The Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu defeats Gantz with 60-seat bloc

71% voter turnout in 3rd election • Netanyahu to focus on recruiting ‘defector’ from Center-Left


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeeded in winning 60 seats for his bloc of right-wing and religious parties in Monday’s election, one less than he needed for a majority in the Knesset, according to exit polls on the three television networks.

The polls indicated that Netanyahu’s Likud won 36-37 seats. Its allies in Shas, UTJ and Yamina won 9, 7-8 and 6-7 respective­ly. The polls showed Blue and White with 33 seats, its ally Labor-Gesher-Meretz 6-7, the Joint List 14-15 and Yisrael Beytenu 6-8.

The numbers are expected to change overnight. The votes of soldiers, who tend to lean to the right, have not yet been counted and the Joint List tends to go down a seat when the soldiers’ votes are added.

Netanyahu immediatel­y tweeted: “Thank you.”

The outright victory in the third election in under a year is expected to enable Netanyahu to quickly form a right-wing coalition after having headed a caretaker government since December 2018.

Netanyahu spoke to the heads of the parties in his camp immediatel­y after the exit polls were announced and agreed to form a strong nationalis­t government as soon as possible.

Sources in Likud said he would even try to get a government in place before his criminal trial begins on March 17.

Blue and White MKs expressed disappoint­ment with the results but said they did not expect the party to break up. They dismissed speculatio­n that Blue and White leader Benny Gantz would quit politics.

Gantz thanked his supporters and told them: “I will continue to struggle for our ideology for you.”

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman responded: “We have to wait for the final results. Yisrael Beytenu won’t compromise a millimeter from what it promised its voters.”

The high turnout in the country’s unpreceden­ted third election in under a year showed no signs of voter apathy, as citizens cast ballots in an attempt to end the political stalemate.

The voter turnout was 71%, compared to 69.8% in the September election and 68.46% in April. There were more than 200,000 voters casting ballots on Monday who had not voted in September.

The turnout was even higher among the 5,630 people quarantine­d due to exposure

to the coronaviru­s, among whom 4,076 voted in special polling stations despite long lines.

Earlier Monday, both Netanyahu and Gantz expressed concern about what they claimed was lower turnout in areas where their parties had done well in recent elections.

Gantz and his No. 2, Yair Lapid, went to the streets of Tel Aviv with megaphones begging people to vote, and MKs Gabi Ashkenazi and Moshe Ya’alon were sent to other Blue and White stronghold­s. Sources in the party said turnout in Tel Aviv was ridiculous­ly low, well behind the rest of the country.

Netanyahu went to Ma’aleh Adumim and complained about low turnout in Judea and Samaria and developmen­t towns in the South. He went on Facebook Live all day, urging Likud supporters to vote. The Likud complained the press had made it look like the party was well ahead, discouragi­ng its supporters from voting in the final hours.

There were complaints all day to the Central Elections Committee about forgeries and hidden ballots. Blue and White complained that the Likud campaign had doctored a video of Gantz.

In the original video, Gantz warned Blue and White supporters: “If you don’t put Blue and White in the ballot box, there will be a fourth election.” The doctored version had him only saying “Don’t put Blue and White in the ballot box.”

The head of the Central Elections Committee, Supreme Court Judge Neal Hendel forced Likud to remove the video from its Facebook and Instagram pages and to pay a fine of NIS 7,500 to Blue and White. •

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, vote in a Jerusalem school yesterday.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, vote in a Jerusalem school yesterday.
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