The Jerusalem Post

Black Belt bunkum


Regarding “Assessing Operation Black Belt” (November 15), both sides claiming they have accomplish­ed their goals is just Israel’s perpetuati­ng insanity and still expecting different results.

What is Israel’s goal? Simply to stop rockets until the next time while leaving most of the South exposed to rocket fire at any moment? To perform a targeted killing here and there to appease much of a worthless world community and the UN in thinking that our enemies might change their “genocidal wish” toward Israel? To show that Israel seeks to be “humane and gentle” while the South suffers?

To many, myself included, that is weak, cowardly and inexcusabl­e. Shame on our leadership such as it is (or isn’t). Until there is action equaling at the very least a “Dichter doctrine,” expect more of the same while Israel’s enemies buy time and strengthen.

Score: PIJ 1, Israel 0 – again.

I. KEMP Nahariya

According to the defense establishm­ent, “the killing of al-Ata was an important move, but it is not believed to be a game changer when it comes to the threat that Gaza continues to pose to the State of Israel. His removal was important since he was an obstacle to efforts to reach a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas” (“Bennett starts new role in trial by fire,” November 15).

While it is always good to be rid of a terrorist, we are agreeing to a ceasefire with yet another terrorist organizati­on because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is afraid of the consequenc­es from the world were he to act like a leader, putting our people and our country first and totally destroying our enemies, wherever they might be and without fear of collateral damage. This is not how wars are won and definitely not how his ‘hero’ Winston Churchill defeated Germany – but more like Neville Chamberlai­n with his appeasemen­t of Hitler.

At least the British people woke up to what was happening, whereas our people adamantly refuse to arise from their stupor. This madness has been going on year after year and all the while our enemies grow stronger and unafraid because there is nothing for them to be afraid of. Even as the ceasefire was broken by PIJ, the IDF was determined to keep it on their side.

Our enemies see us for losers, afraid to take the action that would shut them down for good.


Regarding “Israel’s maximum restraint and a ‘clean way’” (November 14), Seth J. Frantzman’s analysis of the current “war” is excellent and informativ­e. However, his comparison to the military strategy of the United States ignores the fact that Israel is under existentia­l attack to all its citizens and the entire homeland. The United States is under no such threat.

In addition, Frantzman ignores the underlying causes of our situation: are the failed messianic leftist policies of the Oslo Accords and the so-called Disengagem­ent – a misnomer if there ever was one.

The residents of Judea and Samaria and the expelled residents of Gush Katif are and were the first lines of Israel’s defense for those citizens now under attack by rockets all over Israel.


Regarding “A personal note during the rockets” (November 14), I would like to know whether in all these years that Gershon Baskin has been here since his first trip to Israel with Young Judea, he has ever attended a demonstrat­ion against Arab terrorists

Has he ever protested against the war crimes committed almost daily by Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip or Hezbollah in Lebanon? Did he protest the murder of Yaakov Litman and his son in front of the rest of their family on their way to a Shabbat Chatan four years ago this month? Did he demonstrat­e after a Red Crescent ambulance drove by without stopping to help the mortally wounded Litman and his son?

Throughout our history, Jews have been plagued by what are called self-hating Jews. I guess there are also self-hating Israelis.

NORMAN L. DEROVAN Ma’aleh Adumim

Islamic Jihad in Palestine’s name reveals its ideologica­l basis and its unabashed murderous intent. Its by-laws bear this out: “The peaceful solution based on recognizin­g the right of Jews in Palestine or in part of it is a solution that contradict­s the logic of the Koran… the struggle will continue...”

A specific goal of the movement includes (but is not limited to) “the creation of a psychologi­cal barrier between the Jews and the Muslim Palestinia­n people and the creation of a conviction that the coexistenc­e is impossible, and resisting the heralds of the idea of Arab-Israeli coexistenc­e.”

These folks and their supporters – including some already in Congress and others poised to run for election – have Jews (and others) in their crosshairs. DESMOND TUCK

San Mateo, CA

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