The Jerusalem Post

Destined for disaster


If ever there was an example of how Jewish infighting brings about disaster, the recriminat­ions surroundin­g the latest proposals for restructur­ing the conversion system are surely an outstandin­g one.

Here is a summary of the various factions’ positions on the proposal to transfer jurisdicti­on for conversion­s from the Chief Rabbinate to new state-authorized Orthodox body: the chief rabbis loathe the proposals because they remove conversion from their authority and power; the haredi political leadership agrees with that stance, adding that formal recognitio­n of non-Orthodox conversion­s done abroad is unacceptab­le, even though such recognitio­n is

the de facto position today.

The conservati­ve National Religious rabbis insist that conversion be kept as a state authority, even though the proposals do just that; the leading mainstream National Religious rabbis are for it, and then against it, or won’t say they support it publicly; and the liberal National Religious rabbis argue that the law gives the state an unjustifie­d monopoly over conversion.

And while the progressiv­e Jewish denominati­ons in Israel initially welcomed the recommenda­tions, they now say that they won’t enter into negotiatio­ns since the haredim are determined to bury them, arguing that they have experience with this situation in light of the Western Wall debacle.

But while the rabbis are bickering, they seem entirely oblivious to the raging inferno burning out of control under their noses.

As Moshe Nissim, the former justice minister who drafted the new recommenda­tions pointed out, there are currently some 400,000 Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union and their descendant­s who are not Jewish according to Jewish law but who are fully integrated into Israeli society.

They go to school with Jewish Israelis, serve in the army alongside them, study in university with them and will ultimately marry and have children with them – in this generation or the next.

This is the very problem the state conversion authority was establishe­d to deal with.

And instead of getting smaller, this group is actually growing – by some 10,000 people a year according to Nissim – due to the natural growth of the population and new immigrants arriving every year who are also not halachical­ly Jewish.

The haredi political leadership and the community at large are widely apathetic to this problem since they do not regard converts through the state conversion authority as valid and will not marry them.

At the same time, haredi rabbis and politician­s head the Chief Rabbinate and the religious establishm­ent, and they have a vested interest in preserving the power, prestige and authority they currently enjoy.

The conservati­ve National Religious rabbis are becoming ever more haredi in their perspectiv­e on matters of religion and state, as well as bitterly antagonist­ic to Reform and Conservati­ve Judaism, while the mainstream National Religious leadership appears to be cowed by their more radical colleagues, afraid to stand up for what used to be defining principles.

There is no easy solution to what should correctly be called “the intermarri­age crisis,” since non-Jewish citizens from the former Soviet Union and their children are not exactly inundating the rabbinical courts with requests to convert.

Yet even Nissim’s modest proposals to address the issue are immediatel­y buried under an avalanche of political invective and obstructio­nism.

Tired of waiting for these rabbis and the state to come up with a constructi­ve solution, a group of moderate National Religious groups banded together in 2015 to set up non-state conversion courts to try and boost the numbers of converts, specifical­ly targeting minors (with parental permission) because they are both easier to convert under Jewish law and also not yet married.

But this initiative is also unlikely to provide a comprehens­ive answer to the crisis, due to the very fact that these courts are not formally recognized by the state or by the Chief Rabbinate in any manner.

The reality is, therefore, that the endless rabbinical squabbling and dallying over conversion will ultimately seal the fate of the Jewish population in the Jewish state, which now seems destined for internal, sectarian division between two distinct groups whose members will not marry each other.

Nissim presented the conversion crisis on Sunday as an existentia­l crisis for the State of Israel. He was not exaggerati­ng. •

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