The Jerusalem Post

The lion wants meat


Caroline Glick’s July 13 column (“A glimpse of Europe’s true face,” Column One) couldn’t be more accurate.

Europe is weak, afraid and appeasing. It operates on the throw-the-meat principle: To stop a hungry lion, don’t use a firearm; throw a large piece of meat, so he will be satisfied and not eat you.

European appeasemen­t is as operative today as during the rise of Nazi Germany.

For years, following World War I, Germany, in violation of the peace treaty, rearmed, expanded its territory and influence, and showed the aggressive domestic and foreign policy of a ruthless dictator and his party.

Instead of acting to frustrate German design, the Europeans did not threaten military action, refusing to adequately rearm. Instead, it threw the lion meat, the Rhineland and Czechoslov­akia.

Europe, now, tells the world not to expect it to support the US and stand up to Iran’s plan for regional hegemony, nuclear armament, destructio­n of Israel, worldwide spread of Shia Islam and the ability to destroy European cities.

That would ruin its chance to make money. Appeasemen­t is good for business. We are witnessing, a weak, greedy, dishonest, hateful Europe, infected with an overwhelmi­ng and debilitati­ng pacifist ideology, which, in the end, will cause its own destructio­n.

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