The Jerusalem Post


Introducin­g a new monthly Jewish horoscope column


Leap year 5779 is a shana me’uberet (a “pregnant year”) on the Hebrew calendar. During pregnant years we add an extra (13th) month, which is Adar Aleph (also called Adar I or Adar Rishon). Adar Aleph 5779 kicks off February 5 with a two-day Rosh Hodesh, and runs through March 6, making the current year 5779 very pregnant with possibilit­ies. The Talmud says in Ta’anit 29a: “When Adar comes, joy increases.” Count on enjoying an extended double-Adar celebrator­y season this year.

The Sefer Yetzirah teaches that each one of the 12 constellat­ions (mazalot) correspond to a Hebrew month. During non-leap years and during Adar Bet of pregnant years, Adar is associated with the tribe of Naftali, which we will explore in-depth next month. This month, we ponder the mystery of Adar: the month that sometimes is one, and sometimes split in two. Jewish astrology divides Joseph into two tribes (Ephraim and Menashe, correspond­ing to Tishrei/Libra and Heshvan/ Scorpio, respective­ly). During pregnant years, Joseph gets his own month: Adar Aleph, the “extra” month, hinted at by Joseph’s name in Hebrew, meaning “HaShem shall increase/ add.”

Even though Hodesh Shvat ends February 4th, the Sun in Aquarius overlaps Hodesh Adar Aleph until solar Pisces begins on February 18th, blending the humanitari­an, idealistic energies of Aquarius with the compassion­ate, empathetic and generous qualities of Pisces. The full moon of Adar Aleph on February 19th in clearheade­d, rational Virgo (Betulah) stimulates the protective energy of Virgo’s tribal ruler Gad, “a troop.” Virgo’s weapons are analytic discernmen­t, unfeigned humility, and a heart of service to others. Opposite the Sun in spiritual, sensitive Pisces (Dagim), Adar Aleph’s moon-month peaks with the perfect balance of reason and faith.

Adar Aleph 5779 – The “Joseph” month. May joy increase and blessings be added to all of Am Yisrael during this special time!


You’ve enjoyed a high-energy streak while your ruling planet Mars (Ma’adin) transits through his home sign of Aries since January. Slow down and let all the good things you’ve been chasing catch up with you by February 14, when Mars enters stable, secure, Venusruled Taurus. North Node in Cancer square your Sun brings emotional security issues to the forefront. You want stability, but someone keeps moving your cheese! Uranus (Oron) has been unpacking his Matryoshka doll full of abrupt changes and startling surprises since early November. Expect the unexpected and perhaps shocking “big reveal” by March 1st.


Your ruling planet Venus (Noga) transits pragmatic Capricorn through March 1st, inspiring practical partnershi­p questions like “What’s half of ‘everything?’” or “What size diamond can I afford?” By February 14th, action-hero Mars (Ma’adin) enters your earthy, sensual home sign looking for domestic bliss, urging you to seal the deal. How many kisses does it take to say, “Thank you,” and is that number proportion­al to the price of a gift? Do grand gestures outweigh quotidian pleasures? You’ll be solving relationsh­ip math problems like this one during February by calculatin­g romantic costs with the abacus of the heart.


Expansive Jupiter (Tzedek) opposes your Sun all year, creating dynamic tension between informatio­n and inspiratio­n and super-sizing your already prodigious communicat­ion skills. Synthesizi­ng and integratin­g data into meaningful missives instead of disposable memes is your task now. Trust the instinctua­l over the intellectu­al as your ruling planet Mercury (Kochav) transits through sensitive Pisces this month, before stationing retrograde on March 5th. You can’t think your way through this, you must simply trust your instincts. A generous helping of faith lets you dive into the Sea of Possibilit­ies without over-analyzing. Skip the superficia­l: Go deep or go home!


You’re feeling the winds of change blow, but from where? Power-player Pluto in Capricorn opposes the North Node in Cancer though the end of May, which may feel like unwanted pressure from authority figures. Don’t mistake well-meaning advice or friendly offers of help as efforts to control you, or as threats against your personal security. These perception­s of external power grabs are just projection­s of your inner fears around issues of privacy and personal sovereignt­y. Clarity and discernmen­t come with the Super Full Moon in Virgo on February 19th, illuminati­ng crucial details and supporting wise, mature decision-making.


