The Jerusalem Post

COVID-19 and the IAEA: Where does the Iran mission stand?


At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fell into a worrying slowdown of inspection­s. Now it is rebounding. IAEA officials say close to full teams of inspectors are flying back and forth from Tehran.

IAEA Director General Rafael M. Grossi announced that for the first time in the UN nuclear watchdog’s history, it is using chartered jet flights to conduct safeguards visits. One senior IAEA official remarked to his team that he is very pleased with the solution, stating from now on, “The sky is our limit.”

These welcome developmen­ts come at a time when the IAEA is closely monitoring Iran’s consistent reduction of its commitment­s to the 2015 nuclear deal, or Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The IAEA reported last month that Tehran now has adequate low-enriched uranium for more than one nuclear weapon, and is steadily deploying advanced centrifuge­s to allow it to enrich uranium at a quicker pace.

Simultaneo­usly, the IAEA is undertakin­g an investigat­ion into Iran’s alleged violations of its obligation­s under the Nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty (NPT), including denial of access to two sites and refusal to answer questions about another matter. Informatio­n from Israeli intelligen­ce led the IAEA in April 2019 to also detect undeclared, refined uranium particles at a site in the Tehran neighborho­od of Turquz-Abad. Iranian officials have yet to explain.

Whether the IAEA is able to continue its important work, including obtaining immediate and unrestrict­ed physical access to nuclear sites, will have serious ramificati­ons for safeguardi­ng Tehran’s nuclear activities and clearing up past and possibly ongoing safeguards infraction­s. The agency will need to guard against any attempts by Iran to avoid tough questions or exploit the health crisis for proliferat­ion purposes.

The IAEA’s efforts in Iran currently fall along two separate tracks. It is carrying out an investigat­ion into alleged undeclared nuclear material and activities, while also applying routine safeguards at the Islamic Republic’s nuclear facilities. According to the most recent data in the IAEA’s Safeguards Implementa­tion Report for 2018, out of 421 total inspection­s the agency carried out that year in 59 countries, 385 took place at Iran’s 21 nuclear facilities. This was in addition to conducting “complement­ary access” visits to other sites of interest to the IAEA, pursuant to Iran’s Additional Protocol. The agency’s task of safeguardi­ng Iran’s nuclear program is thus significan­t – and a mission compounded in difficulty by a pandemic.

OVER THE past two years, the IAEA obtained startling new informatio­n from the government of Israel about potentiall­y undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran. In January 2018, the Mossad seized a vast archive of Iran’s nuclear files from locked vaults at a Tehran warehouse.

The archive’s contents detailed a vast, pre-2003 Iranian program aimed at developing one or two nuclear weapons per year. The informatio­n directed the IAEA to new sites, personnel and activities of interest. Even though many of the activities described occurred long before the negotiatio­n of the JCPOA, some may continue, according to Iranian memoranda among the documents. The archive’s informatio­n has been corroborat­ed by other government­s and non-government­al experts.

Iran has not reacted well to the discovery, denying the authentici­ty of the materials. In recent months, however, senior IAEA officials have been meeting with Iranian officials to raise difficult technical questions about those matters, some of which were covered in the March IAEA NPT safeguards report. This includes Iran’s denial of access to the two suspicious sites and its refusal to answer direct questions about those sites and another matter.

So far, IAEA officials privately report, the agency is determined to continue pressuring Iran to approve unrestrict­ed access to the sites. Director General Grossi is also planning a visit toward the end of April to make sure the IAEA’s requests are progressin­g in the right direction.

To counter the IAEA’s demands, Iran has stated its desire to negotiate a “roadmap” toward eventually discussing the agency’s requests to visit the two sites and related topics. Seeing this as a stalling tactic, according to the IAEA officials, the agency told Iran that it is only willing to discuss specific technical and logistical matters connected directly to the visit parameters and continues to demand immediate, unrestrict­ed access.

Tehran has used similar stalling tactics in the past, which typically have two main goals. The first is to buy time to allow officials to “organize” the suspect sites – actually sanitizati­on efforts entailing cleaning, moving away of materials and machines, and scraping or covering earth to defeat IAEA environmen­tal sampling. Iran has undertaken such efforts at multiple other sites in the past, and most recently at the Turquz-Abad warehouse where the IAEA found uranium.

Iran’s other goal is to indicate that cooperatio­n with agency investigat­ions is forthcomin­g, hoping that meanwhile, pressure from the IAEA Board of Governors would diminish. Such tactics are frequently successful with the Russians and Chinese.

