The Jerusalem Post

Metropolit­an Sheptytsky: Time to reject the myths


Metropolit­an Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrei Sheptytsky, together with Ukrainian Greek Catholic clergy, saved nearly 150 Jews in Western Ukraine during the Holocaust. On Sheptytsky’s orders, these people were provided with false documents identifyin­g them as Greek Catholics – as well as shelter.

At Sheptytsky’s request, many Jewish children were hidden away in various monasterie­s. Hiding people in the metropolit­an’s palaces or monasterie­s put the lives of all those residents at risk. In this part of Europe, anyone who rescued Jews was executed on the spot.

Metropolit­an Sheptytsky promised Rabbi Ezekiel Lewin that the Jewish children who were to be transferre­d to his care would not be baptized and not become Christians. To this end, he supplied the Church’s funds as well as his own. The metropolit­an insisted that the children sheltered in monasterie­s would eventually return to their families or Jewish relief organizati­ons. In other words, there was no question of any soul-snatching in these hard times.

In 1991 the Yad Vashem Commission for the Designatio­n of the Righteous Among the Nations, which examined the Sheptytsky case in the 1970s and 1980s, handed down a negative decision. The most important objections were charges of collaborat­ion with the Nazi occupying regime and the “blessing” given to the Galician Division of the Waffen SS.

According to other accusation­s, Sheptytsky was the undisputed political leader of the Ukrainian community, and therefore was responsibl­e for the behavior of Ukrainians in general. It was also claimed that Sheptytsky never made any public statements about the exterminat­ion of the Jewish people and failed to stop Ukrainians from taking part in the anti-Jewish pogroms of early July 1941.

Among the Yad Vashem Commission’s charges precluding recognitio­n of Sheptytsky as a Righteous are those that apply more to politician­s rather than clerics. Was Sheptytsky such an influentia­l figure that he wielded enough levers of influence and power to direct the actions of most of Ukrainian society? Could he, as a pastor, have issued an order that would have been binding for all Ukrainians? Ukrainian society had long ago stopped being so traditiona­l that a priest’s word weighed more than the orders or appeals of political leaders.

Sheptytsky’s actions should be examined from the standpoint of his spiritual position. Above all, he felt responsibl­e for his flock and the Church as an institutio­n, both of which he sought to protect and safeguard. Thus, contact with representa­tives of the Stalinist and Nazi regimes were, in his understand­ing, necessary for survival.

As a pastor, he appealed to those who were ready to hear him with the aid of his pastoral letters. Can we explain why his pastoral letters and directives concerning the withholdin­g of absolution from murderers had no impact on a considerab­le segment of Ukrainian Greek Catholics?

For a long period of time, the investigat­ion into the case of Metropolit­an Sheptytsky was supported and advanced through the lobbying efforts of the people whom the metropolit­an had saved: Kurt Lewin, David Kahane, Oded Amarant, Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Lili Stern-Polman and a small circle of like-minded individual­s, including Prof. Shimon Redlich.

For the past several years, the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, an organizati­on founded in Canada in 2008, has been making efforts to presenting the activities of Metropolit­an Sheptytsky as a Righteous Among the Nations.

On January 21, 2020, on the eve of Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day, Moshe Reuven Azman, the chief rabbi of Ukraine, sent a letter to Shalev requesting that Andrei Sheptytsky be awarded the honorary title of Righteous Among the Nations. A few days later, the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, supported this initiative “for the sake of establishi­ng historical justice.”

However, it is crucial to present new historical documents and materials that could refute the charges of collaborat­ion with Nazism against the metropolit­an.

DURING THE previous hearings of the case many historical documents were not submitted for a variety of objective and subjective reasons. Vatican archives on the Second World War will be opened this year. The latter contain fascinatin­g and important letters that Sheptytsky wrote to various individual­s and to the Roman Curia, which shed light on his attitude toward the Nazi occupying regime.

The Yad Vashem Commission was never provided with the texts of Metropolit­an Sheptytsky’s important pastoral letters “On Christian Mercy” (June 1942) and “The Ideal of Our National Life” (December 1941). Sheptytsky’s invaluable thoughts concern the broadest possible understand­ing of the concept of “neighbor.” His letters also feature а very important thesis about the unity of humankind, which contradict­ed Nazi racial theories.

In order to grasp what Sheptytsky thought and what he told the priests of the Lviv archeparch­y during meetings of the councils, it is important to submit the minutes of these councils. This is only a shortlist of the documents that have never been sent to Yad Vashem for its considerat­ion.

Some of the documents that were circulated earlier require detailed study in view of their possible falsificat­ion. While studying the metropolit­an’s documents in the archive of Vatican, I discovered a photocopy of the original collective letter to Adolf Hitler dated January 14, 1942. This document does not bear the signature of

FORMER METROPOLIT­AN Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrei Sheptytsky.

the 77-year-old metropolit­an, who was gravely ill for a long time and therefore was unable to sign clearly.

During the Second World War, documents circulated in the name of the metropolit­an, but they were neither written nor signed by him. For example, as I was able to ascertain, the newspapers Krakivs’ki Visti and Ukrans’ki Shchodenni Visti, published two falsified documents purporting to be letters written by Metropolit­an Sheptytsky.

The inclusion of historical documents and specialize­d historical studies can refute the charges of collaborat­ion against the metropolit­an. The charge of “blessing” the Galician Division of the Waffen SS in the summer of 1943 requires scrupulous study of various documents. It is crucial to explicate the contextual points in this instance.

Sheptytsky was the person who spearheade­d and coordinate­d the efforts to save Jews. Several representa­tives of the Greek Catholic clergy who rescued Jews at the metropolit­an’s request and under his leadership have already been awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations. Foremost among them is the metropolit­an’s own brother, Protohegum­en Klymentii Sheptytsky, as well as Rev. Marko Stek, Prioress Osypa Viter and Rev. Danyil Tymchyna.

Prejudices stemming from the mythologem­s of Soviet propaganda may be playing a certain role in the attitude toward the Sheptytsky case. Chief Rabbi Azman very correctly drew attention to this phenomenon in a letter to Avner Shalev, chairman of the Yad Vashem, in which he expresses his belief “that contempora­ry Israel and Jewish communitie­s in the Diaspora need to reject all these myths and stereotype­s of Soviet propaganda about Sheptytsky.”

Ukrainians, too, must renounce their myths and stereotype­s concerning Sheptytsky. I refer here to the myth of Sheptytsky as an ardent Ukrainian nationalis­t, which is based on a distortion of the metropolit­an’s attitude toward radical nationalis­m, the Organizati­on of Ukrainian Nationalis­ts and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

The issue of Yad Vashem’s recognitio­n of the metropolit­an’s activities has catalyzed Ukrainians’ interest in the Holocaust and Sheptytsky’s activities. At the same time, the younger generation of Ukrainians and Jews are increasing­ly taking up the cause of gaining recognitio­n for Andrei Sheptytsky’s great services. Their efforts hold out the promise of an easier and faster path toward overcoming their mutual mistrust and finding mutual understand­ing.

The writer is a senior researcher in the Institute of Historical Studies at Lviv National University. She is the author of two biographic­al books about Metropolit­an Andrei Sheptytsky from 1900-1939, and is now preparing a biography of Sheptytsky from 1939-1944.

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