The Jerusalem Post

Court demands Chief Rabbinate disclose communicat­ions with RCA over testimonia­ls


The Neemanei Torah VaAvodah (NTA) organizati­on has obtained a ruling by the Jerusalem District Court instructin­g the Chief Rabbinate to disclose the content of its conversati­ons with the Rabbinical Council of America regarding which rabbis are recognized to testify on Jewish and marital status.

Controvers­y has long surrounded the way the Chief Rabbinate decides which Orthodox rabbis abroad it recognizes to give such testimony and it has still never provided clear criteria for this process.

The testimonia­l letters of some rabbis, especially more liberal rabbis – associated with the so-called Open Orthodox movement in the US – have often been deemed unacceptab­le by the Chief Rabbinate to establish an immigrant’s Jewish status, and on some occasions those immigrants have been ordered to undergo a Jewish clarificat­ion process through the rabbinical courts.

When Jewish immigrants to Israel register for marriage, they must provide evidence of their Jewish status, including a letter from a communal rabbi who knew them in their country of origin, affirming that they are indeed Jewish.

In recent years, however, many immigrants have had those letters rejected by the Chief Rabbinate, creating headaches and difficulti­es ahead of their weddings in Israel.

The Chief Rabbinate says that it consults with local rabbis and rabbinical institutio­ns when deciding which testimonia­l letters to accept, but has never made clear the criteria by which it makes such decisions.

In order to gain greater clarity, NTA filed a petition last year demanding that the Chief Rabbinate disclose its communicat­ions with the RCA with whom it consults on the legitimacy of US rabbis and the eligibilit­y of testimonia­ls given by them.

NTA pointed out that liberal Orthodox rabbis such as Rabbi Avi Weiss and others from the Chovevei Torah yeshiva he establishe­d and the Internatio­nal Rabbinic Fellowship associated with the Open Orthodoxy movement have been amongst those rejected by the Chief Rabbinate.

NTA is concerned that decisions made by the Chief Rabbinate in consultati­on with the RCA regarding the testimonia­l letters of liberal Orthodox rabbis have been made on an internal political and not profession­al basis.

In order to protect the identity of the various officials and rabbis under discussion, the court ruled on Sunday that the names of all parties involved in the communicat­ions between the Chief Rabbinate and the RCA be excluded from the informatio­n provided to NTA.

NTA said that this was acceptable since it wished to determine the nature of the decisions and how they were arrived at.

Attorney Asaf Ben Melech told The Jerusalem Post if the Chief Rabbinate did not provide sufficient informatio­n it would demonstrat­e that it had no valid criteria and that this lacuna would be the basis of further legal action.

“The ruling requires transparen­cy – on the Chief Rabbinate to share with us the informatio­n it received from its requests and on the basis of which the rabbinate decided to disqualify US rabbis with moderate views from giving testimony about their congregant­s,” said Ben Melech of NTA.

“The rabbinate can no longer hide behind obscure informatio­n that it claims it has received from organizati­ons such as the RCA and avoid providing serious answers,” he added.

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