The Jerusalem Post

Groundless allegation­s

- UMUT DENIZ The writer is chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv.

It was with dismay that I read the article “Jews of Turkey fear growing antisemiti­sm,” published on The Jerusalem Post’s website on July 5 and written by Ms. Iris Georlette, a reporter from the Post’s sister-publicatio­n Maariv.

Due to its delayed and flawed reporting, it misses the point, gravely misleading the readers with its incomplete content. A clarificat­ion is therefore in order, to set the record straight.

Upon finding out that there were inappropri­ate signs in an elementary school in Istanbul on June 24, 2018, the Turkish Ministry of Education immediatel­y acted to remove the signs the next day.

Subsequent­ly, the ministry launched a comprehens­ive investigat­ion about the facts, as well as a screening process covering all the schools. As a result, members of the Turkish-Jewish community expressed their gratitude on social media and the press for quick and effective measures taken by the Turkish authoritie­s.

Turkey will never allow discrimina­tion and hate speech among its citizens, and it will continue to take necessary legal measures against such cases.

It would have been fair to your readers had Ms. Georlette duly corroborat­ed her facts before writing a story with serious gaps and groundless allegation­s.

It is regretful that this piece stands in sharp contradict­ion with the values of objective press, which I strongly believe are among the guiding principles of the editorial board of The Jerusalem Post.

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