The Jerusalem Post

Final efforts under way to form unity gov’t before mandate expires

Netanyahu: Gantz gov’t backed by Arabs is existentia­l threat to Israel


Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman will try his hand at shuttle diplomacy on Monday in meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz as part of a lastditch effort to form a unity government before Gantz’s mandate ends on Wednesday.

The four leaders of Blue and White decided late Sunday to await the results of Liberman’s meeting with Netanyahu before making a final decision on whether to give up on forming a unity government, and instead build a minority coalition backed from outside by a parliament­ary safety net from the Arab Joint List. Liberman said on Sunday evening that he would also meet Gantz on Monday.

Netanyahu railed against the minority government option, saying that a government backed by Arab MKs would endanger Israel’s security.

A third election in one year “would be bad for Israel... but there’s something much worse,” Netanyahu warned, “a dangerous minority government dependent on [Joint List MKs Ayman] Odeh and [Ahmad] Tibi. It would be an existentia­l threat to Israel.”

The remarks were made at what was titled an emergency event for Likud supporters in Tel Aviv. The crowd was filled with people holding signs mostly criticizin­g the State Attorney’s Office in light of Netanyahu’s expected indictment on corruption charges. Attendees handed out flyers promoting the weekly pro-Netanyahu demonstrat­ions outside Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit’s home in Petah Tikva.

Netanyahu pointed out that lawmakers in the Joint List have expressed support for terrorist groups that attack Israel, and just last week called IDF soldiers murderers.

“They want IDF soldiers on trial as war criminals,” he said, then addressed remarks to Gantz, a former IDF chief of

staff: “They want you on trial as a war criminal. What are you thinking?”

Liberman agreed with Netanyahu that a “minority government would be a disaster,” but when asked whether he could enable the formation of a minority government with Arab support, he only responded that avoiding a third election is essential.

“The next 48 hours are critical to understand­ing if we have a unity government,” Liberman said, adding that he would announce his final decision late Tuesday night.

Netanyahu and Liberman met for an hour on Sunday and agreed to continue speaking on Monday. Netanyahu noticeably made a point of not attacking Liberman in his speech at the rally.

Earlier in the day, Likud and Yisrael Beytenu met and both sides reported progress, calling the discussion “profession­al and good.” The two parties said they would meet again on Monday, a sign that the talks were serious.

Blue and White is rapidly advancing coalition agreements with both Yisrael Beytenu and Labor-Gesher. Blue and White agreed to Liberman’s demands on drafting yeshiva students, conversion, public transporta­tion and stores remaining open on Shabbat, and enabling egalitaria­n prayer at the Western Wall.

Labor-Gesher leader Amir Peretz also used the words “significan­t progress” following his faction’s meeting with Blue and White on Thursday. Talks between Blue and White and Labor-Gesher also continued on Sunday.

President Reuven Rivlin said that “it is still possible to build a government,” and that the gaps between the parties were “personal.” He is scheduled to meet with the Likud’s negotiatin­g team on Tuesday, and with the heads of Shas, United Torah Judaism and the New Right on Wednesday.

“There is no need for an additional election,” Rivlin said. “I call upon Likud and Blue and White to get their act together and realize that the public does not want another election.” •

 ?? (Elad Malka, Avshalom Sassoni) ?? BLUE AND White Party leaders (left) hold a ‘cockpit’ meeting yesterday, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses an ‘emergency conference’ at Expo Tel Aviv.
(Elad Malka, Avshalom Sassoni) BLUE AND White Party leaders (left) hold a ‘cockpit’ meeting yesterday, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses an ‘emergency conference’ at Expo Tel Aviv.
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