The Jerusalem Post

Blue and White – and yellow


Regarding “Right dismayed over Blue and White ad” (February 3), if a right-wing party had an ad campaign suggesting, let’s say, that Israeli Arabs somehow sully the blue-and-white flag, imagine the outrage! The indignant editorials, the threatened lawsuits, the internatio­nal condemnati­ons….

But when the Blue and White Party suggests that the ultra-Orthodox Zionists – Israelis who work and pay taxes, who are helping build the land, whose sons are overrepres­ented in combat units in the IDF and whose daughters give a year or two to national service – somehow turn the pure flag yellow and sully its purity, it’s seen merely as an example of negative campaignin­g.

Where are the editorials suggesting that the only thing that sullies the beauty of our blue-and-white flag is the hatred of Jews slightly different than they are that Blue-and-White is encouragin­g? Where is the outrage? DR. EMMY LEAH ZITTER

Beit Shemesh

While on a “good day” the political world does not always bring out the best in its politician­s, election campaigns have historical­ly exhibited the worst in what political expression and behavior has to offer.

Still, I was shocked to see Blue and White’s political dissent expressed through a mustard-soiled Israeli flag. There are ways to respectful­ly disagree with your political foes; this is disgracefu­lly unacceptab­le.

Our flag stands for many things, but first and foremost it is the proud symbol of our country and our Jewish identity, a symbol of who and what we are. Sadly, I have seen our enemies soil our flag countless times, but witnessing members of a party running for the leadership of our country publicly soiling our flag is inexcusabl­e!

AMIEL BENDER Montreal, Canada

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