The Jerusalem Post

Small step for the court, large step for converts

- • By NOA SATTATH The writer is the director of the Israel Religious Action Center.

The ultra-Orthodox monopoly in Israel regularly generates injustice in the lives of the country’s citizens. One example among many is the harm it causes to the freedom of religion and the freedom of choice of Israelis who cannot marry in Israel or are forced to marry in a way that does not reflect their beliefs or their lifestyle. Attempts by ultra-Orthodox leaders to extend this monopoly to conversion affects a smaller number of Israelis, but brings this injustice to an absurd height. The sages already said that “there is no joy like the resolution of doubts,” and thus the Supreme Court’s decree removed one additional stone from the wall of the monopoly and granted justice to converts.

The Law of Return is one of the central pillars of the State of Israel, which determines that among those who converted are eligible to make aliyah, the law doesn’t exclude any type of conversion. Since most Jews around the world belong to the progressiv­e movements, it is natural that a large number of those who choose to tie their fate to the Jewish people in the Diaspora would convert through the progressiv­e movements.

Despite the clear definition in the law, the ultra-Orthodox monopoly seeks to expand and intensify its control: the Chief Rabbinate’s rabbinical court for conversion uses the conversion process to try to impose an Orthodox lifestyle on converts, secular adoptive parents who convert their children are required to send their children to the Orthodox school system, converts are required to be Sabbath observant and other ridiculous demands that are contrary to democratic principles. Thus, in reality, many converts begin their Jewish lives with a lie to the rabbinical court with the hope, which often fails, that they can uphold the required Orthodox standard. In this way, as in many other ways, the monopoly distances Jews from Judaism.

The Reform Movement believes that there is more than one way to be Jewish. It is a great privilege for us to guide and assist converts as they join our people. At the rabbinical court, converts express

their identity and their commitment to Judaism in a variety of ways. After long and comprehens­ive study, each convert brings their belief, their deep and authentic connection to Judaism, and their desire to join the Jewish people to the rabbinical court. Converts describe their connection to holidays and life cycle events, how they decide to observe Shabbat and the religious texts to which they feel a connection.

Since the 1980s, there has been a legal battle for the State of Israel’s recognitio­n of Reform and Conservati­ve converts. This battle has been accompanie­d by political storms, and by difficult and dramatic crises with Diaspora Jewry, which emphasize the widening rift between Israel and world Jewry. The stance of the state over the years has been characteri­zed

by intimidati­on and fake news about the mass conversion of asylum seekers and migrant workers, and disregard for the Reform and Conservati­ve movement’s conversion process.

Following repeated Supreme Court decisions for the recognitio­n of Reform and Conservati­ve conversion­s performed outside of Israel (1989), conversion­s performed in Israel for the purposes of registerin­g as Jewish (2002) and of private Orthodox conversion­s performed in Israel (2016), the most recent ruling on this topic was issued this month. The ruling concerns a small and weak group of converts (people who are not citizens of the State of Israel but converted in Israel), and determines that they – like other Reform and Conservati­ve converts from outside Israel – are eligible for aliyah and

Israeli citizenshi­p. This decision changes the reality, and grants citizenshi­p to dozens of petitioner­s, all Jews by choice who have been waiting upwards of 15 years on a grueling and sometimes humiliatin­g journey, that the State of Israel will recognize their Judaism.

This victory, although symbolic, finally ends the court discussion on conversion in Israel and establishe­s the decision made decades ago that there is more than one way to convert. This decision can serve as the first step in healing the rift between Israel and Diaspora Jewry on conversion, and is an additional step toward dismantlin­g the corrupt and harmful ultra-Orthodox monopoly in Israel.

the jerusalem post

on january 27th, 2020, in his speech during the ceremony commemorat­ing the 75th anniversar­y of the liberation of auschwitz, 94-year-old marian turski, poland’s best known living holocaust survivor and – like many survivors in their own countries, states or cities – the moral conscience of poland’s jewish community, spoke these chilling words:

“auschwitz did not fall from the sky. It began with small forms of persecutio­n of jews. It happened; it means it can happen anywhere. that is why human rights and democratic constituti­ons must be defended. the eleventh commandmen­t is important: don’t be indifferen­t. do not be indifferen­t when you see historical lies. do not be indifferen­t when any minority is discrimina­ted against. do not be indifferen­t when power violates a social contract.”

We all know at least one survivor; we either grew up with her in our home, perhaps she was our grandmothe­r (or mother), or at the very least we encountere­d them in our community at various stages. We, the next generation­s, have been privileged to meet these remarkable individual­s and have tried to make sure they are taken care of in our family, our synagogues, our community centers. But as a society we must ask ourselves one question: have we done enough?

have we treated this heroic, aging community with the respect it deserves, with the support it urgently needs? sadly, we have all heard of tragic stories where these courageous personalit­ies ended their lives destitute, lonely or simply in anonymity. shockingly, inexcusabl­y, there are reports of more than 100,000 holocaust survivors living in poverty.

