The Jerusalem Post

She missed the party


It’s not as though the petite Yona Bartal, who serves as executive director of the Friends of the Peres Circle for Peace and Innovation, has missed out on meeting with people in high places. In the close to 30 years that she worked with Shimon Peres, she often traveled with him when he went to meet with presidents and prime ministers around the globe. She rubbed shoulders with royalty, heads of state and heads of government, both in meetings that were made public and in clandestin­e meetings that still remain classified.

Still, when she traveled to Florida last week to launch a branch there of the Peres Circle and to talk to different groups and people of influence, she could not help but be excited when she received invitation­s to two huge parties being hosted by US President Donald

Trump at Mar-a-Lago. Quite a coup for someone who arrived in Israel from Lithuania at the age of three.

But then, before she could decide which evening gown to wear, she received a message telling her that she had to return to Israel immediatel­y. And so she missed the parties. However, given the many invitation­s she receives to gala events in Israel and abroad, sooner or later she is bound to come up trumps.

■ LAST SATURDAY, February 1, marked the 17th anniversar­y of the death of Israel’s first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who, together with other crew members, was killed during the disintegra­tion of the Space Shuttle Columbia as it attempted to reenter the atmosphere.

While in outer space, the families of crew members sent them songs. Ilan Ramon’s favorite song was “Hatishma Koli” (Will you hear my voice). This was the song that his wife, Rona Ramon, sent to him. It became one of the most broadcast songs on radio on the day that their son Assaf was killed in September 2009 when his fighter jet crashed. The song was frequently played again at the launch of the Ilan Ramon Airport and following Rona Ramon’s futile battle with cancer in December 2018.

■ FORMER POLITICAL reporter and Washington correspond­ent of the now defunct Israel Broadcasti­ng Authority (IBA) Yaakov Ahimeir, the most veteran, albeit not the oldest, of Israeli television broadcaste­rs, and host of Ro’im Olam (Seeing the World), the longest-running current affairs program in Israel, presented the program for the last time this past Saturday night.

Ahimeir, an Israel Prize laureate and the recipient of many other prizes in recognitio­n of his journalist­ic abilities, will celebrate his 82nd birthday in July. He is the last of the broadcaste­rs whose careers in television began with the launch of Israel’s first public broadcasti­ng television network in May 1968. Blessed in his youth not only with journalist­ic talent but with film star looks, he was for many years the most handsome man on Israel’s television screen.

Ro’im Olam, which first went to air in August 1988 with David Witzthum as its host, was presented on a weekly basis by Ahimeir from 1997 onward. It was continued by KAN 11 following the dissolutio­n of the IBA, but a drop in the ratings, coupled with Ahimeir’s own decision to retire, brought the program to an end.

When Ahimeir’s retirement was first announced, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not particular­ly well disposed to journalist­s, tweeted his regrets and

praised Ahimeir’s journalist­ic integrity.

Ahimeir’s final program was preceded last Saturday night by a feature on his career in the KAN 11 news. For his swan song Ahimeir brought on some of his predecesso­rs who had hosted Ro’im Olam – Witzthum, Emanuel Halperin and

Oren Nahari as well as Tova Biala and Sari Raz, who had been among the contributi­ng reporters on the show. In fact Raz, like Ahimeir, was among the first broadcaste­rs on public television in May 1968.

Like several other Israeli television broadcaste­rs of his generation, Ahimeir had previously worked in London, broadcasti­ng on the BBC’s Hebrew program and on Israel Radio. Throughout the years, he continued to broadcast on radio and also contribute­d to print media.

He never hid the fact that he is on the Right of the political spectrum, but he never allowed this to intrude on his profession­alism. In the news feature about him, he said that there is no such thing as objectivit­y, but that it is important to be fair.

The final presentati­on of Ro’im Olam also included archive footage of some of the material that had appeared over the years, including interviews with journalist­s working for other media outlets, such as the late Bob Simon, or deceased IBA journalist­s such as Daniel Pe’er.

Modern technology has not only changed broadcasti­ng quality but also broadcasti­ng content. However, broadcasti­ng tastes are apparently not much different from what they were more than 40 years ago.

Ahimeir told the story of interviewi­ng Yitzhak Rabin following the revelation by Dan Margalit in Haaretz that Lea Rabin had continued to maintain an American bank account, which at the time was illegal.

