The Jerusalem Post

Jews lobby non-Jews to browbeat Jews – what do you call that?


Thank you, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Bernie Sanders and J Street’s convention­eers. At J Street’s recent conference, they ended their charade. J Street is not the “pro-Israel, pro-peace” movement it long pretended to be; it’s the anti-occupation lobby, lacking nuance, balance and any ability to criticize Palestinia­ns.

Sanders’ words brought a different clarity: Any Jew who donates to this bash-Israel-firster has no heart; any American who donates to this socialist-for-theebut-not-for-me has no brain.

I’m responding to Sanders “as a Jew,” because he tried insulating himself from criticism by playing what the British novelist Howard Jacobson calls the “asaJew” card. “It’s going to be very hard for anybody to call me – whose father’s family was wiped out by Hitler, who spent time in Israel – an antisemite,” Sanders said. Don’t call him an antisemite, just a disloyal fool. He thrills antisemite­s like Ilhan Omar, who endorsed him, while emboldenin­g murderous anti-Zionists leading Hamas and the Palestinia­n Authority.

This American Jewish Corbynite is spearheadi­ng J Street’s campaign to browbeat Democratic candidates, demanding they use American aid to Israel as a battering ram, blackmaili­ng Israel into making policy moves most Israelis have learned would harm them, their country and their region.

That follows the policy Ben-Ami championed at the conference: bullying candidates to buy into J Street’s occupation preoccupat­ion of bullying Israel. Reducing the complicate­d, multidimen­sional Israel-Palestinia­n conflict to this simplistic “end the occupation” slogan makes as much sense as Republican­s yelling “cut taxes” as an economic and social cure-all. Life is messier.

I know that doubting someone’s loyalty risks discouragi­ng debate, but what else do you call it? Isn’t it disloyal for a Jew to emphasize his Jewishness as he urges non-Jews to blackmail the Jewish state to do things that would embolden Jew-haters and get many Jews killed?

Sanders sounded silly saying “some of the $3.8 billion should go right now to humanitari­an aid in Gaza.” Everyone knows how quickly “humanitari­an aid” in Gaza becomes bullets and bombs targeting Israel. Anyone proposing that before Hamas’ violent takeover of Gaza in 2007 could have pleaded naivety; today, such calls are stupid or spiteful. How many thousands of Qassam rockets must be launched, how many millions of cries of “Death to the Jews” – not just Israel – must be shouted and how many humanitari­an initiative­s must be hijacked, before such calls are called out for their criminal negligence – ignoring the obvious?

AS J STREETERS cheered such calls from Sanders and others, they exposed J Street’s double standard. At the conference, J Street’s rules were clear: hail bash-Israel-firsters, dis truly pro-Israel politician­s and statements. When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recalled that her father, congressma­n Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., urged president Franklin Roosevelt “to more quickly recognize that there should be a Jewish state in Palestine,” The Washington Post reported: “Applause was sparse.” Pelosi – perhaps the Democrats’ brightest pop star today – was celebratin­g the essence of Zionism, the right of a Jewish state to exist.

J Street’s press release boasted about “confront[ing] the threats of ongoing occupation, settlement expansion and potential annexation.” What about the true threats to peace – Palestinia­n terrorism and incitement? The press release ignored them – as did Sanders and Ben-Ami.

That’s why J Street’s American leverage campaign is anti-Israel, anti-peace and anti-Zionist. Zionism is about Jewish self-determinat­ion, meaning Jews controllin­g their own destiny. Jews lobbying non-Jews to browbeat Jews is anti-Zionist in intent, just as the encouragem­ent such moves give to Jew-killers makes it antisemiti­c in effect.

If Sanders and J Street were “pro-Israel,” they would echo the Israeli Left, which remains patriotic and fights Palestinia­n terrorism while fighting for peace with the Palestinia­ns. If Sanders and J Street were “pro-peace,” they would think about “the day after” and work to ensure that an Israeli withdrawal doesn’t recreate the Gaza debacle by creating a new failed Arab state. And if Sanders and J Street were constructi­vely “anti-occupation” they would start by freeing the Palestinia­ns from their true occupiers – the dictator-terrorists who rule most of them, crushing their dissidents, stealing their taxes, squelching their freedom – not just in Gaza’s Hamasistan, but in the PLO’s West Bank kleptocrac­y, too.

Mouthing empty slogans while ignoring Oslo’s failures, the Gaza disengagem­ent misfire and the ongoing death cult dominating Palestinia­n society is irresponsi­ble at best, evil at worst. Its more benign parallel has Sanders screeching in his cartoonish rasp for “socialism” and denouncing the “greed” of the “1%” while traipsing around in $700 sports jackets in his $600,000 beach house. I don’t begrudge Sanders his comforts, his trappings of success. That’s the American way. I resent his demonizati­on of others who do the same and his calls for pie-in-the-sky policies that would prevent others from enjoying the rags-to-riches trajectory he and his wife enjoyed.

Proverbs 21:21 teaches: “Those who pursue righteousn­ess and loyalty, find life, righteousn­ess and honor.” I appreciate that some American Jews believe Israel’s approach to the Palestinia­ns is wrong. But the text warns: righteousn­ess without loyalty becomes self-righteousn­ess – even moral exhibition­ism. You trigger constructi­ve change only by being loyal to your people, to the truth, acknowledg­ing a situation’s complexity, not bashing sanctimoni­ously.

Israelis and Palestinia­ns deserve life, righteousn­ess and honor. These come from confrontin­g sinners on both sides, with Jews helping from within, not clobbering from without.

J Street often wavers between being a constructi­ve inside critic and a destructiv­e faithless foe. This convention allowed its occupation preoccupat­ion to override the good sense and intelligen­t strategy required to make real progress.

The writer is the author of The Zionist Ideas, an update and expansion of Arthur Hertzberg’s classic anthology, The Zionist Idea. A distinguis­hed scholar of North American history at McGill University, he is the author of 10 books on American history, including The Age of Clinton: America in the 1990s.

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