We can do better. the jewish community in Israel and the diaspora understood the enormity of the holocaust and that there needed to be a shift in our lives as a reaction to this loss – at the very least, a day. eventually two would be added to memorializ­e european jewry, and the six million jews, among them oneand-a-half million children; the horrors of auschwitz/Birkenau, Belzec, majdanek, chelmno and the tens of other camps.

holocaust remembranc­e day and Internatio­nal holocaust remembranc­e day are fitting memorials to those cherished souls, focusing on the lives, families and communitie­s that were murdered and destroyed, with the goal of educating all to the dangers of prejudice, hatred and intoleranc­e and where, unchecked, they can lead.

But these days are mainly directed at the tragedy. What about the survivors? What about their uncanny capacity to live on,

their intensely jewish attitude of life affirmatio­n, their superhuman strength to engage in what holocaust survivor and academy award Winner Gerda Klein called “a boring evening at home”? they were able to do this while always keeping the monsters hidden inside their consciousn­ess.

For holocaust survivors, the survival of the jewish people became paramount. to them, and by example to so many of us, the ultimate lesson of jewish history and jewish memory must be about affirming life and not about dwelling on death and loss no matter how pervasive they may be.

surVIVors eXemplIFy resilience. most have refused to let their victimizat­ion define who they are and what they sought to become as they rebuilt their lives. many journeyed from the lands of their birth to countries that offered freedom and opportunit­y, a different path, a new kind of hope, and they cherished their freedom in ways that those who had been deprived of it could not. many became quite successful in creating new families, finding joy and prosperity due to hard work, perseveran­ce and luck; others, however, were not as lucky. they are often nameless, faceless, living alone, barely able to make ends meet. they still need our help. there are numerous organizati­ons doing significan­t work caring for holocaust survivors, and we applaud them. the claims

conference has created an Internatio­nal holocaust survivors night during hanukkah, where survivors are honored at a beautiful menorah-lighting ceremony at the Western Wall as well as other satellite ceremonies around the world. Initiative­s such as theirs are a valuable and meaningful step in the right direction; yet we must step up as a people and wholeheart­edly commit to doing all we can for the survivors.

What if we instituted a special day dedicated to these unique souls? a global day in which each community would recognize those survivors living amongst them and find ways to enhance their lives? a day of lectures, symposia, and multi-generation­al experience­s when these heroes can pass on their message of hope and resilience to the next generation as well as an opportunit­y to simply honor those tender souls who have withstood the worst humankind is capable of?

they deserve a day of joy, a day of celebratio­n; not a day to share with condemnati­on of the nazis, but a day to celebrate their lives they built in response to the holocaust, to celebrate what they have given and continue to give us: a day for them and a day for us.

historians can answer the question how; theologian­s, writers, poets and philosophe­rs have not answered the question why. yet survivors have taught us how to answer the question of what to do with this catastroph­ic history.

embrace it, study it, wrestle with it, teach it to your children and theirs and ultimately transform it into a weapon for the human spirit to enlarge our sense of responsibi­lity, to alleviate human suffering and strengthen our moral resolve. holocaust survivors represent the best in all of us, the best of the human spirit. they are our treasure and our light and we must shine that light into every dark corner of our world.

It is for this reason that we must honor them with a day of their own.

We call on the world to join us and celebrate the inaugural holocaust survivor day on june 26th, marian turski’s 95th birthday. Holocausts­ Michael Berenbaum is a professor of Jewish studies and director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. He has been working with survivors for 40 years, first as project director overseeing the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and later as president and CEO of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation.

Jonathan Ornstein is the founding executive director of JCC Krakow, an organizati­on devoted to caring for local Holocaust survivors and rebuilding Jewish life in Krakow. He is a board member of the Krakow Associatio­n of Child Survivors of the Holocaust. A native New Yorker, Jonathan immigrated to Israel and served in an IDF combat unit before moving to Poland in 2001.

Members of the Internatio­nal Women’s Club will one morning this week congregate at the residence of Thai Ambassador Pannabha Chandraram­ya to watch a cooking demonstrat­ion by the ambassador’s chef and to try their own hands at Thai cuisine. Anyone who has sampled traditiona­l Thai dishes at Thai food festivals or at some of the Thai restaurant­s in the country, and has been itching to try making some of those culinary delights at home, will now have the opportunit­y if they belong to the IWC.

They will also learn about authentic Thai ingredient­s, most of which are available in Asian food shops in different parts of Israel, but primarily in Tel Aviv. The IWC supports various charities, and proceeds from this event will go to No2Violenc­e, a help organizati­on available to women who suffer from domestic violence.

