The Jerusalem Post

Apathy has spoken


It’s one more day until the election, and according to some polls about half of the voters will stay home, go to the beach or travel.

This half, by not coming to the booths, is apparently proclaimin­g that it is not interested in the voting process. It seems to me that this is wrong conclusion: in fact they are saying loud and clear that they do not wish to be represente­d in our Knesset. Taking this logic one step further, the Knesset should be reduced by half – 60 members instead of 120. What enormous savings!

If this were the case, one would hope to witness all the potential members, a bit further down on the lists,

scramble to go and persuade the voters to come and vote. An added bonus would be that voters would get to know them and thus a better representa­tion would follow.

A bit late for the coming elections, but a thought for the future.


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