The Jerusalem Post

Erdogan bashes Israel, claims Muslim ‘brothers’ must unite against West


In a speech to the Organizati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Israel and called for Islamic unity among the “brothers and sisters” to confront the West and conspiraci­es against Islamic countries. Turkey’s ruler insinuated that Turkey was a victim of “terrorist attacks” because of its “principled stance” against “oppression in Jerusalem.”

Ankara claimed it is the “lone voice” standing up for Palestinia­ns today. Turkey has warm relations with Hamas. Hamas member Saleh Arouri arrived in Turkey on Sunday. He has been accused of involvemen­t in kidnapping, murder and other forms of terrorism in 2014. Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas also came to Turkey with Arouri and Moussa Abu Marzouk and others as part of a large delegation. Ankara has asked NATO to condemn terrorism but hosts Hamas.

Erdogan claimed that Israel was making the “situation in Jerusalem and Palestine” worse every day. He said that Israel doesn’t recognize justice, law, rights or humanity and that this “deepens the crisis in the region against Muslims.” Turkey is seeking to champion Islamic countries against Israel, Ankara claimed.

“We will never stop defending the rights of the Palestinia­ns and standing in solidarity with all the oppressed,” he said.

Turkey is involved in an expanding military campaign and occupation of northern Syria that has caused more than 150,000 people to flee Afrin in 2018, and 200,000 to flee areas near Tel Abyad in recent months. Turkey doesn’t see those people as oppressed, according to the speech.

“The better we protect children, women, elderly and disabled against Western threats, the more we protect our family structure,” he said, arguing that Western imperialis­ts were seeking to divide and rule the Islamic world, according to Anadolu’s version of the speech. Erdogan also claimed that Muslims are one-quarter of the world but are isolated and that Muslims must unite to push their political influence and “cultural prowess” to bring Islamic civilizati­on to its “rightful place.” Recently Erdogan inaugurate­d a mosque in the UK to showcase his devotion to these causes. Hurriyet reported that Erdogan said Muslim countries should work together to fight poverty, but that it was a challenge, “which means 350 million brothers and sisters are trying to hold onto life at the poverty level.” Erdogan then said that the wealthiest Muslim country, probably one of those that is in the Gulf, is 200 times richer than the poorest. He encouraged more Islamic charity. Turkey is a key ally of Qatar, a country that may need to give more charity than it has been. Qatar has been accused of exploiting workers and paying low wages to poor foreigners who come to work constructi­on but lack basic rights in Doha.

Erdogan’s speech was a way for Ankara to cement itself as a global champion of Islamic causes. Recently, Turkey has spoken out about Kashmir and Muslims in China and has also sought to rally countries around Jerusalem to oppose US President Donald Trump’s policies and Israel’s policies. So far Turkey’s attempt to become a new global Islamic leader has not materializ­ed. Turkey neverthele­ss tries to work with Malaysia, Pakistan and some other countries that are becoming more nationalis­t, far-right and conservati­ve, seeking to create a front of political Islam, often linked to the Muslim Brotherhoo­d and Hamas, as part of a larger agenda. Turkey’s current ruling party sees itself as an economic model for other countries and seeks to expand its power in Syria, Iraq, and other countries, while working with Iran and Russia.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? TURKISH PRESIDENT Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Israel doesn’t recognize justice, law, rights or humanity and that this ‘deepens the crisis in the region against Muslims.’
(Reuters) TURKISH PRESIDENT Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Israel doesn’t recognize justice, law, rights or humanity and that this ‘deepens the crisis in the region against Muslims.’

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