The Jerusalem Post

EU shouldn’t ignore Israel’s Iran concerns

- • By GEORGE N. TZOGOPOULO­S The writer is a non-resident senior associate at Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies and a lecturer at the European Institute of Nice and the Democritus University of Thrace.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will travel to Europe next week to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and possibly British Premier Theresa May. The tour will give him the opportunit­y to present Israel’s position on Iran’s nuclear aspiration­s and its role in destabiliz­ing the Middle East. Intelligen­ce officials from the three leading European countries have already been briefed on recent Israeli findings gleaned from captured Iranian documents. The visit of Netanyahu in Europe is of large significan­ce because it is taking place after the announceme­nt of US withdrawal from JCPOA and in a period during which the European Union is attempting to keep the deal alive.

The EU approach vis-à-vis Iran is being formulated by a greedy appetite for business. After July 2015, it did not waste time. Data from the European Commission show that in 2016 – the first fiscal year after the JCPOA implementa­tion – EU imports from Iran reached €5.5 billion, representi­ng an increase of 344.8%, and EU exports amounted to €8.2 billion, an increase of 27.8%. In 2017, EU imports from Iran went beyond €10.1 billion, and exports to Iran peaked at €10.8 billion. In general, the cooperatio­n between the two sides covers sectors such as agricultur­e, banking and finance, civil nuclear cooperatio­n, energy, industry, entreprene­urship and transporta­tion.

Several examples of European countries envisionin­g contracts for their companies in Iran can be given. But the case of Italy deserves special attention. One of the most vocal supporters of JCPOA in Brussels is High Representa­tive of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, of Italian nationalit­y. Before the introducti­on of the EU sanctions against Tehran, bilateral trade between Italy and Iran had reached a record turnover of some €7 billion in 2011. Italian statistics demonstrat­e that bilateral trade flourished again in 2016 and 2017 amounting to €2.5 billion and €5.1 billion, respective­ly. Italy is, inter alia, exporting agricultur­al and chemical products, electrical machines, plastic material and wood, and is importing leather, metal and oil products, minerals and textiles. WITHIN THIS context, Italian companies have already signed important business accords. In July 2017, for example, Italian railway company Ferrovie dello Stato agreed with Iran Railways to build a high-speed railway between the cities of Qom and Arak. Moreover, last January the investment arm of Italian stateowned holding Invitalia inked a framework credit agreement to fund investment­s worth up to €5 billion with two Iranian institutio­ns, namely the Bank of Industry and Mine and the Middle East Bank. Even after the US withdrawal from JCPOA, Italy might continue on the same path. Reportedly, the Italian ambassador to Tehran has said seven large Italian companies that are active in the field of renewable energies will visit Tehran in June to attend a conference with Iran’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organizati­on – known as SATBA – for exploring ways of mutual cooperatio­n.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with business ambitions, especially for countries such as Italy that are desperatel­y searching for export-oriented strategies to boost their economies. The problem starts when business fever leads to ignorance of critical security parameters as the ones raised by the only democratic country in the Middle East, Israel. Against this backdrop, Mogherini is keen on repeating that the Iran nuclear deal is working perfectly, while in April, Rome prevented the EU from agreeing to new sanctions against Tehran for its ballistic-missile program. The EU needs consensus to proceed accordingl­y and a single state has the power to block the whole process.

Netanyahu’s visits in Europe will remind the most powerful EU member-states about Israel’s sensitivit­y stemming from the policies of the Islamic Republic. Despite Italy’s skepticism – and although the EU approach is not expected to be fully aligned with Jerusalem’s security priorities – some progress has already been made. Berlin, London and Paris have begun to seriously take into account Iran’s ballistic missile program and its destabiliz­ing regional activities. Also, moderate European voices, such as those of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his Polish counterpar­t, Jacek Czaputowic­z, play down the scenario of complement­ary mechanisms and measures to protect European companies doing business in Iran against American sanctions.

Turning a blind eye to the potential transforma­tion of the Middle East according to Tehran’s hegemonic, anti-Israel aspiration­s, the EU is postponing difficult foreign policy decisions for later, as it has done with the debt and the refugee crises. The clock does not turn back, though. Ephemeral profits are less important than long-term stability.

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 ??  ?? TAKE ISRAEL’S Iran concerns seriously.
TAKE ISRAEL’S Iran concerns seriously.

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