The Jerusalem Post

A world in chaos


When my last op-ed was published at the end of March, the coronaviru­s appeared to be under control in Israel and a national unity government was in the process of being formed. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s popularity and approval rating was soaring, and there was a widespread sense of relief that sanity had prevailed and we would have a unity government that would work together, putting the national interest above all else in dealing with the crucial issues facing us.

Alas, as soon as the government was formed, contrary to all expectatio­ns, this proved to be an illusion. In fact, unless this government changes dramatical­ly, it may become the worst this country has ever endured.

The government is dysfunctio­nal, fractured and incapable of making any decisions. Indeed, in hindsight, from the outset, with its unpreceden­ted bloated number of ministers, making all decisions subject to the consent of two leaders who have absolute contempt for each other was a recipe for disaster.

Those of us naive enough to believe that the coronaviru­s pandemic would bring out the best in our leaders have been sadly disappoint­ed. Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz and his Blue and White Party have not acted as partners, but as an opposition within the government. They have used their right to veto virtually every decision being pushed by Netanyahu. The result has been that total chaos prevails with no effective government.

This could not have happened at a worse time. When leadership is desperatel­y needed, we have a government of national paralysis, which has totally lost control of the situation.

The coronaviru­s pandemic has accelerate­d global divisions and unrest all over the world. The US, whose economy had reached an all-time high, is in total disarray. President Donald Trump’s high ratings have crashed, and the polls suggest presumptiv­e Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who is far from an attractive candidate, could become the next president.

Internally, chaos prevails with mobs taking to the streets, perpetrati­ng violence and looting while progressiv­es, including some mayors, are calling to defund and, in some cases, eliminate the police. These mobs are mainly led by radicals from the powerful Black Lives Matter movement, whose 2016 platform (since amended) described Israel as an “apartheid state” that is committing “genocide” against the Palestinia­n people. Many of them seek to undermine the pillars of civilizati­on and engage in the destructio­n of statues and monuments of historical and religious personalit­ies. Unless these forces are dealt with and law and order are restored, anarchy will prevail.

In this atmosphere, the pre-selections in the Democratic Party all point to a radicaliza­tion that, aside from a potential long-term detrimenta­l domestic impact on the economy and society, do not augur well for Israel.

Though also facing the coronaviru­s and the threat of terrorism, the countries of Europe and the UN, with a few possible exceptions, are still not concentrat­ing on the very real threats from Iran and its proxies, which continue to actively seek the annihilati­on of Israel.

In this global context, Netanyahu’s commitment to applying sovereignt­y in parts of Judea and Samaria seems remote as the Americans clearly have their hands full with other issues.

However, more significan­t is that as a result of his dysfunctio­nal government, Netanyahu’s standing has plummeted.

He generated confidence when addressing the nation so effectivel­y in the first wave of the coronaviru­s. But the impulsive move to open up the economy too early and now his current inability to execute decisions has resulted in a breakdown of trust and confidence. The government fails to speak with one voice, as every ministry releases contradict­ory statements with no one focusing on the bigger picture, only their own partisan constituen­t interests.

The public is confused and has lost confidence, and even members of Netanyahu’s own party are rebelling against him, as reflected by the Knesset Coronaviru­s Committee overturnin­g government lockdown decisions to curb the pandemic. No longer in control over the decision-making process, Netanyahu is hamstrung by his own government and unable to address the nation freely.

His coalition “partner,” Gantz, does not appear to have any coherent policy other than to oppose Netanyahu’s decisions.

Before the last election, we felt that the political system had reached its lowest level. We were wrong. This “national” government has led to utter disunity.

This is a catastroph­ic situation for a nation that only a few months ago prided itself as a world leader in dealing effectivel­y with the coronaviru­s. That position has reversed with Israel now registerin­g among the highest daily infections per capita in the world. All we hear from the various government spokesmen are tentative and conflictin­g decisions to implement new rules – which are often then reversed. One day, restaurant­s and beaches are open; the next day, they are closed.

It is unbelievab­le that I am writing this, but unless this government gets its act together, I would today welcome elections if they were to result in the appointmen­t of a capable leader able to form a discipline­d cabinet that would work in unity for the best interest of the nation.

We have among us the best medical profession­als in the world. Public health expert Prof. Gabi Barbash, former Health Ministry director-general, has now been appointed as head of the national campaign to manage the crisis and make the crucial decisions needed. He must be allowed to do so, unimpeded by political motivation­s or interferen­ce.

As for the prime minister, it is sad for me to admit that, despite his outstandin­g achievemen­ts, domestical­ly and internatio­nally, today he is not leading the country effectivel­y. And this is prior to the grueling court cases he is about to face. Unless he can turn the tide rapidly and discipline his partners and achieve a genuine governing arrangemen­t with his coalition, the majority of whom are currently engaging in petty power politics instead of urgently acting to confront the coronaviru­s, there is no moral justificat­ion for this government retaining office.

Israel also needs to have a strong government to handle the possible defeat of Trump and the emergence of a Democratic administra­tion far less supportive to us than its predecesso­r.

One way or another, we can overcome our challenges on both the internatio­nal and domestic fronts. But we need a leader supported by a capable and discipline­d cabinet. Failure to achieve this will lead to catastroph­e.

The writer’s website can be viewed at www.wordfromje­ He may be contacted at

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