The Jerusalem Post

Dershowitz says he is socially ‘shunned’ for defending Trump

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Famed jurist’s complaint began to gain traction this week, with notable figures mocking the academic on Twitter.

Alan Dershowitz, the famed civil libertaria­n and champion of Israel, has become one of US President Donald Trump’s most reliable defenders – to a point. He agrees with the president that a special counsel should never have been appointed to investigat­e Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election. He appears regularly on Fox News to argue that if the Trump camp colluded with Russia, it would be “terrible, but not a crime.” And he insists that if the shoe were on the other foot, and a special counsel were going after a Democratic president, liberals would be fighting it tooth and nail.

Now Dershowitz is complainin­g that his views have made him a pariah – at his favorite summer getaway. In an article for The Hill, Dershowitz, the former Harvard Law professor, writes that in defending “Trump’s civil liberties,” he has been shunned by liberals, particular­ly on Martha’s Vineyard, where he has a home.

“The divisions have gotten so bad that many on both sides refuse to speak or listen to those on the other side. Either you are for Trump or against him, and that is all some people need to know to make judgments about you,” Dershowitz wrote, adding “I know this because I have experience­d this firsthand on Martha’s Vineyard. I am not a Trump supporter nor am I member of the Trump administra­tion.”

Later in the piece, Dershowitz once again references Martha’s Vineyard, noting that his opposition to Trump’s politics “is not good enough … So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard.”

And if anyone didn’t hear him the first two times, he returns to the theme in discussing a call by Rep. Maxine Waters, Democrat-California, to harass Trump administra­tion officials.

“Right now I am speaking up in disagreeme­nt with Maxine Waters,” Dershowitz says in closing. “She – like those who shun me on Martha’s Vineyard – is part of the problem rather than the solution.”

Although The Hill published Dershowitz’s article on June 27, it only began to gain traction this week, with notable figures mocking the academic on Twitter.

“Please say a prayer for Alan Dershowitz. His friends on Martha’s Vineyard are being mean to him,” Tommy Vietor, a former Obama administra­tion aide and founder of the antiTrump political media company Crooked Media, wrote sarcastica­lly.

Jeet Heer of The New Republic drew a facetious comparison with historical figures who suffered for their political beliefs.

“Socrates was forced to eat hemlock. Ovid, Dante, & Emma Goldman were sent into exile. Margaret Sanger was jailed. Rosa Luxemburg, Gandhi and Martin Luther King were killed. Spinoza was excommunic­ated,” he tweeted. “Alan Dershowitz can’t find anyone to dine with at Martha’s Vineyard.”

Dershowitz himself responded on Twitter on Tuesday, writing two tweets.

“I’m reveling not whining. I’m proud of taking an unpopular, principled position that gets me shunned by partisan zealots. It’s not about me. I couldn’t care less about being shunned by such people. It’s about their unwillingn­ess to engage in dialogue,” he wrote.


 ?? (Reuters) ?? ALAN DERSHOWITZ

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