The Jerusalem Post

Kristallna­cht, Pittsburgh and the age-old fight against antisemiti­sm

- • By ALAN KADISH The writer is resident of the Touro College and University System, the largest Jewish-sponsored educationa­l institutio­n in the United States.

This week, we commemorat­e the 80th anniversar­y of the terrible tragedy known as Kristallna­cht, the Night of Broken Glass. On November 9 and November 10, 1938, Nazis in Germany carried out a full-fledged pogrom. In the course of just two days, they killed 91 Jews, arrested 30,000, torched 300 synagogues and destroyed 7,000 Jewish businesses. While Hitler had been passing anti-Jewish legislatio­n since 1933, on November 10, 1938, anyone who had ignored those danger signs got a clear message that there was no future for Jews in Germany.

With Hitler’s rise, Jews lost their citizenshi­p, their livelihood, their dignity and daily lives as they knew them. As we remember those devastatin­g times, we cannot help but reflect on the events in Pittsburgh and express our collective sorrow at the rise of antisemiti­sm in our own country. The murderous attack was a wake-up call reminding us all that antisemiti­sm did not end with the Holocaust.

On the contrary, the number of antisemiti­c incidents in the United States was nearly 60% higher in 2017 than 2016, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Antisemiti­c incidents constitute­d half of all hate crimes in New York City this year, according to the New York City Police Department.

The attack in the Tree of Life Synagogue, claiming 11 lives, was the largest-ever antisemiti­c attack on US soil. Kristallna­cht devastated thousands of lives in multiple ways and involved state-sponsored antisemiti­sm. The attack two weeks ago was the action of a lone extremist, although one who acted in an atmosphere of increasing nationalis­m and racism. Despite these major difference­s, Pittsburgh has had a major impact on many of our psyches.

The choice of a synagogue as the site of a massacre was particular­ly jarring. When Jews are targeted simply because they are Jews as they pray in a house of worship, it is hard not to recall scenes of Jews being beaten and the burning of Torah scrolls and holy books.

Perhaps it is because Jews in America have been comfortabl­e and integrated into general society that last weekend’s events were so surprising. The fear and lack of belonging experience­d by Jews throughout the ages in countries all over the world was never present here. As we pick up the pieces in the aftermath of Pittsburgh, we must ask ourselves if the sense of safety was an illusion. That attack shattered our belief systems, making many Jews and non-Jews alike re-evaluate current trends in American society.

What is the message of the events in Pittsburgh? Unlike in Germany in 1938, most people still believe Jews have a bright future in the United States. The Pittsburgh shootings were not the result of a long-standing campaign against Jews. But they did not occur in a vacuum. Political disagreeme­nts have been an essential part of American democracy and discourse since our country’s inception, but as a nation, we can’t let passions be inflamed to the point where ultra-nationalis­m, radicalism and hate take over.

This attack pointed to the need for promoting mutual interactio­n and understand­ing. People must be given more opportunit­ies to mix with diverse groups. Stereotype­s that are shaped by perception and not reality must be broken and that only happens when people are able to connect with those they only spoke or heard about, but never actually met. This is not true just for religious groups but for all of us in an increasing­ly polarized country.

Universiti­es today find themselves at the center of this struggle and have a special responsibi­lity to counteract bias and hate. Campuses are diverse communitie­s, with potential to be launching points for interfaith dialogue and anti-bias education. At the same time, we find ourselves targeted by white supremacis­t and anti-Israel propaganda campaigns that seek to influence young minds. From the murders in Pittsburgh we learned that we must redouble our efforts to combat hate. We need to do a more thorough job to integrate ethical and moral education through pedagogica­l approaches that champion tolerance, respect and inclusion.

We need to teach critical thinking skills and media literacy so that students are resilient to stereotype­s, conspiracy theories and extremist ideologies via social media, the Internet and convention­al media. As academics and thought leaders, we need to invest in research centers that build new knowledge of both the impact of racism and antisemiti­sm and how to combat it.

Kristallna­cht should not be viewed as a harbinger of things to come in the United States. Our peaceful, democratic election this week reminds us of that. However, it is a reminder that we must work together to combat violence and hate and continue the hard work of building a country that values diversity and tolerance.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? A MAN walks into a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
(Reuters) A MAN walks into a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

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