The Jerusalem Post

Ministers decline to condemn Kor


Education Minister Rafi Peretz and Diaspora Affairs Minister Tzipi Hotovely declined to criticize the host of the Internatio­nal Bible Quiz for youth, Dr. Avshalom Kor, for comments he made disparagin­g life outside of Israel for Diaspora Jews.

Kor, a longtime host of the competitio­n which is held under the auspices of the Education Ministry, described Jews living outside of Israel as living “in exile,” a phrase which is not well looked upon by many Jews outside of the Jewish state.

In addition, Kor said of one of the internatio­nal contestant­s who had a rather sombre expression on his face: “What does he have to smile about? He lives in exile.”

Regarding a delay in the video connection with a contestant, Kor said “everything goes slower in the exile, not like here.”

The Ruderman Family Foundation which works to bridge between Israel and the Jewish world, described Kor’s remarks as “hurtful and dismissive to Jews living in the Diaspora.”

The foundation accused Kor of using the quiz platform “to speak in a condescend­ing manner to the teenagers representi­ng different [Jewish] communitie­s from around the world.”

It called on Peretz to make clear that Kor’s comments “do not reflect the position of the Education Ministry” or his own personal opinion.

“It is rhetoric like that which distances Israelis from Jews around the world rather than bringing them closer together. These statements are not only offensive to the participan­ts and their families, but also to the millions of Jews who celebrated Israel’s 72nd Independen­ce Day, out of love of the land, the country and the people,” said the foundation.

 ?? (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) ?? AVSHALOM KOR
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) AVSHALOM KOR

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