The Jerusalem Post

Heaven help us


In "Haredi chairman of the Knesset Science and Technology Committee does not believe in evolution" (October 2), Susan Rolef informs us that MK Uri Maklev, who does not believe in the theory of evolution, is now chairman of the Knesset Science and Technology Committee. Amazing. What is even more amazing – and disturbing – is that Maklev is one of the recipients of the commendati­ons for upholders of quality government.

In a "quality government," Maklev would not have been offered or have accepted the post of chairman of this committee, for which he is totally unqualifie­d.

In a "quality government" the other members of the committee would have never accepted Maklev as the chair. They would have resigned en masse.

Its bad enough that we have members of the Knesset who do not believe in the theory of evolution, or for that matter object to the teaching of language, literature, science, mathematic­s, etc. in their schools. Israel is slowly but surely creeping in the direction of a theocratic society. When that happens, God help us all (those that have remained here). Only Hashem, He (She) will stand in the path of disaster and He (She) has let us down before. YIGAL HOROWITZ Emiritus Professor of Radiation Physics Beersheba

As a nine-year-old in the UK, it was compulsory to learn what is now called "religious education" but was then called "Scripture" and was basically reading from the Old Testament. There had been a lot on the radio and in illustrate­d magazines, such as the Picture Post,

which is where got our informatio­n before TV and social media, about Darwin and evolution.

We were asked by our teacher which we believed in, evolution or creation. I am still proud of my nine-yearold self for answering, "Both." Who are we to say how long a celestial day lasts. And yes Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, the first of the primitive beings to realize their humanity. And so I still believe. YEHUDIT COLLINS


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