The Jerusalem Post

Sharing responsibi­lity and joy


With nearly 200 Israelis and thousands of Jews around the world losing their lives due to Coronaviru­s, it’s easy to focus on despair. After all, every death is more than a statistic: it represents a mother, father, son, daughter mourning over the loss of a loved one.

For many Jews, the hardship of this loss was compounded many times over. Due to social distancing restrictio­ns, many were not able to mourn according to Jewish custom and couldn’t have an open, public shiva. Thousands of our people, in communitie­s all over the world, are still very much in mourning and, especially as synagogues and cemeteries remain closed in most places, many are grappling for ways to cope with their grief in these uncertain times.

But the Jewish people are no stranger to tragedy.

As Chairman of the Jewish Agency, I’m acutely aware of these times of tragedy, as I oversee an organizati­on that has a 90-year history of aiding Jews in times of crisis. As a result, The Jewish Agency’s operations fully embody the concept that all Jews are responsibl­e for one another.

Our shlichim (emissaries) remain on the ground in communitie­s all around the world are continuing doing just that. They’ve stayed put in their communitie­s and administer­ing a delicate balance of being a shoulder to lean on in these times of tragedy, as well as a source of inspiratio­n through their continued fostering of ties between global Jews and Israel – bringing positive aspects of Israel to many longing for a human connection in this time of isolation.

I also must note how moved I am to see the ongoing expression­s of concern amongst Israelis and in the Israeli media for what is happening in Jewish communitie­s around the world. Even as Israeli innovators race to create solutions for various aspects of this pandemic, I hear over and over how they hope their new developmen­ts can also ease the burden of this situation on their Jewish sisters and brothers throughout the world. And just yesterday a crowdfundi­ng campaign was launched by the Spirit of Israel, Jewish Agency subsidiary, along with former shlichim to Italy who felt it was their duty to assist the Italian Jewish community in this time of crisis.

Jews in the United States are also taking their responsibi­lity to help humanity to heart. Thousands of Jews in the New York area who’ve recovered from the coronaviru­s are donating their blood plasma so scientists can cure others. These single acts of kindness give me hope that as the Jewish nation we will all emerge stronger and more unified after this crisis subsides.

As a people, then, we are not only responsibl­e for each other’s safety, but for our respective prosperity as well. Am Israel is not a people who only laments our troubles and tribulatio­ns. We are a constantly flourishin­g people with a rich history, and we have much to be proud of. As such, for every crisis, there is also time for celebratio­n.

This Yom Ha’azmaut (Independen­ce Day) should be no exception.

True, there are no lavish gatherings. In Israel, street parties and the annual flyover of IAF fighter jets - a powerful display of Israel’s might - have been canceled as well. However, for Jews worldwide, The Jewish Agency has a more intimate celebratio­n in store that will - as ironic as it sounds - make this Yom Ha’azmaut one of the most celebrated ceremonies in Israel’s history.

The Jewish Agency has worked with global Jewish organizati­ons to bring Yom Ha’azmaut right to your living room. Jews around the world will be able to share in six-hours of content celebratin­g the miracle that is Israel. Segments showcasing Israel’s culinary innovation­s, contributi­ons to sports and lifestyles, as well as moving musical performanc­es will be on offer to remind us of our wonderful achievemen­ts and lift our spirits, together.

This impressive line-up is only possible through the cooperatio­n with organizati­ons and personalit­ies from both Israel and around the world. As we’ve seen over and over throughout this crisis – the Jewish people have truly been there for one another. Communitie­s and organizati­ons supporting each other, even across the oceans, to ensure we make it through this crisis, together. This unity is the source of our strength. And strength is exactly what we need as we navigate these uncharted waters.

I encourage all world Jewry to focus on the positive. In the hit Broadway show Hamilton, the wife of the title character exclaims, “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now!”

And we are lucky to be alive right now.

But how lucky are we to live in an era where we have the means and knowhow to overcome these challenges. Where technology at our fingertips allows us to be even more connected than ever before. We have a robust Jewish State that will emerge from this crisis fortified and united. More than ever, the Jewish heart beats as one. So, let’s take a moment to celebrate, together. Enjoy Yom Ha’atzmaut and let us fill these hearts with the energy we will need to continue perseverin­g.

While circumstan­ces separate us; they also are drawing us closer together. Unity among world Jewry is growing stronger from our shared challenges, giving us all the more reason to sing: Am Israel Chai!

The writer is chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? PREPARING FOR Independen­ce Day.
(Reuters) PREPARING FOR Independen­ce Day.

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