The Jerusalem Post

Arab MK, Yigal Amir party hope for approval to run


The Supreme Court will convene on Wednesday morning to consider overturnin­g the Central Elections Committee’s decision last Wednesday to prohibit both MK Heba Yazbak of the Joint List’s Balad party and the Free Trial party of Larissa Trembovler Amir from running in the March 2 election.

The committee, which is made up of representa­tives of parties, voted 13 to 0 to disqualify the Free Trial party of Trembovler Amir, the wife of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir. Trembovler Amir said Wednesday that she hoped the Supreme Court would overturn the decision, noting that Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit said there was no reason to prevent the party from running.

“The Knesset vote was absurd, with religious and right-wing parties leaving before the vote and Labor, Blue and White and Yisrael Beytenu voting that my party goes against the Jewish-democratic nature of the state,” she said. “The question is whether the Supreme Court will make its decision based on honest, good sense.”

The disqualifi­cation of Yazbak

for her statements allegedly supporting terrorism and terrorists passed by a vote of 28-7, with the support of representa­tives from Likud, Yisrael Beytenu, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Blue and White and Labor. Only Joint List and Meretz representa­tives opposed her disqualifi­cation.

Lawyers from Adalah – the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel filed arguments on behalf of Yazbak and an affidavit from Joint List MK Ayman Odeh in support of Yazbak to the Supreme Court on Monday.

“The committee’s decision to disqualify MK Heba Yazbak was purely political in nature and lacks any legal grounds,” Adalah said in a statement. “The move was driven by racism and constitute­s a populist attempt by the right wing to win votes by inciting against Palestinia­n Arab citizens and their elected political representa­tives. Adalah will argue before nine Supreme Court justices, demanding they overturn the decision and allow MK Yazbak to run.”

Mandelblit sought clarificat­ion regarding remarks Yazbak made to Channel 13 News that he wrote could be interprete­d as endorsing attacks on IDF soldiers.

“Internatio­nal law stipulates the right of the Palestinia­n people to struggle for freedom from occupation – and illegal occupation – while emphasizin­g that occupation is the source of violence and bloodshed,” she said in the controvers­ial interview. “I will fight and work to end the occupation and achieve a just peace.”

“Everyone who listened to the interview realizes that there was no incitement to violence or killing, and the campaign launched by the right wing is a new attempt at incitement through misinforma­tion,” Yazbak said.

Yisrael Beytenu faction chairman Oded Forer, who requested the disqualifi­cation of Yazbak along with Likud MK Ophir Katz, told the committee Yazbak should not be permitted to run because she repeatedly shared posts that support terrorism.

 ?? (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) ?? MK HEBA YAZBAK during last week’s Central Elections Committee discussion of requests to disqualify her from running in the upcoming Knesset elections.
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) MK HEBA YAZBAK during last week’s Central Elections Committee discussion of requests to disqualify her from running in the upcoming Knesset elections.

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