The Jerusalem Post

Next gov’t must focus on reforms in middle-school, Trump Foundation says


If the Israeli education system is to minimize gaps between students and catch up with their OECD counterpar­ts, the next government and education minister must significan­tly reform the country’s middle schools, according to research carried out by the Trump Foundation.

The latest Program for Internatio­nal Student Assessment (PISA) test in 2016 showed that Israeli students continue to lag behind OECD counterpar­ts in literacy, mathematic­s and science, with standardiz­ed test results and internatio­nal data pointing to gaps between pupils beginning to widen after entering middle school.

Seeking to identify the roots of the disparitie­s, the Modi’in-based Trump Foundation, a philanthro­pic organizati­on establishe­d in 2011 to improve educationa­l achievemen­t in Israel – and which, despite its name, has no connection with US President Donald Trump – examined mathematic­s studies in nine countries recording higher achievemen­ts than Israel in the PISA test.

“Some are very similar to Israel and some very different, but we wanted to evaluate what they are doing,” executive director Eli Hurvitz told The Jerusalem Post.

The foundation evaluated countries, included PISA test leaders Singapore, Canada, Finland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Israel was ranked 39th out of 72 countries in the mathematic­s index. The structure of post-primary education, curriculum, testing, scope of studies, encouragin­g excellence and teacher training were all taken into account.

“Naturally, there were similariti­es and difference­s between the systems, but we found three key difference­s that were relevant for Israeli education: firstly, how they organize their schools; secondly, conducting a readiness or diagnostic test at the end of middle school; and thirdly, the level of curriculum and learning materials,” Hurvitz said.

In terms of school structurin­g, Hurvitz said there is no clear policy in Israeli middle schools to deal with diversity of ability. This is different to Switzerlan­d and Singapore, for example, where pupils are separated according to ability levels, or Canada and Finland where students benefit from individual­ized learning plans.

“In Israeli middle school science classes, pupils are studying four subject matters combined, and studying all together. When everyone is in the same classroom, teachers have to teach according to the lowest common denominato­r,” Hurvitz said.

Another key finding was the comparativ­e lack of standardiz­ed testing in Israeli middle schools. While elementary school teaches basic subjects and high schools prepare students for matriculat­ion examinatio­ns, middle schools are lacking direction. Standardiz­ed “Meitzav” examinatio­ns are only administer­ed every three years to fifth and eighth graders.

“Middle school has no target and nobody knows exactly what the purpose of these three years ought to be,” said Hurvitz. “Many students and teachers simply say this a redundant period and a difficult age for everyone.”

The final difference concerned the nature of the Israeli mathematic­s curriculum in comparison to other countries, with Israeli pupils largely being taught mathematic­s and science separately.

“In the other nine countries, they use high-level learning materials that combine advanced mathematic­s applied in real-life contexts of science and technology,” Hurvitz said. “Here, mathematic­s is mostly theoretica­l, solving equations on paper.”

The next government and the next minister of education will have a great opportunit­y, Hurvitz believes, to significan­tly improve Israeli education should they choose to focus on middle schools, and by drawing inspiratio­n from other countries.

“They have a great opportunit­y to learn from the success of the previous government in terms of the number of high school students now studying five units of mathematic­s,” said Hurvitz, adding that this provides considerab­le room for optimism.

Incumbent Education Minister Naftali Bennett placed a great deal of emphasis on reversing the downward trend of students taking the highest level, fiveunit mathematic­s matriculat­ion examinatio­n when he entered office.

According to Education Ministry figures published in June 2018, more than 18,000 12th grade students studied for the five-unit examinatio­ns last year, almost double the 9,100 students taking the same examinatio­n in 2013.

“The government focused on a target, with a clear policy, invested resources, supported teachers, and marshaled every partner and stakeholde­rs to come together around one table and get significan­t results in a timely manner,” said Hurvitz.

“If the next government focuses on middle schools and widening the foundation­s of excellence, I’m almost certain they will get very good results and Israel will be able to significan­tly improve in the near future.”

 ?? (Avishag Shaar-Yashuv) ?? TRUMP FOUNDATION executive director Eli Hurvitz: ‘They have a great opportunit­y to learn from the success of the number of high school students now studying five units of mathematic­s.’
(Avishag Shaar-Yashuv) TRUMP FOUNDATION executive director Eli Hurvitz: ‘They have a great opportunit­y to learn from the success of the number of high school students now studying five units of mathematic­s.’

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