The Jerusalem Post

Growing anti-Israel bias in the US


Regarding “Is continued military aid to Israel in jeopardy?” (November 14), even Douglas Bloomfield defines J Street as “the leftist pro-peace lobby,” as opposed to “pro-Israel.” Perhaps even he finally realizes that there is virtually nothing pro-Israel to J Street, despite the latter’s adamant insistence to the contrary.

This is clearly illustrate­d by the issue of possible cutbacks in military aid to Israel, which was apparently the central theme of J Street’s recent national meeting. The anti-Israel rhetoric espoused by most speakers would never be tolerated by any organizati­on truly supportive of Israel, Right or Left.

Furthermor­e, anti-Israel attitudes are now mutating into potential official government policies, with more moderate Democratic Party leaders like Joe Biden rapidly losing ground to Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others of the hard Left. Sanders’s desire to redirect some of Israel’s military aid to humanitari­an assistance in the Hamas-run enclave of Gaza is motivated by nothing more than anti-Israel bias, since he totally ignores the fact that the billions of dollars in humanitari­an aid that continue to flow to Hamas from countless government­s, are almost entirely redirected to funding terrorism at the expense of Gaza’s residents.

As for Elizabeth Warren, her desire to “block” the use of US funding for “expansion, annexation of the West Bank, and the policy goals of PM Benjamin Netanyahu and most of his right-wing parties,” shows her true colors as being anti-Israel at the core, because her ultimate goal is to depose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s “right-wing” policies, which simply do not dovetail with her radical leftist worldview.


Hatzor Haglilit

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