The Jerusalem Post

Bahraini FM invites Ashkenazi to Manama

Al Zayani formally requests embassy during first state visit to Jerusalem


Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi is set to be the first Israeli minister to make an official visit to Bahrain, after accepting an invitation from Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, who led the first- ever delegation from his country to Israel on Wednesday.

Zayani held a trilateral meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who also arrived in Israel on Wednesday, as well as separate meetings with Ashkenazi and President Reuven Rivlin.

Ashkenazi agreed to attend the 2020 Manama Dialogue, a summit of ministers from across the region on December 4- 6 hosted by the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies.

“I promise to come to Manama very soon to continue our constructi­ve dialogue started today and to promote conversati­on between our countries and leaders,” he said.

Last month, National Security Adviser Meir Ben- Shabbat led an Israeli delegation to Bahrain, and lower- level Israeli officials, including

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, visited the Gulf state in 2019, but Ashkenazi’s trip will be the highest- level Israeli visit and the first by a minister.

Ashkenazi also expressed hope that Israel would open its embassy in Bahrain by the time he visits.

Zayani gave Ashkenazi a formal request to open an embassy in Israel during their meeting, and announced that Manama had approved Jerusalem’s request to do the same in Bahrain, submitted

last month.

The Bahraini foreign minister said that direct flights between Israel and Bahrain will begin at the start of 2021, with passenger flights to Tel Aviv at first and later to Eilat and Haifa, as well as cargo flights.

In addition, an “e- visa” service will come into place on December 1 for Israelis wishing to visit Bahrain and vice versa.

Zayani pointed out that former Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem 43 years ago nearly to the day, “planting the seeds of peace that we are further nurturing today. It is fitting that I am making this visit so near to that anniversar­y.”

Bahrain is convinced of the importance of peace and believes in mutual respect and acceptance, Zayani said, following a meeting with Ashkenazi.

The Bahraini foreign minister said he was “encouraged... by the genuinely open and constructi­ve atmosphere in which our discussion took place. There is a clear keenness on both sides to make this cooperatio­n work and to demonstrat­e this can have clear, positive benefits for our countries and the region.”

Zayani commended “the seriousnes­s of both sides to take this process forward and achieve tangible results... to have a better, more peaceful, more secure and more prosperous Middle East.”

At one point in his remarks, Zayani stumbled over Ashkenazi’s name, and then explained that it was because “he always asks me to call him Gabi.”

Ashkenazi disclosed that he and Zayani “have been speaking for a couple of months now and have become close friends.

“It’s an exciting moment to meet a friend for the first time, face- toface here in Israel,” he added.

Ashkenazi touted the major change in the Middle East in recent months, since the Abraham Accords were first announced, and said Zayani’s visit symbolizes “the peace that all of Israel has dreamed of.

“We agreed to call ourselves the guardians of peace, of this new baby born as peace,” he said.

THE FOREIGN minister quoted Israel’s Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, which said the nascent state would “extend [ its] hand to [ its] neighbor states and their people in an offer of peace.”

“[ First] prime minister David Ben- Gurion’s vision is coming true before our eyes,” Ashkenazi said. “Together, Israel and Bahrain will create a better future for our people and our children... The region has known too many conflicts, too many wars. It’s time for peace.”

Ashkenazi said he “welcome[ s] the decision of the Palestinia­ns yesterday to resume cooperatio­n with Israel.

“Our door is open to renew negotiatio­ns,” Ashkenazi said. “I urge the Palestinia­ns to return to peace talks with no preconditi­ons.”

In the later trilateral meeting, Zayani also tied the peace between his country and Israel to a hope that Israel and the Palestinia­ns will make peace.

“This is the dawn of peace for the entire Middle East, and to this end, I continue to emphasize in all my meetings that, in order to achieve such a peace, the Palestinia­nIsraeli conflict needs to be resolved,” he said. “Therefore, I call for both parties to get around the negotiatin­g table to achieve a viable two- state solution as is also sought by the internatio­nal community.”

Rivlin also included the Palestinia­ns in his vision for “a better future for all people” in his meeting with Zayani. He asserted that “Jews and Muslims, the children of Abraham, Israelis and Palestinia­ns are not doomed to live together; we are destined to live together. It is time to build trust and to make peace.”

The president shared a quote that King Solomon stated “in this very city 3,000 years ago,” from Ecclesiast­es: “There is a time to love, and a time to hate, a time for war, and a time for peace.” He continued on to say that he is “so very proud” and “excited” that the two nations have “shown the world that there is time for peace.”

Pompeo emphasized the message the Abraham Accords send to Iran. The agreements “tell malign actors like the Islamic Republic of Iran that... they are ever- more isolated and shall forever be until they change their direction,”

Pompeo warned.

