The Jerusalem Post

Coronaviru­s unemployme­nt is a crisis for Israel’s young workers


As the government accelerate­s a return to regular economic activity, the streets of Israel’s major cities and towns may give the impression that normalcy has been restored far sooner than expected. Israel’s unemployme­nt figures still paint a different picture.

The unemployme­nt picture is also becoming increasing­ly blurry. Suspecting that many workers returning to work have failed to inform relevant authoritie­s, the Israeli Employment Service is currently not publishing the full details of the nation’s unemployme­nt rate.

As of early last week, a total of 1,141,968 Israelis or some 27.4% of the workforce were claiming benefits – including over one million new applicants since the start of the outbreak. Almost 88% were employees placed on unpaid leave.

Encouragin­g figures were published by the Employment Service on Monday and Tuesday, identifyin­g for the first time a higher number of employees returning to work on both days than new unemployme­nt benefits applicants.

Between 4 p.m. on Sunday and 4 p.m. on Tuesday, nearly 17,700 employees informed the Employment Service that they had returned to work, while only about 4,700 new applicatio­ns for assistance were submitted. In total, some 38,800 employees have reported their return to work so far, although authoritie­s believe the number is significan­tly higher.

While the full picture of Israel’s unemployme­nt remains foggy, economics expert Daphna Aviram-Nitzan believes one aspect is clear: unpreceden­ted unemployme­nt is principall­y a crisis for the younger generation.

“Young workers were the first ones to lose their jobs, and it is not clear that they will return to work now that we are slowly permitting market activity,” said Aviram-Nitzan, the director of the Israel Democracy Institute’s (IDI) Center for Governance and the Economy.

“Many younger workers will spend the longest on leave because they often work in sectors at the heart of the crisis. At the same time, they are entitled to unemployme­nt benefits for the shortest time.”

According to a survey carried out by IDI at the peak of the outbreak, between March 29 and April 2, some 60% of salaried employees aged 18-24 were either placed on unpaid leave, made redundant or on paid vacation.

The figure drops to just 29% among employees aged 35-44, before climbing again to 34% of employees aged 45-64 and workers older than 65.

Similar trends are witnessed when measuring employees’ confidence regarding a return to their former workplace. The survey did not measure self-employed worker confidence.

Only 24% of 18-24 yearold employees said they felt “very confident” of returning to their former position, compared to 35% among workers aged 35-44. Again, the number slides to 26% among 45-64 year olds and just 15% for workers aged over 65.

“There is a good side and bad side to the situation. The bad side is that Israel could witness very high unemployme­nt rates among its younger workers, like we saw in Greece, Italy, Spain after the 2008 financial crisis,” Aviram-Nitzan said.

“The good side is that young people can still seek new education, can change their career paths and succeed. Most do not have families so can manage easier than unemployed workers with children.”

 ?? (Israel Democracy Institute) ?? DAPHNA AVIRAM-NITZAN
(Israel Democracy Institute) DAPHNA AVIRAM-NITZAN

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