The Jerusalem Post

Who will be Israel’s next UN envoy?


With the final details of the next government being hammered out ahead of an expected swearing-in on Wednesday, the competitio­n in Likud for portfolios is heating up.

Likud had 15 portfolios in the departing government, but it will only have 10 in the incoming one, which means that some of the current cabinet members are vying for non-ministeria­l roles.

Current Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon’s term has been extended several times, and he and his family are expected to pack up and return to Israel as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again uses the job the way he did with

Danon – to maintain internal harmony in Likud.

In addition to the usual fights in the hostile Turtle Bay arena, whoever takes on the role of UN ambassador may have to defend Israel from censure and try to get unlikely internatio­nal support for applying sovereignt­y to settlement­s in the West Bank plus the entire Jordan Valley, in accordance with US President Donald Trump’s peace plan. All three of the known candidates are supporters of annexation.

Netanyahu’s preferred candidate has long been Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, to whom he offered the role repeatedly, first in 2011, then 2014 and

the level of injury or how the patient would wake up,” Moscovici said.

But almost by a miracle, Rahman woke up, showed positive vital signs and everything was working properly.

Last week, he was released from the hospital.

“I have no words,” Rahman said. “They saved my ability to speak and walk. They saved my life.” •

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? AYELET SHAKED
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) AYELET SHAKED
 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? NAFTALI BENNETT
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) NAFTALI BENNETT

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