“These agreements are... important to the whole world,” the secretary of state said. “Countries you wouldn’t expect are grateful for the work Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and Israel will do together.”

The secretary of state said peace between the countries will advance religious freedom, allowing more Muslims easier access to pray at the Temple Mount, using the Jewish name and not the Arab name for the holy site. He also called Jerusalem “the capital of the Jewish homeland.”

Pompeo will be in Israel until Friday. He is expected to make a personal visit to Qasr el- Yahud, the site of Jesus’s baptism and where the Jewish people crossed the Jordan River into the Land of Israel 40 years after the Exodus from Egypt. He is also expected to visit the Psagot Winery in the West Bank as well as the Golan Heights.

Netanyahu expressed enthusiasm for “three peace agreements in six weeks,” saying: “I don’t think it gets any better than that!”

The prime minister referred to the 2019 conference in Manama, Bahrain’s capital, which was meant to find economic solutions for the Palestinia­ns that would encourage peace. He said that though the “meeting was pooh- poohed, it was a harbinger of great things to come.”

Netanyahu compared Bahrain to Israel, saying it “respects the past and looks forward to the future,” and has a “robust and modern economy.”

“What we are doing with this agreement is... unleashing an economic force, a force for peace and the benefit of both our peoples,” he said. “King Hamad [ bin Isa Al Khalifa] and I are building a bridge of peace many others will cross in the future.”

Rivlin, Netanyahu and Pompeo offered their sympathies for the death of Bahrain’s prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa in their remarks.

Abby Adler report. contribute­d to this •

European Union says will harm the two- state solution.

This means that while the positive discussion­s in Israel on Wednesday showcased what could be in the future, the discussion­s in Abu Dhabi showcased the reality that will continue to cloud some of the discussion­s. There is a lack of clarity on how the UAE’s and Bahrain’s new relations with Israel could dovetail with the Palestinia­n peace process.

So far, the Palestinia­n leadership has given the Gulf states the cold shoulder. No high- level Palestinia­ns traveled with Jordan’s king to his meetings. One way that Abu Dhabi, Manama and Jerusalem could deal with this is to compartmen­talize the issue. This is a possibilit­y, but compartmen­talization can have its downsides.

On the other side of the coin, making everything rely on a peace deal and Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank is not realistic. The Saudi initiative of 2002 and the subsequent Arab League support for that kind of deal didn’t pan out. Then- US secretary of state John Kerry and others tried to make everything be tied to the need for Israel to withdraw, which essentiall­y handed the Palestinia­ns all the cards. Taking away that card was part of President Donald Trump’s innovation.

This could mean that compartmen­talization and support for a future two- state concept – with the UAE and Bahrain trying to slowly influence issues in the West Bank and Jerusalem – could happen.

Palestinia­n names like Mohammad Dahlan are sometimes mentioned in that respect. Breaking the Iranian and Turkish- Qatari attempt to influence the Palestinia­ns is also important. Hamas, for instance, slammed Israeli airstrikes in Syria on November 18, after Israel retaliated against Iran’s IRGC Quds Force units responsibl­e for planting improvised explosive devices on the Golan Heights.

Jordan is a pragmatic country and moves slowly on regional issues. It has been tough on Israel in recent years, demanding the return of lands that were symbols of the 1994 peace agreement. It recently had elections, but they saw a low turnout. Articles in the media noted that women and opposition Islamist members lost seats.

In Saudi Arabia, reports focused on the Bahrain trip to Israel and Pompeo’s statements on the need to isolate Iran. Al- Ain media in the UAE focused on Pompeo as well.

The UAE’s decision to host Jordan’s king and the king of Bahrain as the Bahraini foreign minister was in Israel shows strategic foresight. The UAE has been talking up regional stability, with its Washington Ambassador Yousef al- Otaiba speaking to Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies, as well as alongside Israel’s ambassador in Washington, Ron Dermer, at The Economic Club.

The UAE also put out a white paper on the Emirates deal with the US for the F- 35. This is about showcasing the Emirates responsibl­e and strategic role alongside the US and partners in the region. Pompeo will be heading to the Gulf after Israel.

Jordan’s King, who used to speak frequently with the Trump administra­tion in 2017 and 2018, may not meet Pompeo, but his comments in the UAE will be important for the current and future US administra­tion – and for Israel to take into account. •

 ?? ( Amos Ben Gershom/ GPO) ?? US SECRETARY of State Mike Pompeo ( left), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani at a trilateral meeting in Jerusalem yesterday.
( Amos Ben Gershom/ GPO) US SECRETARY of State Mike Pompeo ( left), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani at a trilateral meeting in Jerusalem yesterday.

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