The Jerusalem Post

Israel scores own goal


I found the article “IDF fires in error, kills 2 Hamas snipers” (Aug 8) so unbelievab­le that I had to reread it and on finding that it was what it was, I let out such a shout that my husband came running in to see what had happened!

I refer of course to the IDF sending messages to Hamas via Egypt acknowledg­ing the error. If there was any doubt that we have lost the plot, this seals it – and possibly our long-term survival – if we cannot kill terrorists unless they are actually in the process of killing us.

How is it possible that the IDF can apologize to the terrorists that have been murdering us and burning our land and to my mind, getting away with it? Otherwise surely Hamas would by now have ceased to exist and at the very least, been beaten to within an inch of its life so that it would not dare even consider an attack.

We know by now that it is not going to happen, but what has happened to our strong IDF? Has it been so emasculate­d as having to apologize to terrorists for making a mistake in firing because it so happens at that particular time they were not in the act of killing us or destroying our land?

This is surely a continuati­on of the insane order that came down from the IDF High Command that we have to be humane even to terrorists. Sadly, another own goal by Israel.


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