The Jerusalem Post

UMass Resistance Studies Initiative to host BDS panel

84 groups pen letter querying use of university’s name when department­s host political events


Eighty-four groups have called on University of Massachuse­tts (UMass) chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy to urge the university’s Faculty Senate to rule on whether faculty and department­s should be permitted to use the university’s name and resources to promote an activist political agenda.

This comes as the UMass Resistance Studies Initiative, an official UMass academic unit, is copresenti­ng another anti-Israel political event on campus.

The event, titled “Criminaliz­ing Dissent: The Attack on BDS and Pro-Palestinia­n Speech,” will be hosted at UMass Amherst on November 12.

According to the UMass Resistance Studies Initiative, the panel will discuss “mounting efforts by US political leaders, right-wing pro-Israel lobbying groups and college and university administra­tors to silence pro-Palestinia­n speech on American campuses and criminaliz­e supporters of BDS, a nonviolent movement that aims to hold Israel accountabl­e for its violations of Palestinia­n human rights.”

The panel will be moderated by Linda Sarsour, the Palestinia­n-American co-founder of the Women’s March who has ties with antisemiti­c Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Speakers will include Harvard’s Prof. Cornel West, anti-racism activist Tim Wise, journalist and leading Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King and Dima Khalidi, founder and director of Palestine Legal. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions co-founder Omar Barghouti, who has been barred from entering the US by the Trump administra­tion, will join the discussion via video call.

Earlier this year, the academic unit hosted an event titled “Not Backing Down: Israel, Free Speech, and the Battle for Palestinia­n Human Rights,” which included speeches by Sarsour, Pink Floyd musician and BDS activist Roger Waters and Marc Lamont Hill.

The AMCHA Initiative – a watchdog that seeks to investigat­e, document, educate and combat antisemiti­sm on US university campuses – stressed on Wednesday that all of these figures are “outspoken anti-Israel activists who have engaged in antisemiti­c expression­s, including charges that Jewish Americans are more loyal to Israel than America, calls for the eliminatio­n of the Jewish state, comparison­s of Israelis to Nazis and other false and defamatory accusation­s about Israel and Israel’s supporters that draw on classic antisemiti­c tropes.”

A letter penned in April by the AMCHA Initiative, which initiated the letter; the Simon Wiesenthal Center; B’nai B’rith Internatio­nal; Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America; Grandchild­ren of Holocaust Survivors and other groups called on the academic institutio­n to “rescind all named university sponsorshi­p of this event and ensure that no academic unit or other university entity is connected to this event in any way; [and to] provide us with assurances, highlighti­ng relevant university policies and procedures, that UMass faculty will not be permitted to use their academic position or the university’s name or resources to promote a personal, political agenda that compromise­s the university’s academic mission and imperils the safety and well-being of UMass students.”

SOON AFTER the groups had contacted Subbaswamy, “the Rules Committee of the UMass Faculty Senate was directed to establish an ad hoc committee for developing guidelines regarding the department­al sponsorshi­p of events,” the AMCHA Initiative explained in a statement on Wednesday. “The ad hoc committee’s charge is to ‘explore the terrain around hosting, sponsoring and cosponsori­ng events and to clarify the various issues that arise when the campus or units within host, sponsor, or cosponsor an event held on or off campus.’”

The watchdog also pointed out that its research “has found that schools with faculty who support an academic boycott of Israel are five times more likely to have acts of anti-Jewish aggression, including assault, harassment and vandalism.”

Responding to the scheduled November 12 event, Subbaswamy said in a statement last month that he disagrees with the event’s goal and said “the university remains firmly opposed to BDS and to academic boycotts of any kind.”

“Academic boycotts are antithetic­al to academic freedom, and it is ironic that individual­s who rely upon that very freedom to make their case should advocate for a movement, in BDS, that seeks to suppress it,” he said.

The chancellor received major backlash from BDS groups last week in response to the comments.

In a letter written to the chancellor this week, also coordinate­d by the AMCHA Initiative, the 84 groups “expressed appreciati­on for this critical and necessary action and for Subbaswamy’s recent statement condemning the upcoming event and emphasizin­g the harm of BDS and an academic boycott to the academic mission of the university.”

However, the groups made it clear to Subbaswamy that these steps alone will not sufficient­ly address this repeated problem.

“[E]ven with your excellent statement and the Faculty Senate’s commitment to grappling with the parameters of department­ally sponsored events, the underlying problem – faculty who feel entitled to use their academic positions and the university’s name or resources to promote their own personal political agenda, thereby underminin­g the academic mission of the university and fostering political, ethnic or religious hatred on your campus – will not be adequately addressed.”

They urged Subbaswamy to ask his Faculty Senate to directly answer whether “UMass faculty and department­s should be permitted to use the name and resources of the university to promote an activist political agenda. Specifical­ly, is this a legitimate use of academic freedom, or an abuse of it?”

In April, the initiative told The Jerusalem Post that this call is not for such events to be canceled, “because everyone has the right to freedom of speech and is protected by the First Amendment,” but for the university to distance itself from it.

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