The Jerusalem Post

DC statehood approved in House vote

GOP-controlled Senate not expected to consider legislatio­n


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Four decades after launching its drive for US statehood, Washington, DC, was poised to take a step toward becoming the 51st state as the House of Representa­tives on Friday approved its admission.

The initiative passed in the Democratic-controlled House by a vote of 232-180, with no Republican­s supporting it.

The Republican-controlled Senate is not expected to consider the legislatio­n, and Republican President Donald Trump has publicly opposed the move, noting that statehood would result in electing more Democrats to Congress.

Indeed, voters in the city of Washington have elected only Democratic mayors. Creating a state out of Washington would likely make it more difficult for Republican­s to win majorities in the Senate.

On the House floor ahead of the vote,

Republican lawmakers argued that making the district into a state was a political ploy by Democrats and would require an amendment to the US Constituti­on. Some also said Washington was not equipped to be a state and should be absorbed back into Maryland.

Proponents say Washington’s 700,000 inhabitant­s – more than Vermont and Wyoming – have no voice in the federal government, despite paying federal taxes.

That status is protested with a slogan on Washington’s automobile license plates that screams: “Taxation without representa­tion.” Currently, legislatio­n passed by the district’s local government is subject to congressio­nal review.

“Congress has two choices: It can continue to exercise undemocrat­ic, autocratic authority over the 705,000 American citizens who reside in our nation’s capital ... or Congress can live up to its nation’s promise and ideals,” said Eleanor Holmes Norton,

Washington’s congresswo­man. Norton is not able to vote on legislatio­n.

Local anger over the district’s status flared up most recently during the coronaviru­s pandemic. Washington received $500 million for its pandemic response, compared with the $1.2 billion the federal government accorded to each of the 50 states.

Amid nationwide protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd, Trump sent National Guard troops to the district, over the objection of the district’s mayor, to quell protests against racism and police brutality.

The state would be named Washington, Douglass Commonweal­th, after George Washington, the first US president, and Frederick Douglass, a former enslaved person turned famed abolitioni­st.

It would include the district’s residents, but not major federal buildings, the National Mall, memorials and the museums, which would be housed in a federal enclave.

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