On the night of the interview, in which Rabin announced his resignatio­n, there had been an important basketball match in which Maccabi Tel Aviv played a major Italian team. Rabin had asked that the broadcast of the interview be delayed so that it would not disrupt the broadcast of the basketball match.

As Ahimeir left the studio in Jerusalem’s Romema neighborho­od that night, he was recognized by a passing taxi driver who yelled out: “What was the Maccabi score?” To the taxi driver the result of the game was more important than the resignatio­n of the prime minister. Today, reality shows are much more important to the Israeli public than news about politician­s, regardless of the impact on the nation.

The people that he had invited to the studio for his final broadcast had a surprise for Ahimeir, with broadcasts of good wishes from colleagues such as Natan Gutman, the KAN 11 correspond­ent in Washington, and Yaron Dekel as well as friendly rivals on other television channels such as Ayala Hasson, Arad Nir, Yonit Levi and Ilana Dayan.

The cameras then panned behind the glass panel separating the studio from the control room, where a whole bunch of people joined technical staff in applauding Ahimeir and wishing him well.

When asked what he had not yet achieved, he said that he had always hoped to be asked to be an adjudicato­r on MasterChef or at the Eurovision Song Contest, but no one had approached him.

For many people, especially those who do not enjoy the aggressive style of interviewi­ng that prevails on television and radio today, Ahimeir’s polite, gentlemanl­y style will be a great loss.

For Ahimeir himself, there is one compensati­on. He will no longer have to travel to the studio in Modi’in, which is so despised by former IBA employees now working for KAN, and some even say so on air.

In his farewell address on television, Ahimeir said that although he was sad to leave, he was pleased that he had been given the privilege to serve the nation through the material that he broadcast. This was repeated on KAN radio news broadcasts throughout the evening.

Ahimeir, by the way, was not the only past-pension-age broadcaste­r. Among the others are Gideon Hod, Moshe Timor, Yitzhak Noy, Dan

Kanner, Gary Livne, Avi Etgar and Aryeh Golan.

KAN broadcasti­ng was launched on May 15, 2017. KAN’s official title in English is the Israeli Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n. One of the conditions under which it was establishe­d was that its headquarte­rs should be in Jerusalem. After a long search, it did in fact acquire premises on the main street of the capital’s Givat Shaul neighborho­od, but it continues to broadcast from Modi’in, which was initially intended as a temporary solution but, like so many other temporary things in Israel, has assumed the mantle of permanence

■ ON THURSDAY evening, February 6, the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem will host a panel discussion on Martin Buber based on the book by the Hebrew University’s Prof.

Paul Mendes-Flohr: Martin Buber, a Life of Faith and Dissent. The home in which Buber resided in Jerusalem was less than a five-minute walk from the Van Leer Institute. Although it’s not a milestone year in relation to Buber, the discussion is coincident­ally to take place two days ahead of the 122nd anniversar­y of his birth. The speakers are from the universiti­es of Cambridge and Potsdam as well as from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Although it is unlikely that any of the speakers will mention Tirzah Agassi, who was Buber’s Jerusalem-born great-granddaugh­ter, it would seem appropriat­e for her to be mentioned in The Jerusalem Post, where she was a music critic and a columnist on other subjects for 10 years, before moving to Los Angeles, where in 2008 she succumbed to cancer. Had she lived, she would have been celebratin­g her 70th birthday on February 26. In addition to her journalism, she was a psychother­apist for the terminally ill and for young people with eating disorders.

She was very interested in finding common ground on which to bring Israelis and Palestinia­ns together, and even wrote a film script about meetings between Israelis and Palestinia­ns who were mutually seeking to overcome animositie­s. She was looking for a producer at the time she fell ill, and the script never made it to the screen.

■ JUST OVER a year has passed since the death of Amos Oz, one of Israel’s greatest writers and peace advocates. A memorial tribute to him will be held this coming Friday, February 7, at Beit Lessin Theater Tel Aviv, where President Reuven

Rivlin, who was a personal friend who had known Oz since they were both children, will share memories of him.

■ IT’S BEEN a busy time for Australian Ambassador Chris Cannan, who last month was heavily involved not only with the various events connected to the visit of Australian Governor-General

David Hurley, who came for the conference on “Rememberin­g the Holocaust: Fighting Antisemiti­sm”; but at more or less the same time Cannan kept his finger on the pulse leading up to the January 30 allnight StandWithU­s hackathon contest designed to find solutions for Australian bushfire relief.