Notably, the IAEA’s NPT compliance investigat­ion in Iran is a renewed one, restarted following the installati­on of a new director general last December. The JCPOA mistakenly closed an earlier investigat­ion into the military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear activities. It is on this basis that Iran now denies that it must answer any of the IAEA’s questions about its past.

After the March COVID-19 slowdown began, the agency is reportedly back in action in Iran to routinely apply safeguards. It appears to have returned to a near-normal pace of conducting physical inspection­s in the Islamic Republic after overcoming several obstacles.

LAST MONTH, inspectors’ travel plans to Iran were abruptly canceled and several officials were temporaril­y quarantine­d in Tehran hotels. The IAEA even contemplat­ed installing additional remote monitoring measures at Iran’s nuclear sites as a substitute for actual inspection­s. Since March 16, the IAEA’s offices in Vienna have been shuttered and its officials working from home.

The IAEA’s Grossi explained in a video statement that the coronaviru­s outbreak “is putting an enormous challenge in front of everybody. The IAEA is no exception.”

Grossi stated, however, that “IAEA operations are expected to continue with minimal disruption under these extraordin­ary circumstan­ces. Safeguardi­ng nuclear materials all over the world will not stop for a single minute,” he elaborated. In a separate statement to The Jerusalem Post, an IAEA spokespers­on reiterated, similarly, that the agency is not stopping its Iran work “for a single minute.”

According to an IAEA official, a team flew to Iran on April 17, and another team will arrive at the end of the month. During its last visit, the IAEA also transferre­d to Tehran two coronaviru­s testing machines. Inspectors also visited the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. While air transporta­tion and physical visits to certain sites in areas of greater COVID-19 outbreaks have been more limited, the IAEA intends to visit all necessary sites.

In order to encourage the inspectors to continue their work during the outbreak, the director general decided to allow hazard pay. Every inspector will be entitled to a special bonus, a “critical mission travel allowance,” worth up to $1,600 per month and based on actual days in the field.

IAEA officials also stated that remote and electronic monitoring remains in place at Iran’s two declared enrichment sites, Natanz and Fordow, and it continues to conduct physical inspection­s. The IAEA is tracking uranium production and accumulati­on at those facilities, as well as Iran’s ongoing centrifuge research and developmen­t. Installati­on and operation of additional advanced centrifuge­s, and Iran’s accumulati­on of vast amounts of low enriched uranium, continue in violation of the nuclear accord. Thus, the agency is able to track the extent to which Iran is continuous­ly surpassing the limits. The IAEA reported its latest data on Iran’s JCPOA non-compliance in a separate safeguards report.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, the IAEA should continue to pressure Iran to cooperate with its investigat­ion and allow immediate and unrestrict­ed visits to suspicious sites. Despite the IAEA’s safeguards, Iran continues to expand its enrichment program to threatenin­g levels. As noted above, it now has adequate low-enriched uranium for more than one nuclear weapon and continues to install faster centrifuge­s.

The agency should take pandemic-related precaution­s for its inspectors but maintain regular physical inspection­s at all Iranian nuclear sites. Tehran is likely to exploit any reduction in monitoring and could use the pandemic as an excuse to deny or delay access. Were it to manufactur­e an access crisis on the pretense of a COVID-19-related issue, Tehran could divert uranium and continue enriching it at clandestin­e facilities, using newer, easier-to-hide advanced centrifuge capabiliti­es.

Remote monitoring mechanisms already employed by the IAEA are important, but only to enhance its mission. The IAEA should not rely heavily on these in the mistaken assumption that they can replace informatio­n obtained via physical visits. Nor should the agency be drawn into lengthy discussion­s about a roadmap for access, which will ultimately serve no purpose.

The IAEA’s board of governors should support the agency’s investigat­ion and vote on a resolution to condemn any Iranian failure to cooperate. If it continues to stonewall, the board should vote to refer the matter to the UN Security Council for the re-imposition of sanctions lifted under the nuclear deal. Only internatio­nal unity in the face of Tehran’s ongoing obstructio­n will yield results.

Andrea Stricker is a research fellow focusing on nonprolife­ration at the Foundation for Defense of Democracie­s (FDD), where Brig.-Gen. (res.) Jacob Nagel is a senior fellow and also a visiting professor at the Technion Aerospace Engineerin­g Faculty. He previously served as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s acting National Security Advisor and head of the National Security Council.

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