The Jerusalem Post

Germany is largest foreign donor to Israeli rights NGOs


Germany tops European entities in the amount of funding it provides to Israeli political advocacy and non-government­al organizati­ons working with the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The German government provided some NIS 50 million to 39 NGOs over the last five years, according to a report by NGO Monitor.

Following Germany as the second, third, and fourth highest donors were the European Union, Norway and the Netherland­s, respective­ly.

The report revealed that from 20122016 a total of NIS 515,804,616 was transferre­d to Israeli political advocacy and NGOs dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Out of that, 60.1% (NIS 310,032,692) came either directly or indirectly from government­s, almost all of them from Europe.

The United States came up ninth in the list of government funding with NIS 11,760,571.

The remaining 205,686,924) came donors.

The highest private donations came from the New Israel Fund providing 13% from a list of eight groups and 39.87% (NIS from private foundation­s which included: the Sigrid Rausing Trust which provided 10%, the Open Society Foundation with 7% and Amnesty Internatio­nal with 6%.

The report also found that church groups and Christian organizati­ons provided some 20% of the total amount funded and according to the report much of this originated with European government­s.

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