The Jerusalem Post

Israel halts flow of gas and fuel into Gaza Strip


Israel has halted the flow of gas and fuel into Gaza from Tuesday to Sunday, but will continue to allow in food and medicine on a case by case basis.

The announceme­nt of some of the harshest restrictio­ns Israel has ever leveled against the Gaza Strip comes in the aftermath of a violent weekend in which Gaza Palestinia­ns launched 200 rockets, mortars, and kites into southern Israel, injuring four people.

Israel already halted the flow of commercial goods into Gaza last week, to protest the Palestinia­ns launching flaming kites which over the last four months have burned thousands of acres of Israeli fields and forests.

The IDF published a statement on Monday from Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s office, saying “In light of the continued terrorist attempts by the terrorist organizati­on Hamas, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, in consultati­on with the chief of staff, decided to close the Kerem Shalom crossing for fuel and gas until Sunday. The crossing will continue to transport food and medicines that will be approved on a case-bycase.”

Israel has also restricted the Gaza fishing space to three nautical miles from six.

Palestinia­ns are warning that food will also be banned. Raed Fattouh, head of the Gaza Committee for Coordinati­ng the Entry of Goods into the Gaza Strip, said on Monday that Israel had informed the

Palestinia­ns of its decision to completely close the Kerem Shalom border crossing with the Gaza Strip until further notice, and that the Israeli authoritie­s told the Palestinia­ns that it will allow only medical supplies into the Gaza Strip “when needed.”

Kerem Shalom is Gaza’s main commercial crossing. While supply trucks have been going into Gaza through the Rafah crossing in the last few months, it is not set up to service Gaza’s commercial and humanitari­an needs. •

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