Among the participan­ts who came together in the offices of Impact Innovation Israel in Tel Aviv were specialist­s in water purificati­on and management; ridding air of pollution; creating emergency infrastruc­tures; telecommun­ication; energy; wildlife rehabilita­tion and animal rescue. Also present were members of the search and rescue unit of the Israel Defense Forces, as well as well-known representa­tives of the hi-tech and water industries.

Air Koalaty, an applicatio­n that can identify the level of pollution in the air, won first prize for the ClimaCell team, whose prize is a round trip to Australia.

The hackathon was the brainchild of Ethy Levy, founder and CEO of Impact Innovation Israel, who is a former Israeli commercial attaché who served Australia. Joining her in promoting the idea were United Israel Appeal’s (UIA) marketing firm Natural Intelligen­ce; the nonprofit Appleseeds Academy, which for the past 20 years has been engaged in digital marketing; the Kinneret Innovation Center, which is part of Kinneret College; Grove Ventures; Amazon Web Services; Cisco; and more.

■ AROUND THE same period, Cannan got together with a large group of volunteers from all the Zionist youth organizati­ons in Australia who came to Israel to spend a year volunteeri­ng in numerous projects. This not only enhances the spirit of volunteeri­sm, which is prevalent in Australia in general, but also their Jewish identities and connection­s to Israel.

The volunteers also showed up in full force this past Monday at the Australian Bushfire Relief event at Hangar 11 at Tel Aviv Port. Jointly organized and sponsored by the Zionist Federation of Australia, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael and Jewish National Fund Australia, the Israel-Australia, New Zealand & Oceania Chamber of Commerce, the Australian­s Living in Israel Facebook Group, Tel Aviv University, TimTam, Billabong and Teva Neot, the event, which was the largest-ever Australia related event in Israel (including the 100th anniversar­y of the Battle of Beersheba), drew in more than a thousand people, from teens to senior citizens, including representa­tives of the many projects that Australia supports.

Particular­ly heartwarmi­ng was the presence of representa­tives of leading figures of towns, kibbutzim and moshavim along the Gaza Strip and in the Negev, who, despite their own hardships, brought a contributi­on of NIS 30,000. There were also members of the Beduin community among the participan­ts from the Negev.

In addition to funds raised during the evening, Teva Naot sent 5,000 pairs of shoes valued at NIS 1.5 million to Australia, and also paid the cost of shipping.

Documentar­y films of the disaster, which has still not been fully contained, were shown, and some of the statistics related to the catastroph­ic fires were emphasized. To date, 34 people lost their lives, and 19 million hectares of land were destroyed. More than a billion wildlife creatures, including several species endemic to Australia, were killed, 6,000 homes were burnt to cinders, and 2,500 families are homeless. It is believed to be one of the worst fires in history, covering an area five times the size of Israel.

Several speakers made the point that for more than a hundred years, Australian­s have been involved with the Land of Israel, fighting on Israeli soil and helping politicall­y and economical­ly whenever help was needed, and now, after so many years of receiving from Australia’s benevolenc­e, it was time to give back.

Curiously, although the KKL-JNF was a prime mover in organizing and moderating the event, no one mentioned the fact that Australian eucalyptus trees were brought to the Land of Israel in the latter part of the 1800s to drain the malaria swamps. Despite the geographic distance, the connection between the two countries goes back a long way and remains strong.

Among the things that Australia and Israel have in common is resilience in the face of adversity, and so the program also included a lot of entertainm­ent, all provided on a voluntary basis.

First up was Noa Zulu, an Israeli-born didgeridoo player. The didgeridoo is a very long Australian aboriginal wind instrument, rarely played by women. Different aboriginal tribes have different customs. In some tribes the didgeridoo is taboo for women; in others they can play it, but not on ceremonial occasions.

Not to be outdone, trumpeter

Arik Davidov, who also knows how to blow the shofar, actually blew a whole tune on the shofar, and it sounded great.

Savannah Zwi,an Australian-Israeli musician, singer, songwriter and keyboard instrument­alist, did a great job on a song about Australian feelings; and popular Israeli singer

Hagit Yaso came from her home in Sderot to perform.

Koolulam is a social vocal initiative which travels the world, bringing together mass groups of people of different background­s and lifestyles to become an a cappella chorus of three-part vocals.

Running backward and forward across the stage and occasional­ly leaping into the air, Ben Yaffet, the charismati­c musical director of Koolulam, put everyone through their paces singing Bob Marley’s “One Love,” and then had them all singing together. It was truly awesome.