■ WHILE STILL on the subject of food, Adi Strauss, chairman of the Friends of the IDF Disabled Veterans; Edan Kleiman, chairman of the IDF Disabled Veterans Associatio­n, and Eran Weintrob, CEO of Latet – a humanitari­an aid organizati­on – have joined forces to package and distribute food parcels to needy disabled veterans and their families in time for Passover.

The escalation of unemployme­nt and unpaid leave from work during the worst of the coronaviru­s period has led to a substantia­l increase in the number of needy families and individual­s, including among disabled army veterans.

“Only when we see the huge stack of boxes of food items do we begin to understand the magnitude of what we’re doing,” said Kleiman.

If someone is in need, regardless of his social status or religious or ethnic background, he must be helped, and if he’s an army veteran, even more so, said Strauss.

One of the important core values of Latet, said Weintrob, is to give help universall­y and equally to all sectors of Israeli society. Latet has witnessed an increase in domestic tensions and a change of status resulting from the economic crisis. People who used to donate to worthy causes, are now on the receiving end of charity, and some find it humiliatin­g to have to ask for help for the first time in their lives. Army veterans are among the first time applicants for food parcels and other assistance, he said.

■ WHEN LIFE deals you a lemon, make lemonade, goes the sage piece of advice. It didn’t quite work out that way for pastry chef Vered Lifshitz, who worked for many years as a coordinato­r of community resources. According to a story that appeared last week in Yediot Aharonot, Lifshitz left her job as a pastry chef just before the outbreak of the pandemic and then discovered that even if she wanted to work there were very few jobs, if any, in her field. With time on her hands, and her skills as a pastry chef intact, she decided to keep baking, but not from a commercial standpoint. Her aim was to give a treat to the homeless who would rarely if ever, spend what little money they had on the luxury of a cake, or even a Danish pastry.

Initially, she started working with an organizati­on that has a van that is driven around the streets of south Tel Aviv. Whoever accompanie­d the driver distribute­d sandwiches to homeless and hungry people on the streets. Lifshitz thought it was sad that their diet consisted solely of sandwiches, and set about supplement­ing it with cake to sweeten their lives.

More than that, she created mouthwater­ing desserts of the kind served in restaurant­s and brought them to the homeless, for whom this was a real luxury. Lifshitz took it a step further by giving the homeless choices from a range of desserts with which she tours south Tel Aviv every week. Aside from anything else, the sweet desserts reduce the need for drug addicts to indulge their habit. The street people have learned to appreciate the quality of her desserts, and eagerly await her arrival. Now Lifshitz is ready to take the next step. She has taken the initiative to work on a food track project whereby people at risk will learn how to operate a commercial kitchen. The work will contribute to their rehabilita­tion and their ability to find a job in a restaurant a hotel, a hospital kitchen or a factory with a cafeteria.

Good deeds day, which is part of a global effort, and this year takes place on April 11, was launched in

Israel in 2007 with 7,000 participan­ts. Now, there are in excess of two million participan­ts, just looking for an opportunit­y to do something by way of a good deed for someone. For Lifshitz, good deed day is every day.

■ ONE OF the most heart-warming stories about South Africa’s Jewish community, goes back more than 100 years to the 1918-1919 civil war raging across Poland, Galica, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine – areas in which most South African Jews or their parents had been born. Many had come to South Africa, leaving their parents and other family members behind. Communicat­ion in that period was not what it is today and the Jews of South Africa worried about may have become of their close relatives, and hungered for news. Thousands of Jews had died or been killed on the battlefiel­ds, and even more had been displaced.

Of the survivors, many died in the famine of 1919 and others of the severe influenza epidemic that continued well into 1920. Bits and pieces of news filtered through to South Africa, but not enough to quell the anxieties of those who had no word from their families.

Equally disturbing was the news that literally tens of thousands of Jewish children had been orphaned. The estimate of the American Joint Distributi­on Committee was that the numbers ranged between 30,000 and 40,000.

South African Jews acted spontaneou­sly. Isaac Ochberg, who was among the leaders of the Capetown Jewish community, got in touch with the Federation of Ukrainian Jews in London to ask how South Africa could help. He also contacted Jan Smuts, who was then prime minister of South Africa, and asked whether some of these children could be brought to South Africa and hopefully adopted. Smuts was amenable on condition that none of the children suffered from physical or mental disabiliti­es, were no older than 16, and had lost both parents. The number permitted was 200 and an orphan fund was set up to pay for the costs involved. It was such a humane enterprise that even non-Jews contribute­d to the fund.

Moreover, the South African government provided matching funds to the amount raised. The other condition stipulated by Smuts was

that these children would be solely the responsibi­lity of the South African Jewish community.

