The Jerusalem Post

Liberman: Everyone to blame for election except me

‘Two parties that together have 65 seats bear responsibi­lity for an unnecessar­y vote’


Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman said Wednesday that blame for going to a third election belongs to the Likud, Blue and White, Arabs and haredim (the ultra-Orthodox) – and that his own party was the only one that has behaved responsibl­y.

Speaking at a meeting of his faction in the Knesset, Liberman said that his sticking to his decision not to join the government after the first two elections helped the country, because seeing a politician could keep his word has importance to the public.

“Two parties that together have 65 seats bear responsibi­lity for an unnecessar­y election,” he said. “Beyond ego of who goes first in a rotation, both parties essentiall­y preferred elections to a unity government.”

When asked by The Jerusalem Post if he bore any responsibi­lity for the election, he said “zero percent.” When told that Channel 13’s poll on Monday night found that 26% of the public said he was most to blame, Liberman said such numbers were the fault of the media.

Liberman said that “Blue and White tricked their voters,” because they took action in Knesset committees that helped the haredim and were willing to form a government with the Joint List.

Liberman said in a lengthy Facebook post on Wednesday morning, to explain why he attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that he was responding to attacks on him by journalist­s whom he saw as Netanyahu loyalists.

“I have a long fuse, but I will not turn the other cheek,” he said.

Liberman denounced the fact that slander, forgery and malignity against him, his family and his friends have dramatical­ly increased recently, and he accused the Prime Minister’s Residence of instigatin­g those attacks.

“Although, since the beginning of the election campaign for the 22nd Knesset, I have made it clear that Yisrael Beytenu would support only a unity government – and although I have acted in a civic-oriented and responsibl­e way – the prime minister’s associates, in various ways, have repeatedly given their own ‘explanatio­n’ on why I did not join a messianic/ultra-Orthodox government led by Netanyahu,” Liberman wrote, saying that they suggested that he was “blackmaile­d by the police and the prosecutor’s office, he was afraid of investigat­ion, and he had become the legal establishm­ent’s darling.”

He added that when he had to face legal problems, he never claimed immunity.

Liberman quoted what Netanyahu said in 2008 when Olmert was facing legal problems. “This is a prime minister who has fallen into the throes of investigat­ion and has no public and moral mandate to set such fateful things in the State of Israel. There is a concern – I have to say real, not unsubstant­iated – that he will make decisions based on the personal interest of his political survival and not [the] national interest,” the Likud leader said back then.

Addressing Netanyahu, he went on to say that, “if I wanted to attack or hurt you where you are most vulnerable, Mr. Prime Minister, I would have reminded you of that,” adding that he could have supported the “Blue and White” bill to prevent an indicted Knesset member to sit in the government.

He also remarked that he could have easily joined a government led by Blue and White and suggested that, had Netanyahu been in his shoes, he would have.

“The difference between you and me is that I have values and you have interests,” he stated. “The most important value for me is friendship, something that is completely foreign to you.”

“Mr. Prime Minister, you are disqualify­ing yourself,” he concluded.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? YISRAEL BEYTENU leader Avigdor Liberman addresses a press conference at the Knesset yesterday.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) YISRAEL BEYTENU leader Avigdor Liberman addresses a press conference at the Knesset yesterday.

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