The Jerusalem Post

1,000 times “No!”


This week the official Palestinia­n Authority newspaper, which speaks for PA President Mahmoud Abbas, wrote that “Palestine (meaning all of Israel, including Judea and Samaria) must defended with blood (“Fatah on Trump’s Peace Plan: Palestine must be Defended with Blood,”, February 3).

When on November 30, 1947 the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine rejected the offer of a country by the United Nations General Assembly, their leader, Nazi war criminal the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini, responded: “Murder the Jews. Murder all of them.”

In 72 years there has been no change in the rejectioni­st position of the Arabs – from the Grand Mufti to Abbas: the genocidal eliminatio­n of the Jews of Israel has been their express goal – the Arab version of the Wannsee Protocol.

RICHARD SHERMAN Margate, Florida

The Palestinia­ns and other Arabs who are enraged by the plan presented by US President Donald Trump should direct their anger at the European Union as a body and a number of European countries in particular.

It is mainly those Europeans, with their anti-Israel bias and willingnes­s to ignore Palestinia­n terrorism and violations of laws and human rights, who have encouraged the extremist delusion that if only the Palestinia­ns refuse to negotiate long enough, eventually the Europeans will hand them a state that will fulfill all their wishes and enable them sooner rather than later to drive the Jews into the sea.

By presenting the parameters that will be required in the real world for a resolution of the conflict, the US has done the world and the region a great service. The fact that the only possible outlines of an independen­t state of Palestine are obviously impractica­l should encourage further thought, perhaps leading to the realizatio­n that in fact the final arrangemen­t should not be a separate state at all, but cantons affiliated with either Jordan or Egypt.


I have always been impressed by the fact that Rome – one of the most important cities in the Mediterran­ean world – hosts the capitals of two separate sovereign states: Italy and the Holy See (the Vatican). I have never felt that the presence of the Vatican in the heart of Rome in any way diminishes Rome’s status or significan­ce as the capital of Italy. Furthermor­e, I regard Rome as the “undivided” capital of Italy, although I realize there can be debates over words.

Before US President Donald Trump made his proposal for the capital of Palestine to be Abu Dis, I felt that a demilitari­zed Palestinia­n government enclave within east Jerusalem completely surrounded by Israeli territory but with a road link to the West Bank would be a reasonable compromise. I am glad to see that Jared Kushner has said that the map is still subject to negotiatio­n, although I realize that the location of the capital is more important than simply lines on a map.

Sometimes it is useful for the stronger party in a negotiatio­n to grant the weaker party a dignified compromise. Even if the stronger party can force a solution, that can often lead to decades or generation­s of resentment or bitterness.


“‘Deal of the Century’ or deceit of the century?” (February 3) bashes the Trump peace deal, favoring concerns and aspiration­s of the Palestinia­ns.

Palestinia­n aspiration­s, as they trumpet to the world, are that all of Israel is Arab land, thus occupied territory; they will settle for it all – nothing less. Jews must be removed from every inch of the land and millions of “Palestinia­ns” must be permitted to “return.”

During British rule, the Jews were Palestinia­ns and the local Arabs were Arabs. Only in 1964/5 did the Arabs adopt the title of “Palestinia­n” to stake a claim to the land. Unfortunat­ely for them, the Bible, League of Nations and UN had already given the Jews legal title to the land from “the river to the sea.” Not one of all the non-binding UN resolution­s was accepted by the Arabs. Instead they subjected us to five wars. Having failed to rid the land of the Jews, they opened the political battlefiel­d.

Military occupation is defined as when an aggressive state takes over the land of another state with the intention of holding on to it. While hostilitie­s continue, the occupying state is forbidden from annexing the territory. This is what Jordan did in the so-called “West Bank” when it look over land belonging to the Jewish nation, illegally expelling all Jewish inhabitant­s and flooding it illegally with Jordanian citizens and then annexed it. In 1967, we re-took our own territory from an illegal occupier that used it to attack us. We cannot be occupiers in our own land.

By accepting the Trump peace plan, Israelis are prepared to give up part of their heritage to these non-people and give them a state they don’t deserve for the sake of peace, even though they will not accept it. Or should hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews pack their bags and abandon their homes so that the concerns and aspiration­s of the “Palestinia­ns” will be fully satisfied?

EDMUND JONAH Rishon Lezion

US President Donald Trump has pulled off his biggest real estate deal ever, which of course is all that the Jewish land is to him – and apparently not much more to us (“Settlers welcome sovereignt­y, not Palestinia­n state,” January 29). We are asked to surrender 70% of our historic land to our enemies that still stand by their goal of destroying us; the status quo at the Temple Mount is to remain, which means, Jews are still to be secondary to the Moslems; east Jerusalem is to be the capital of a “Palestinia­n people” that does not exist.

US Ambassador David Friedman said that applying Israeli law is a process that will take time and clarified that Israel first needs to present detailed maps to a joint US-Israel committee before receiving official US recognitio­n of the move. The US administra­tion wants to work with Israel to ensure sovereignt­y plans do not go beyond map presented, and Netanyahu has also agreed to a four-year building freeze outside existing “settlement­s.”

Don’t they realize that we are being manipulate­d and humiliated? There is euphoria over Trump’s acceptance of our keeping parts of the land given to us by God, but what we have actually done is to make history as the people who arose from the Holocaust to rebuild their own land, sacrificin­g thousands in order to do it, and then surrendere­d it to our enemies.


Offers more generous to the Arab Palestinia­ns than the current plan have been refused out of hand. In a negotiatio­n, each side presents an opening position, and if it is an honest negotiatio­n, compromise­s are made by both sides.

When Israel made offers in the past, the neighborin­g Arab nations and the Arab Palestinia­ns replied with an all-or-nothing stance, even though the Arabs had no right to the territory, which was designated to be a Jewish homeland by the League of Nations, Balfour Declaratio­n and UN recognitio­n in 1947, as well as having been purchased through blood in defensive wars in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and the constant terrorism by Arab Palestinia­ns through “intifadas.”

Now, even before the plan was unveiled, the PA not only rejected the plan, it refused even to sit down to negotiatio­ns with Israel in any form.

Space prohibits further elucidatio­n and therefore mention of the realities of the past century vis a vis Jewish-Arab relations cannot be delved into here. However, US President Donald Trump has taken a bold first step to bring at least a “cold” peace to the region. It should not be summarily rejected. Recognize both the positive and negative aspects of the proposal.

Build from there and spare future generation­s the futility of today’s situation.


PA leader Mahmoud Abbas couldn’t be more right when he said, “Jerusalem is not for sale!” It’s not his to sell; it belongs to us.


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