died in the Holocaust, writing that the at most “890,000” were killed.

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