The Jerusalem Post

Trump’s impeachmen­t trial winds down as acquittal likely


WashInGton (reuters) – the long days of lawyers arguing for and against the impeachmen­t of us president donald trump are over. now it is up to us senators from both major parties to present their rationale for acquitting or convicting him.

the impeachmen­t trial of the 45th president began on january 16 and is winding to a close on Wednesday, when the deeply divided senate is scheduled to vote on whether he should be removed from office.

With nearly all of trump’s fellow republican­s staunchly defending him, democrats are expected to fail in their drive to convict trump on charges of abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress in his dealings with ukraine.

much more than trump’s guilt or innocence will be on the minds of the senators who speak on tuesday in the third-ever impeachmen­t trial of a president: trump is seeking a second four-year term in a november 3 election.

besides aiming to unseat trump, democrats hope to keep their majority in the house of representa­tives and seek to seize the senate from republican control.

making their final arguments on monday, trump’s lawyers struck a defiant tone and accused house democrats of staging “false investigat­ions” in an impeachmen­t inquiry that resulted in charges that trump abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Closing speeches by senators, which are limited to no more than 10 minutes and began on monday and continued on tuesday. Chief justice john roberts did not preside, as the senate technicall­y has heard these speeches in a regular session and not a special impeachmen­t trial session.

democrats castigated trump in making their plea for an unlikely conviction, which would require 67 votes in the 100-member chamber.

“you can’t trust this president to do the right thing. not for one minute. not for an election. not for the sake of our country,” said representa­tive adam schiff on monday, who led the democrats’ impeachmen­t battle.

any hints of fallout in the impeachmen­t trial will be most closely watched in districts and states that can swing either to republican­s or democrats and will play a decisive role in november’s house and senate races.

a backlash could hurt some democratic incumbents seeking reelection, while republican­s who have defended trump could find themselves in a tough spot with their moderate constituen­ts.

the difficulty was on display on monday, when democratic senator joe manchin took to the senate floor and tried to thread the needle with a middle-ground position: raising the idea of a “censure” of trump’s behavior, instead of ouster from office.

manchin’s home state of West Virginia has been solidly behind trump since his 2016 campaign for president, and manchin said he was still undecided on how he will vote on the two impeachmen­t articles on Wednesday.

the trial resumes on Wednesday with a final vote scheduled on trump’s acquittal or conviction at 4 p.m.

 ?? (Erin Scott/Reuters) ?? SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Mitch McConnell walks to the Senate chamber yesterday.
(Erin Scott/Reuters) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Mitch McConnell walks to the Senate chamber yesterday.

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