The Jerusalem Post

Is the peace treaty with Jordan in jeopardy?


Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved the annexation of the Jordan Valley. This came in tandem with the US State Department reversing its stance on Israeli settlement­s in the West Bank. Before Israel’s September elections, Netanyahu stated, “If elected, I commit to annex the Jordan Valley. It is our eastern border, our defense wall.”

Netanyahu explained this decision as a security measure that would create a stronger defense on the eastern border. He reaffirmed this decision a few days ago, this time with the backing of the United States.

In statements made to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy last week, King Abdullah II replied to Netanyahu’s annexation intention, stating that the relationsh­ip between Jordan and Israel is at an “all-time low.” He went on to call this a “sensitive and emotional issue,” adding that, “If we do not solve the Israeli-Palestinia­n issue, Israel cannot be part of the Middle East.”

The king said the problems both nations face are mutual and that he was not “ready for the annexation to come at the expense of what my father, and late prime minister [Yitzhak] Rabin fought so hard to achieve, as a symbol of hope and opportunit­y for Israelis, Palestinia­ns, Jordanians and others.” He said that, “part of this is due to internal Israeli issues. We hope that Israel will determine its future, either in the coming weeks or in the coming months, and then we all must return to focusing our energy on bringing us all back to the discussion table and seeing the full glass.”

In light of the king’s hostile remarks toward Israel, Israel’s Western allies must make a strong stance against the threat that Jordan could pose. Israel and the US must force Jordan to maintain its peace agreement to avoid further regional instabilit­y. For the past few decades, Jordan and Israel have maintained a tenuous peace that is based largely on shared economic and security needs. The Palestinia­n issue has proved to be a thorn in the side of relations between the two nations.

Jordan, though it displays more secular Western procliviti­es than other religious monarchies in the Middle East, remained largely anti-Zionist in Israel’s early years. In 1967, Jordan aligned itself with Egyptian president Gamal Nasser’s Arab nationalis­t movement against Israel and promptly lost east

Jerusalem and the West Bank in the Six Day War. Yet a few years later, relations between the two countries were much improved, and in 1973 Jordan fought alongside Israel against PLO factions in the West Bank.

JORDAN WAS initially concerned about Israel’s peace process with the PLO in the Oslo Accords. To assuage fears, Rabin flew to Jordan to speak with King Hussein. The relationsh­ip between Rabin and Hussein was crucial to the negotiatio­n process and the historic peace treaty signed between Jordan and Israel on October 24, 1994. The treaty, at worst, delayed territoria­l disputes, trade issues and the sharing of water between the two nations.

The willingnes­s of Jordan to stand alone among many Arab nations in honoring a peace treaty and working with Israel toward greater economic and security cooperatio­n has contribute­d immensely to regional stability. The two nations have worked hand-in-hand to stem terrorist threats, and Jordan has been an instrument­al player in mediating between the Palestinia­ns and Israelis.

However, indicating the recent souring of relations, Jordan has reclaimed some lands it leased to Israel as part of the 1994 peace treaty. This dramatic diplomatic signal was intended to show Israel that the alliance is not guaranteed, and can be abandoned at any moment. It was a land-based rebuttal to show Israel that the land is what matters to the Jordanians.

Israel, as well as the US, needs to place Jordan in check. While Amman is showing that it has power in this relationsh­ip, further escalation of tensions between the two countries could plunge the whole region, already in a tenuous position, into a state of open warfare.

The current regional stability owes at least in part to Jordan’s cooperatio­n with Israel. Energy, commerce and informatio­n have flowed with increasing ease over the years between the two neighbors – demonstrat­ing to the region, as well as the West, that economic and security cooperatio­n are worth exploring as a route to peace.

The much-anticipate­d Trump peace plan, according to statements from administra­tion officials, seeks to establish peace through his “peace to prosperity” plan for the Middle East. The plan aims to assist economical­ly troubled countries to integrate with other nations economical­ly. When money is injected into economies through economic relations, it becomes mutually destructiv­e to jeopardize that relationsh­ip.

Jordan should realize this, as it has recently signed a major, 15-year, 10-billion-dollar natural gas deal with Israel. Severing ties with Jerusalem would not only affect the region but would have a direct effect on Jordan’s economy. Israel and the United States can, and should, collective­ly use strong economic levers to deter Jordan from jeopardizi­ng cooperatio­n, security and peace in the region. It is in the interests of the United States and Israel to not allow Jordan to rely on a more radical approach to relations – and to keep economic and strategic ties as strong as possible.

The author is a political analyst for various research institutio­ns where he specialize­s in Middle East relations.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? TOURISTS WALK next to an image of King Hussein in Jordan.
(Reuters) TOURISTS WALK next to an image of King Hussein in Jordan.

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