The Jerusalem Post

Keep Pollard collared


I was outraged to see the front- page article “Olmert: Don’t let Pollard make aliyah” ( November 23). It is bad enough to give former prime minister Ehud Olmert op- ed space to state his views on Mideast politics, but now he has the gall to speak out against someone who spent decades in jail under horrible conditions, just so that people like Olmert could live in peace in Israel without being threatened by Saddam Hussein’s rockets.

Olmert should be ashamed to show his face in society in Israel. He is a convicted felon who fell from the heights of the mayoralty of Jerusalem into the muck of those who enrich themselves at the expense of others. Someone who disgraced himself, the city of Jerusalem and the whole country of Israel should have the common decency to lie low and avoid the public spotlight, especially when daring to use a public forum to spew hatred against a fellow Jew whose chief mistake was to trust that the State of Israel would have his back in times of trouble and would not lock its embassy doors when he needed a place of refuge.

We should welcome Jonathan Pollard back with open arms – if not give him a ticker- tape parade past Olmert’s old offices, whose character proves again that he should never inhabited.

I am amazed that The Jerusalem Post would give frontpage coverage to the only Israeli prime minister to do jail time and also amazed at the temerity of the former premier to comment so negatively at this time of Israel’s great joy.

By what merit does the ex- con bestow upon himself the right to comment on anyone’s Zionism, let alone that of Pollard? Where was his Zionistic ardor when taking bribes for the constructi­on of Jerusalem’s greatest eyesore?

The subhead adds helpfully, “Welcoming spy will anger Biden.” While the president- elect no doubt has plenty on his mind presently, Israel has surely learned not to cower in anticipati­on of upsetting “our ally and greatest friend.” Former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both realized Pollard’s value as a pawn, not doing what was right but rather using Pollard as a means to pressure Israel to make further concession­s to the recalcitra­nt Palestinia­ns.


Talk about people who are ungrateful. Ehud Olmert advises not to allow Jonathan Pollard into Israel because he was paid to spy for Israel and therefore doesn’t deserve to be allowed into Israel as he might negatively upset Israel America relations. Coming from someone who was convicted of accepting bribes for his own benefit and not doing any good for his country this is most shameful. Olmert got a light prison sentence for receiving much more in bribes than Pollard was paid. Pollard spent over 30 years in jail plus extra years on probation for being a Jewish patriot. The least he deserves is a welcome home to his country.


One would be hard- pressed to find an example of a more heartless and uncaring individual than Ehud Olmert, who has shamelessl­y suggested that a fellow Jew, who spent an excessive 30- year sentence in prison, should not be permitted to make aliyah if he so chooses, because it might anger Joe Biden.

By all means, continue to cruelly persecute Jonathan Pollard in his golden years in order to placate a politician who would not think more kindly of Israelis no matter what we do.

How far must we go to pander to a party that is rife with anti- Jewish and anti- Israel sentiment? If this is the type of gesture that must be made to stay on their good side, I think I prefer being on their bad side. There will never be enough compromise­s that the Jewish state could make in order to satisfy the “Squad” members who have referred to us as “occupiers” in our homeland, so I suggest that we all continue to occupy it and heartily welcome Pollard and his wife to live out their final years in a place that protects Jews and doesn’t make them scapegoats for indiscreti­ons to which nonJews receive far less punishment.

As for Olmert, who himself spent time behind bars, one might expect a little more compassion and humanity, but given his weekly dark articles that appear in The Jerusalem Post, it sounds as though he is not able to give what he doesn’t have – kindness, generosity and the type of forgivenes­s that everyone deserves.


Bat Yam

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