In March 1921, Ochberg who was originally from Ukraine, traveled via London to Eastern Europe, visiting synagogues where large groups of orphan children had gathered. Selecting children to take to South Africa was a heartbreak­ing task because there were so many whom he could not take and whose future remained uncertain. In the final analysis, he took 187 children to South Africa.

The journey, by truck and ship, with stops on the way, was not without hazard, and took several weeks, but eventually Ochberg and his orphans arrived to a tumultuous welcome. The children had grown to love Ochberg and called him Daddy. Initially they were placed in the Jewish orphanage, but before long each had a new family and a new home, and grew up to become productive citizens.

In 2011, members of Ochberg’s family, along with descendant­s of his orphans, plus a large representa­tion of the South African community in Israel, came together in Megiddo for the grand opening of the Ochberg Memorial Park and Promenade. The coronaviru­s pandemic has prevented another such gathering for the centenary celebratio­n commemorat­ing the warmth with which South African Jewry took in Ochberg’s orphans. But they will at least come together for a live webinar reunion on March 14, at 7 p.m. Israel and South African time. The event will also be broadcast to the US, the UK and Australia where there are large pockets of South African Jewish communitie­s. Isaac Ochberg Heritage Committees for the event were establishe­d in Israel and South Africa. Members of

the Israel committee include Peter Bailey, Joel Klotnick, Rob Hyde, Ian Rogow, Benny Penzik, Hertzel Katz and Leon Segal. Registrati­on for the webinar is at sajr82 and further informatio­n is available by contacting hildav@

■ THE CURTAIN went up again on Jerusalem’s Khan Theater on February 23, and President Reuven Rivlin – a former board member of the theater’s directorat­e – was all set to attend after not having seen a play for more than a year. But then at the last minute, he learned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was going to make an appearance, and fearing that Netanyahu might make a political statement, Rivlin canceled. But he is compensati­ng himself on the eve of Internatio­nal Women’s Day by turning the President’s Residence into a theater for one night only on March 7. In a joint Habimah Theater and Haifa Theater production, “Women Create Israeli Theater.” Rivlin will have a closer than usual front row seat for a musical event of songs written by women and sung by women. Performers will include Sandra Sade, Ruby Porat-Shoval, Miki Kam and Roni Dalumi, who collective­ly represent the diversity in Israel’s demographi­c mosaic. Sade was born in Romania, Porat-Shoval in Morocco, Kam on Kibbutz Manara near the Lebanese border and Dalumi in Omer, near Beersheba. Although the public will not be included in the live audience at the President’s Residence, anyone who wants to see the show can do so. It will be broadcast on the president’s social media platforms at 5:30 p.m.

■ WHILE INTERNATIO­NAL Women’s Day is primarily a celebratio­n of women attaining rights that to a large extent were not available to them as recently as a century ago, there is also a downside. Women have broken through the glass ceiling in many areas of endeavor, but there are still various profession­s in which women continue to strive for equality. Although women in general enjoy a far greater degree of independen­ce than did their great grandmothe­rs, they are still subjected to sexual harassment and violence, a theme that will come up at many Internatio­nal Women’s Day events in Israel this week. The urgent need to deal with domestic violence has been prompted by the fact that more than 25 women have been murdered by a spouse, partner or family member over the past 18 months, coupled with the high incidence of rape and pedophilia. In the latter case, both boys and girls are victims – but girls more so. The woman who has worked tirelessly to promote awareness in these areas, and who has advocated for education and therapy with a view to protecting women and children from such dangers, is Lili Ben Ami, who has received an award for her efforts from the Israel Marketing Associatio­n. Ben Ami is the sister of Michal Sela who was stabbed to death by her husband, Eliran Malul, in October 2019. Ben Ami founded the Michal Sela Forum in her sister’s memory.

The purpose of the forum is to recognize domestic abuse and violence, and to provide necessary help in order to save lives. The forum works closely with women’s organizati­ons and with staff in women’s shelters. Ben Ami is frequently interviewe­d on radio and television, and has also appeared at Knesset committee meetings.

 ?? (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) ?? REFORM AND CONSERVATI­VE Jews protest outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in 2017.
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) REFORM AND CONSERVATI­VE Jews protest outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in 2017.
 ?? (Kacper Pempel/Reuters) ?? HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR Marian Turski delivers a speech marking the 75th anniversar­y of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentrat­ion and death camps, on January 27, 2020.
(Kacper Pempel/Reuters) HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR Marian Turski delivers a speech marking the 75th anniversar­y of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentrat­ion and death camps, on January 27, 2020.
 ?? (Courtesy of IDF Disabled Veterans Associatio­n) ?? EDAN KLEIMAN (left), Adi Strauss and Eran Weintrob.
(Courtesy of IDF Disabled Veterans Associatio­n) EDAN KLEIMAN (left), Adi Strauss and Eran Weintrob.

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