The Jerusalem Post

Palestinia­n barbarity against Arabs who do business with Jews



Two weeks ago I wrote of a reported attack against me and my family – detailed on Bloomberg and in The New York Times – by the government of Qatar, which presumably seeks to destroy me and visit vengeance for my efforts to expose its terrorism-funding of Hamas.

State-sponsored efforts to hack into our private emails and informatio­n were reported, so as to make us tremble before Qatar and presumably its multimilli­on-dollar lobbyists, including Orthodox Jew Nick Muzin and his partners, who, according to The Wall Street Journal, organized a well-financed influencin­g campaign among Jewish leaders to whitewash Qatar. The New York Times also reported that Muzin, in an apparently recorded conversati­on, threatened critics of Qatar to “be very careful.” Anyone Muzin pointed to was “in danger .... Honestly, I know they are after you...,” the Times reported him saying.

After the barbaric story of Jamal Khashoggi and his horrific murder at the hands of Saudi agents, we can see a growing campaign on the part of Middle Eastern government­s to intimidate, frighten and ultimately neutralize prominent critics. This sometimes takes the horrendous form of cutting people’s bodies into pieces and sometimes – less barbaric but likewise criminal – they attempt to cut people’s reputation­s into pieces in order to terrify them into silence.

In 2009 I openly fought Muammar Gaddafi’s plans to move into the home immediatel­y next door to me in a well-publicized campaign. People told me to fear for my life. Now, as I fought Qatar for financing the murder of Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers, I have faced growing threats.

It is not enough for me to tell my family that we dare never fear evil. Rather, the American government must hunt those who have threatened and attacked us and bring them to justice, including their enablers – many discredite­d “pro-Israel” leaders who took millions of dollars from Qatar and may have even participat­ed in the attacks against me and my family.

IT IS often said that the litmus test for a decent government lies in just a single question: Can its citizens be brought into its custody and just “disappear”?

Numerous government­s have failed this test, routinely apprehendi­ng the very citizens they are meant to protect before meting out brutal interrogat­ions and extrajudic­ial killings, often topped off with a crude disposal of the victims’ bodies.

During World War II, Nazi Germany dispatched secret police forces to hunt down known or suspected dissidents – a tactic aptly termed Nacht und Nebel (Night and Fog) to describe the darkness that surrounded the victims’ sudden disappeara­nce.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union earned a brutal reputation for summoning or detaining men and women, only for them to then disappear forever. Argentina’s military juntas were especially notorious for their practice of taking detained citizens aboard aircraft before casting them to sea. It is thought that between 1976 and 1983, up to 30,000 people were killed or disappeare­d, earning them one of history’s most haunting names: los desapareci­dos — “the disappeare­d.” In Iran, this seems to be a problem on repeat: following riots in 1999, 2003, 2009 and even this year, hundreds of Iranian protesters – most of them students – were detained, with dozens vanishing.

JUST LAST week the Palestinia­n Authority caused a man to disappear, this time an American citizen. A Palestinia­n-American who, according to Arab-language media reports, is named Isam Jalal Akel, was discreetly apprehende­d by PA police. The PA did not disclose the arrest to the Israeli military and police commanders, as required. Even the American Embassy wasn’t informed of the arrest, though the man holds an American passport.

His “crime”? He had done business with a Jew. He had been involved, it is alleged, with the sale of a home in east Jerusalem to a Jewish buyer, and in the morally skewed universe of the PA, that is a capital crime.

The concept of killing a man for doing business with a Jew was first put into force by the Jordanians in 1948. From there, it would be incorporat­ed into the Palestinia­n Liberation Organizati­on’s legal code in 1979, which enforced the penalty of execution on any of those “traitors” caught “transferri­ng positions to the enemy,” referring to any sort of land or real estate. PA President Mahmoud Abbas elucidated that this included any act of “diverting,” “selling,” or even just “renting” a property. As for the “enemies”: that refers to “an enemy state or one of its subjects,” which refers explicitly to Jews. The law has been reaffirmed by Palestinia­n officials on several occasions, in 1973, 1979, 1997, 2010, 2014 and 2018.

This kind of Jew-removal economics goes back farther than the PLO or the Jordanians to a series of laws enacted in Nazi Germany in late 1930s set to prevent business dealings between Germans and Jews. The “Decree of the Confiscati­on of Jewish Property,” passed in October 1938, regulated the transfer of assets from Jews to non-Jewish Germans, ensuring that Jews owned nothing in Germany. On December 11, 1938, Hitler took things further with “the Regulation for the Eliminatio­n of Jews from the Economic life of Germany.” With Jews increasing­ly cut out of German life, Hitler would take things even further, killing Jews by the millions to achieve his hellish dream of a “judenrein” Europe.

From the fact that Abbas recently assured his captive populace that “in a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,” it seems clear he is serious about bringing judenrein policies to the state of Palestine.

The PA has only twice judicially executed those convicted of selling a property to a Jew, and Abbas said in 2014 that although still a clear-cut capital crime, those engaged in real estate dealings with Jews would be punished with life imprisonme­nt with hard labor. But Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi noted on the record that any such “traitors are destined to die a humiliatin­g death.”

So the PA still kills such property owners and brokers, but through unofficial means.

Following the Oslo Accords, the Palestinia­n leadership was finally given the tools needed to kidnap those suspected of dealing with Jews. In 1996, the newly minted PA security forces were accused by Israel of kidnapping and killing alleged land dealers.

The next year, Amnesty Internatio­nal reported that “dozens of those suspected of selling land to Jews were arrested and... held without charge or trial .... Torture during prolonged incommunic­ado detention of this group has been systematic,” the report went on, adding that “extrajudic­ial killings by the PA targeted those... allegedly involved in selling land to Jews.”

That year, the disappeara­nce of 70-year-old Farid Bashiti, accused by the PA of selling a property to Jews, made internatio­nal headlines. His family was told by Palestinia­n officials that he died in a car accident, but was found bludgeoned to death, with his hands cuffed and skull crushed. The Palestinia­n minister of justice, Freih Abu Middein, gloated over the fact that “everybody now realizes the danger of selling land to a Jew.”

It is now up to the United States to protect its citizens from murder by Middle Eastern tyrannical government­s, and to send a strong message that harming an American citizen for simply speaking out will be met with the full fury American justice.

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