The Jerusalem Post

‘Closures will not stop COVID-19’


Designatin­g cities as coronaviru­s “restricted zones” is an extreme measure with little effectiven­ess, senior health experts told The Jerusalem Post.

“Even a limited closure has a huge economic and mental price [on society],” explained Hadar Marom, deputy director of Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital. “We should not and do not want to go there.”

Yet, in the last week, as the number of coronaviru­s cases continues to climb, the government has started to designate many communitie­s as red zones, restrictin­g entry and exit from these areas in most cases.

Restricted zones won’t work this time around because the outbreak is much more widespread, former Health Ministry director-general Prof. Gabi Barbash told the Post.

“We have to take steps to lower the infection all over

Israel, or we are just going to have more areas like this,” he said.

On Wednesday, the Health Ministry shared a report that showed 107 cities had at least one resident diagnosed with coronaviru­s in the last three days.

Marom called restrictiv­e zones “extreme” and seconded Barbash, explaining that while it might help reduce virus in the area, it will not help slow down the spread of the disease across Israel.

Hadassah Medical Center’s director-general Zeev Rotstein warned further that these closures could actually increase the number of sick people in the country.

“If you shut down a community, you could triple the number of sick patients there” by leaving them locked down in close and crowded quarters. “They infect each other.”

That is what happened during the first peak in many haredi (ultra-Orthodox) communitie­s, when the government shut down the country and large families tried to quarantine in small apartments.

In April, the Health Ministry released a study that showed a high percentage of haredi coronaviru­s patients infected their family members and that many of the cases in the country’s centers of infection were concentrat­ed within a few families.

Bnei Brak, for example, had 1,881 cases of coronaviru­s on April 13 – the date the data for the report was collected. Some 1,039 of them (55%) were cases in which at least two people from the same family were infected. In total, 353 families had more than one infected family member.

Similarly, Jerusalem, which on April 13 had 2,105 cases of the novel virus, 993 or 47% were incidents of multiple cases in one family. In total, 358 families had multiple infections.

In contrast, Tel Aviv had only 39 families infected; only 22% of sick people had infected another person in

their nuclear family.

“There is currently no available coronaviru­s hotel for ultra-Orthodox patients,” MK Ya’akov Asher, a haredi rabbi, argued Wednesday at the Knesset in response to the closures placed the night before on Elad and some haredi neighborho­ods in Tiberius. “As long as the patients do not go to hotels, we will not be able to stop the infection chain.”

He called on the government to test the community, relocate the sick and reopen the cities.

 ?? (David Cohen/Flash90) ?? SHOPPERS BUY cherries at a local market in Safed yesterday. Restricted zones won’t work this time around because the outbreak is much more widespread, former Health Ministry director-general Prof. Gabi Barbash said.
(David Cohen/Flash90) SHOPPERS BUY cherries at a local market in Safed yesterday. Restricted zones won’t work this time around because the outbreak is much more widespread, former Health Ministry director-general Prof. Gabi Barbash said.
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