The Jerusalem Post

The ironic bigotry of progressiv­e activism


Though they claim to stand for inclusion and universali­ty, progressiv­es these days are managing to denounce more groups than they include. Anyone who does not share their politics is, at best, persona non grata; at worst, they are downright demonized. Progressiv­es condemn hate, unless it’s toward an individual or group they’ve deemed worthy of hating. The most glaring and pernicious example today is the obsessive delegitimi­zation of Israel, the very embodiment of Jewish peoplehood.

The first prong of attack is the Left’s gross mischaract­erization of Jews as predominan­tly “white,” and therefore powerful, in contrast to Muslims, who are perceived as “brown,” and therefore oppressed. In fact, global Jewry is dominantly brown-skinned, and millions of Muslims are actually white. But it is a small lie to tell for the sake of one’s sacred political theory.

Such a fallacious mode of thinking about group oppression begs the question: Who gets to determine the “universal” hierarchy of victimhood? Muslims may be an oppressed group in China, but in the Arab world, Muslims are doing the oppressing. Palestinia­ns may be a persecuted minority in Lebanon, but in Gaza and the West Bank, their leadership is persecutin­g Christians and practicing gender apartheid against women.

The anti-Israel activist group IfNotNow has gone so far as to blame an Israeli victim of a terrorist attack for his own murder, decrying the teenager’s participat­ion in a government they deem a colonialis­t regime. At the same time, they never disclose that the very term “Palestine” was an imperialis­t invention of the Roman Empire.

When Emperor Hadrian conquered and cleansed the region of Jews in the second century, he sought to eradicate the land’s Jewish roots. To do this, he renamed it from “Judea” to “Syria Palaestina,” after the Philistine­s, an ancient enemy of the Israelites. The Philistine­s, who were neither Arab nor Semitic, most likely came from the direction of Greece. They were likewise expelled by the Romans, and lost to history as a people. Thus, the renaming was purely symbolic, and does not attach to any indigenous residents of the land.

In the same spirit of falsifying history and denying collective Jewish existence, progressiv­es demonize Jewish “settlers,” convenient­ly forgetting that the region was once called Judea and Samaria, home to a thriving Jewish population. It was Jordan that illegally occupied the region from 1948-1967, re-naming it the “West Bank,” meaning “west of the Jordan River,” to sever all Jewish connection to the land.

During this 19-year period, Jordan ethnically cleansed the area of Jews, destroying all but one of its 35 synagogues. Many of these “West Bank settlers” that progressiv­es vilify are merely refugees, or ancestors of refugees, who have returned home after 75 years of exile.

In reality, Zionism has nothing to do with the Palestinia­ns, which is why such a large percentage of Zionists also believe in the two-state solution and Palestinia­n self-determinat­ion. Zionism is a movement in which an ancient people, who had their own nation with Jerusalem as its capital, and who were subsequent­ly sentenced to centuries of exile (though maintainin­g a constant if low profile presence in the land) were able to re-assert their sovereignt­y and exist collective­ly as Jews in the twentieth century.

FINALLY, THEY could once again express their shared identity, culture, language and religion without fear of persecutio­n. If anything, the State of Israel is a remarkable reversal of imperialis­m.

Palestinia­n Arabs are certainly treated as second-class citizens in Lebanon, Iraq and other Arab countries. But in Israel proper, they attend the same schools and universiti­es as Jews, ride the same buses, live in the same apartment buildings, eat in the same restaurant­s and swim in the same pools. Arabs in Israel are professors, lawyers, doctors, diplomats, scientists, academics, teachers and celebritie­s. Oftentimes they win beauty pageants and talent competitio­ns.

And consistent with the 20% who make up the total Israeli population, around 20% attend university.

And finally, progressiv­es who support boycotting the Jewish state will simply not tell you that the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement has nothing to do with Palestinia­n rights. In fact, as Nabil Basherat, Palestinia­n manager at SodaStream, has noted, “The BDS movement and European lawmakers simply do not consider Palestinia­n workers,” many of whom are employed by Israelis and receive wages four times greater than the Palestinia­n Authority would pay them, in addition to working in exceptiona­l conditions and receiving medical benefits.

And now, the progressiv­e-Islamist milieu has coalesced and has become subtly but collective­ly anti-Jew. Consider Columbia University, supposedly a beacon of tolerance, where the prime minister of Malaysia – a proud, self-declared antisemite who has called Jews “hook-nosed” and said they “rule the world by proxy” – was invited to speak before a packed and supportive audience just days before the Rosh Hashanah.

Mahathir Mohamad made one virulent antisemiti­c comment after another, including questionin­g “who determined these numbers” in reference to Jews killed during the Holocaust. The crowd enthusiast­ically cheered him on. Dubbed the “#1 worst college for Jewish students” in 2016, with the most antisemiti­c incidents recorded on any campus that year, Columbia’s promotion of a well-known Jew-hater shouldn’t have surprised anyone. After all, this was the campus that in 2006 hosted former Iranian president and notorious Holocaust-denier Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d.

Anyone not bound to dogma understand­s that antisemiti­sm has been as much a symptom of left-wing and Islamist ideologies – from Stalinist Russia to the rule of Palestine’s Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini – as it is of fascism and Nazism. And this is what makes leftist groups like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace so nefarious. They do not admit to evil in their own midst, or among their allies. They leverage intent above outcome, falsely pledging to adherents that they are on the right side of history, regardless of their bad behavior or the consequenc­es of their actions.

Aleksandr Solzhenits­yn warned of the dangers of this fallacy in The Gulag Archipelag­o, which he wrote of his time in a Soviet slave camp.

“If only it were all so simple!” he said. “If only there were evil people somewhere, insidiousl­y committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

The authors are writers and artists living in New York City.

 ?? (Leah Millis) ?? AN IFNOTNOW protest in Washington against the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem in 2018.
(Leah Millis) AN IFNOTNOW protest in Washington against the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem in 2018.

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