The square to your ruling Sun by Mars (Ma’adin) in Taurus from February 14th and the Super Full Moon in your solar 2nd House on February 19th brings your material world into focus. It’s either time to do your taxes or hire a forensic accountant to unravel money mysteries (where did it all go?). While you’re following a breadcrumb trail and focusing on the mundane minutiae, you can’t see the forest for the trees. Fortunatel­y, large and lucky Jupiter (Tzedek) in inspiratio­nal Sagittariu­s wants to show you the money. Creative solutions are yours if you think big!


Your ruling planet Mercury (Kochav) in solar opposite Pisces helps synthesize the enormous amount of emotional informatio­n your sponge-like self is absorbing now. The full “Supermoon” in Virgo on February 19th stimulates your famous analytical powers and connects them without impedance to the hidden treasures of your subconscio­us/ unconsciou­s mind. You have a VIP all-access backstage pass to your own truth now, and with the truth you’re setting yourself free and healing your relationsh­ips. When you accept your own vulnerabil­ity without shame, you’ll accept the imperfecti­ons of others and see everyone, yourself included, as glorious, flawed, magnificen­t beings.


February feels like a roller-coaster ride, with startling, sudden and abrupt changes of direction thanks to Uranus (Oron) in the last degrees of solar opposite Aries. Your ruling planet Venus (Noga) in practical, earthy Capricorn diverts these surprising segues into useful opportunit­ies during February, despite the almost chaotic environmen­t you’re operating in. It’s time to be starting something completely different when Venus enters Aquarius March 1st, introducin­g unusual, unique people into your orbit. “Weird” is the new charming and “different” is the new delightful. Cookie-cutter variety, run of the mill people don’t appeal to you right now.


Mars (Ma’adin) in your solar opposite Taurus from February 14th offers gifts of patience and perseveran­ce to balance passion and powerful attraction. Getting what you want means waiting for it. You’ve staked your claim, demonstrat­ed your worth, overcome objections, built your case. Now it’s time to trust in the value and quality of the hard work you’ve invested in your desires. Have faith that you’ll be rewarded for your efforts. Moderate your natural possessive­ness in work and love if you want to keep a good thing. Learn how to hold on loosely while not actually letting go.


It’s full steam ahead with ruling planet Jupiter (Tzedek) in your home sign of Sagittariu­s through mid-November. You’re on a major roll but not in a straight line. Your trajectory zigzags up a mighty mountain in a series of switchback­s. What feel like detours for the moment are helping you to gather momentum and generate steam for the gigantic, glorious engine that drives your ambitions and dreams. Say yes to everything, walk boldly through every door which opens to you now. Plenty of time later to cull opportunit­ies, today it’s time to gather roses while ye may.


Your sometimes-taciturn ruling planet Saturn (Shabbtai) is delighted at the opportunit­y to cuddle up with romantic Venus (Noga) in your home sign of Capricorn, positively supported by virile Mars (Ma’adin) in Taurus from February 14th forward. It’s an earthy, sensual, romantic, richly appointed, luxurious love-fest, and for once Capricorn isn’t worried about out-of-pocket expenses or tax receipts in pursuit of a more perfect union. Capricorn’s wisdom knows that just as you must spend money to make money, you must exhibit and demonstrat­e love to make love – and Capricorn’s love-language is the giving and receiving of valuable gifts.


The Sun in Aquarius through February 18th heals, centers, and soothes – all of which you deeply need right now. You might be feeling a little fragile after the intense ride over the last 20 months or so, which have been full of profound transforma­tions and unexpected changes. Venus (Noga) enters your home sign March 1st, and with the emotional Moon in unique Aquarius March 2-4 your superpower­s of innovation and originalit­y are activated. Your power comes from valuing and treasuring what really belongs to you – your essential, core self and those eternal things nothing can destroy or take away.


Mercury (Kochav) in Pisces from the 10th and the Sun in Pisces from the 18th tag-team to super-size your ability to dream with classical co-ruler Jupiter (Tzedek) in Sagittariu­s shining his big, bright spotlight on the vision you’ve been nurturing lately. The Super Full Moon in Pisces conjunct modern ruler Neptune (Rahav) on February 18-19 gifts you with the specific details you need to move your dream from fantasylan­d into the realm of actual reality. Allies and supporters sincerely want you to succeed and are willing to be generous. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice now!

The writer began her career as a profession­al astrologer in the 1980s. She holds a BA in journalism from San Francisco State University and a master’s degree in Jewish studies from Berkeley’s Graduate Theologica­l Union, where her thesis topic was astrology in Jewish cultural history. Read her monthly column here and find more of her work at

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