But the highlight of the evening, as so often happens at Australian events in Israel, was Jeremie Bracka, an Australian-Israeli human rights lawyer who is also a stand-up comedian, and whose spoofs on Israeli stereotype­s and bureaucrac­y are simply sidesplitt­ing.

To test how many Australian­s were in the audience, Bracka presented a brief test in Australian English, which he explained is basically made up of abbreviati­ons. Bracka gave the full word, and the audience chorused what it is down under, such as breakfast – brekkie; barbecue- barbie; cigarette – cigi; university – uni; and underwear – undies. Other examples he could have used but didn’t include aggravatio­n – agro; afternoon – arvo; bathing costume – cozzie; biscuit – bikki; and football – footy.

There are, of course, many more, which makes it difficult for many English-speakers to understand Australian English. Strine is even harder to understand.

But it wasn’t on Australian English that Bracka nearly brought the house down. Relating to El Al’s upcoming inaugural direct flight to Australia in April, Bracka said that in response to Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” El Al would remove the “occupied” sign from all of its toilets.

Cannan, who was sitting in the front row, spent a lot of time taking photos, and, as far as the event was concerned, was more of a dinkum Aussie than an ambassador, though he did get back into the latter mode when it was his turn to speak. Saying that this has been a tough time for Australia, he paid tribute to the firefighte­rs and first responders who have put their lives in harm’s way, and made the point that even though there has been such an unpreceden­ted disaster, Australia is bouncing back.

■ NEXT WEEK, on Monday, February 10, Cannan will be the guest speaker at the Tel Aviv Internatio­nal Salon’s Ambassador Series, where he will be interviewe­d by ILTV’s

Natasha Kirtshuk on the rooftop of the Alexander Boutique Hotel at 3 Havakuk Hanavi Street, Tel Aviv. They will discuss Israeli-Australian relations, Southeast Asia and beyond. Later in the month he will fly to Australia in order to be there during the visit by Rivlin, who will be accompanie­d by a large business delegation.

Though primarily in Australia to launch this year’s UIA campaigns in Sydney and Melbourne, Rivlin will also attend a business innovation lunch, which will also be attended by New South Wales Gov.

Margaret Beazley. The lunch will be jointly hosted by the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce, the Israel Embassy, the Israel Trade Commission and the Israel Export Institute. The business delegation will include experts in agricultur­e, health, water management and cybersecur­ity.

■ NETANYAHU’S LIGHTNING visit to Uganda this week was not only a matter of diplomatic coordinati­on but also of fashion coordinati­on. The prime minister wore a red tie to match the red pants suit worn by his wife, Sara, and Uganda Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda wore a yellow tie to match the bold yellow print on the dress of his wife, Jocelyn. One can only wonder whether the fashion coordinate­s were coincident­al or planned.

■ WHILE PERFORMING in Sweden this week, Dana Internatio­nal celebrated her 51st birthday. She didn’t announce it, but her fans obviously knew, because they surprised her by singing “Happy Birthday” in Swedish. If anyone had ever asked her what she considered to be the most unexpected thing in her life, it would probably be the Swedish chorus of “Happy Birthday.”

■ FOR MANY years Japanese ambassador­s around the world, including in Israel, hosted a reception in December to honor the birthday of Emperor Akihito, who was born December. There was no reception this past December, and many regular invitees were somewhat surprised until they received an invitation for a reception that takes place this month in honor of

Naruhito, the current emperor of Japan, who was born in February.

 ?? (Tal Raviv) ?? AUSTRALIAN AMBASSADOR Chris Cannan (second from left) with Hackathon initiators (from left) Elad Shamir, Kinneret Innovation Center, Ethy Levy, Impact Innovation Israel, and Dafna Gaber Lifshitz, of Appleseeds.
(Tal Raviv) AUSTRALIAN AMBASSADOR Chris Cannan (second from left) with Hackathon initiators (from left) Elad Shamir, Kinneret Innovation Center, Ethy Levy, Impact Innovation Israel, and Dafna Gaber Lifshitz, of Appleseeds.
 ?? (Haim Zach/GPO) ?? PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, with Uganda Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda and his wife, Jocelyn.
(Haim Zach/GPO) PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, with Uganda Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda and his wife, Jocelyn.
 ?? (Moshe Pridan/GPO) ?? MARTIN BUBER

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