The Jerusalem Post



1 A sharp intake of breath when pinched by doctor (4) 3 Shrink grabs bar, tense – time’s up here (5,5)

9 Dead calm at last in centre (4) 10 Rule a fund out – investment ultimately crooked (10) 11 Cooks with spices (hot, not cold) getting runs (7) 13 Sources of hope and inspiratio­n in fresh salad plants (7) 14 Travelling salesman’s back before one, sorry with no hotel (11) 18 Sensible and practical – not death row rioting (4-2-5) 21 Another male full of hot air (7) 22 Mature group in the van, dressing (7)

23 Criminal is dapper in trousers (10)

24 Attempt to cover new dilemma (4)

25 Errors concerned with places of interest (10)

26 Back inside declare a recess (4)


1 Signs up, excited about husband getting such helicopter­s (8)

2 Hat found in dark room, oddly (8)

4 Primate seeing flower-seller without protection! (5)

5 Change of rule due to pact being renegotiat­ed (4,5)

6 Knack required on check for input device (5,6)

7 Small disgusting tailless insect (6)

8 What might allow poor setter to become qualified? (6)

12 Tips men off about American coin defects (11)

15 Material that hurt in revealing (9)

16 Nice surprise found on one’s English paper (8)

17 Quiet, more left-wing item of office equipment (8)

19 Film company boss found on moon (6)

20 A & E charge to mix in air (6) 22 Complain, having to set table (5)

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