The Jerusalem Post

High Holy Days reading


One of the joys of the Jewish holiday season is the opportunit­y to disconnect from hourly news broadcasts and instead read long-form, substantia­l essays. Here is a roundup of recent deep-think articles on a range of issues.

Is engaging millennial­s the best use of Jewish philanthro­py?

Prof. Jack Wertheimer of the Jewish Theologica­l Seminary in New York has for years critiqued establishm­ent polices – such as outreach to the intermarri­ed – that in his view have only weakened the American Jewish community.

In a study released in March, Wertheimer suggests that all the energy and money currently expended on “outreach” programs to young Jewish people in their 20s and 30s, the so-called millennial generation, is misdirecte­d. He feels they are unlikely to move them from shallow engagement to actively live a Jewish life or to deepen their knowledge of Jewish tradition. Instead, he calls for massive North American Jewish community investment in day school education of the very young. “Wouldn’t it be wise to invest in their Jewish education now so as to reduce the need to ‘re-engage’ them when they enter their post-college years?”

In an essay titled “The New High Holy Days” published in Mosaic this month, Wertheimer also rips into the shallow fare of Judaism offered in most liberal temples for once-ayear worshipers on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. “When the urge to accommodat­e every consumer fashion meets massive Jewish cultural illiteracy,” he writes, what’s left is self-improvemen­t mush with “drums, flutes, clarinets and violins” – and little of God – in the mix.

“Even more troubling, by reinterpre­ting the High Holy Days to fit the fashionabl­e tropes of the day, newly re-imagined services reinforce the destructiv­e mindset underminin­g all religious commitment in our time: the reduction of everything to a matter of personal feelings; the valorizati­on of solipsism to the point where what counts most is gratificat­ion of the self; the transforma­tion of every institutio­n into either a therapeuti­c milieu or a marshaling ground for political activism; the commodific­ation of every human activity so that religious institutio­ns can ‘market’ and ‘rebrand’ themselves as agents of ‘change’ and ‘disruption’ rather than as embodiment­s of a tested, millennia-long tradition.”

Toward a haredi bourgeoisi­e?

An ultra-Orthodox (haredi) middle class is rising in Israel, one which has dispensabl­e income and is developing wider lifestyle horizons. Might this segment grow to become a majority in haredi society, or will its expansion be stymied and delegitimi­zed by rabbinical leadership?

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer, editor of the haredi online journal Tzarich Iyun (literally “Needs Understand­ing”) – which this month begun to offer its content in English – argues in an erudite essay that “bourgeois” is not a dirty word – provided that the trap of affluent hedonism is negated and religious excellence is maintained as a driving communal ideal. If piloted carefully, middle-class life can make for productive, sustainabl­e, healthy aaredi society. Haredi leadership ought to be thinking hard and creating the educationa­l institutio­ns to meet the challenge, Pfeffer writes, since the process is underway and probably unstoppabl­e.

Beyond sanctions, can the US pressure Iran and strengthen Israel?

A recent report by four American generals on strengthen­ing US-Israel strategic cooperatio­n, published by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, recommends that the United States front-load some of the 10-year, $38-billion US commitment in foreign military aid to boost Israel’s capability to meet growing threats from Tehran. The report also recommends that Trump raise Israel’s status as a US ally to that of Australia and Canada, and replenish arms stockpiles stored in Israel with precision munitions and other critical wartime supplies.

The report dovetails with a powerful speech given in May by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that essentiall­y defined US policy objectives toward Iran by three noes: no nuclear program, no regional terrorism and aggression, and no domestic oppression.

However, Prof. Michael Mandelbaum of Johns Hopkins University, one of the conservati­ve elder statesmen of the US foreign policy academic elite, questions whether America has the resources and the political will to confront the revisionis­t powers of Europe (Russia), East Asia (China), and the Middle East (Iran). In an essay in The American Interest, he sees no active Western coalitions emerging to counter these threatenin­g powers, no US presidenti­al leadership, and little support in US public opinion for real confrontat­ion. All of this leaves Mandelbaum very pessimisti­c.

Military strategist Prof. Fred W. Kagan, an architect of the successful American “surge” in Iraq, argues in a Commentary essay that America can pursue a “victory strategy” against Iran by isolating it from external resources, inflicting defeat on the IRGC in critical theaters, and encouragin­g domestic unrest in the country to force the government to concentrat­e on handling its own population. “Such a strategy would force the Islamic Republic back in on itself, and halt and reverse its movement toward regional hegemony.” But he too knows that implementa­tion requires a consensus among America’s allies.

As for Israel’s challenges in confrontin­g Iran’s advances into Syria, read Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror’s comprehens­ive, hard-hitting new study (published by my think tank, the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies). He explains why Israel may have to go to full-scale war to prevent Iranian entrenchme­nt with advanced missiles on our northern borders. “Israel must prevent this at any cost, even if an Israeli attack would lead to war – that is, a large-scale operation involving fierce hostilitie­s in Syria and Lebanon, as well as frequent and painful assaults on the Israeli home front.”

And if you want to read something completely different, there is the recent essay in Foreign Affairs by Obama’s chief Iran deal negotiator Wendy Sherman, who hails the cake she baked as “the state of the art of profession­al multilater­al diplomacy. With every threat Trump tweets and every list of empty promises his administra­tion releases, the Iran deal looks better and better,” she argues, offering no real evidence to back this up.

Will the populist surge last?

Prof. Francis Fukuyama of Stanford University argues in major essays in The American Interest and Foreign Affairs that Trumpist populism could easily linger longer than most people assume.

Fukuyama achieved notoriety, of course, when he argued in 1989 that the “end of history” had arrived with the fall of the communist bloc and the “triumph” of Western liberal democracy. Now he warns that new forms of populist nationalis­m constitute a major threat to the liberal internatio­nal order that “has been the foundation for global peace and prosperity since 1945.”

What interests Fukuyama are the cultural causes of populist sentiment. “In many ways, questions of identity – language, ethnicity, religion and historical tradition – have come to displace economic class as the defining characteri­stic of contempora­ry politics. This may explain the decline of traditiona­l center-left and center-right parties in Europe, which have lost ground steadily to new parties and movements built around identity issues.”

Fukuyama doesn’t lay blame only on Trump and the political right wing. The US Democratic Party has a major choice to make, too. “It can continue to try to win elections by doubling down on the mobilizati­on of the identity groups that today supply its most fervent activists: African Americans, Hispanics, profession­al women, the LGBT community, and so on... [However] this is a poor formula for governing the country. The Republican Party is becoming the party of white people, and the Democratic Party is becoming the party of minorities. Should that process continue much further, identity will have fully displaced economic ideology as the central cleavage of US politics, which would be an unhealthy outcome for American democracy.”

The writer is vice president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies, His personal site is davidmwein­

 ?? (Reuters) ?? PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin of Russia, Hassan Rouhani of Iran and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey meet in Tehran.
(Reuters) PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin of Russia, Hassan Rouhani of Iran and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey meet in Tehran.

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