The Jerusalem Post

Taliban accuses US of delaying peace talks in call to end violence


Kabul (reuters) – afghanista­n’s taliban on tuesday accused the united states of hampering peace negotiatio­ns in response to the top american diplomat’s comments that a reduction in violence was needed before a deal to end years of war could be struck.

us secretary of state mike pompeo on monday said during a visit to uzbekistan that “demonstrab­le evidence” of a reduction in taliban violence was necessary for a peace agreement with the Islamist group.

taliban spokesman Zabihullah mujahid said issues from the american end, including a tweet by us president donald trump halting the signing of an agreement last year, were the reason for challenges in the peace process.

“mr. pompeo should not shift the blame. our stance is principled and united, and our policy is not shaky like the opposite side,” said mujahid in a statement on messaging service Whatsapp.

trump abruptly called off the talks to end the 18-year war in a tweet in september after a us soldier was killed in an attack by the militant group.

talks have since resumed but have suffered setbacks due to multiple attacks, including a december suicide bombing of a us base outside Kabul that killed two civilians.

hostilitie­s have surged in recent weeks, suggesting a deadlock in the peace talks between us and taliban negotiator­s in Qatar’s capital, doha.

at least 29 members of the afghan security forces were killed in taliban attacks that followed air and ground assaults by government forces on the Islamist group in january.

the defense ministry said on sunday government forces had killed 51 taliban fighters in the weekend assaults.

but the taliban hit back, carrying out attacks on security checkpoint­s in the northern province of Kunduz on tuesday night in which a security official who declined to be identified said 15 members of the afghan army were killed.

the taliban also attacked a police station on monday night in pul-e Khomri, capital of the neighborin­g baghlan province, killing 14 policemen, said safdar muhseni, head of the provincial council.

taliban said it was responsibl­e for both attacks. the group’s spokesman, Zabihullah mujahid, said 35 members of the afghan security forces had been killed in the attack in Kunduz and 17 in baghlan.

sources close to the talks in doha said the taliban had agreed internally to halt attacks against us forces and “reduce” assaults against afghan government interests, but clashes between the taliban and afghan forces have risen.

afghan forces and the taliban also clashed on tuesday when security personnel tried to access the site of a crashed us military plane in central afghanista­n. us forces were later able to access the site and recover the remains of two personnel and what is believed to be the flight data recorder.

trump was reported last year to be planning to withdraw around half of the 14,000 us forces in afghanista­n, adding pressure to secure a peace agreement with the taliban to prevent the country from collapsing.

the taliban have made increasing gains as moves towards a possible peace deal have continued, with expanding control over large parts of the war-torn country.

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